Core for VISCA protocol
ParameterCount: 560
Model:Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 (1101) AIDA GEN3G200 Development Status: beta (58 params) | AIDA HD-NDI-200 (1107) AIDA HD-NDI-200 Development Status: beta (53 params) | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B (1108) AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B Development Status: concept (116 params) | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP (1102) AIDA PTZ-X12-IP Development Status: beta (66 params) | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP (1103) AIDA PTZ-X20-IP Supports Discovery Development Status: beta (65 params) | AIDA PTZ3-X20L (1104) AIDA PTZ3-X20L Development Status: beta (72 params) | AIDA UHD100 (1105) AIDA UHD100 Development Status: beta (27 params) | AIDA UHD6GX12L (1106) AIDA UHD6GX12L Development Status: beta (46 params) | AJA RovoCam (1201) AJA RovoCam Development Status: beta (63 params) | Angekis Saber (1301) Angekis Saber Development Status: beta (68 params) | AVER DL10 (1407) AVER DL10 Development Status: beta (50 params) | AVER DL30 (1406) AVER DL30 Development Status: beta (51 params) | AVER PTC115 (1404) AVER PTC115 Supports Discovery Development Status: beta (51 params) | AVER PTC310 (1401) AVER PTC310 Supports Discovery Development Status: beta (56 params) | AVER PTC310HWV2 (1409) AVER PTC310HWV2 Development Status: beta (72 params) | AVER PTC310UV2 (1408) AVER PTC310UV2 Development Status: beta (72 params) | AVER PTC320UNV2 (1410) AVER PTC320UNV2 Development Status: beta (72 params) | AVER PTC330UV2 (1411) AVER PTC330UV2 Development Status: beta (72 params) | AVER PTC500 (1402) AVER PTC500 Supports Discovery Development Status: beta (51 params) | AVER PTZ310 (1403) AVER PTZ310 Supports Discovery Development Status: beta (55 params) | AVER PTZ310UNV2 (1412) AVER PTZ310UNV2 Development Status: beta (71 params) | AVER PTZ330 (1405) AVER PTZ330 Development Status: beta (55 params) | AVKANS (3201) AVKANS Development Status: released (76 params) | Avonic CM4x (1501) Control of all Avonic CM4x cameras Development Status: beta (82 params) | Avonic CM60 (1503) Control of Avonic CM60 box camera Development Status: beta (77 params) | Avonic CM7x (1502) Control of all Avonic CM7x cameras Development Status: beta (82 params) | Avonic CM93 (1504) Control of all Avonic CM93 camera Development Status: beta (81 params) | BirdDog A200 (1608) BirdDog A200 Supports Discovery Development Status: beta (95 params) | BirdDog A300 (1609) BirdDog A300 Supports Discovery Development Status: beta (95 params) | BirdDog P100 (1601) BirdDog P100 Supports Discovery Development Status: beta (77 params) | BirdDog P110 (1604) BirdDog P110 running with same ModelConfig as BirdDog P100 Supports Discovery Development Status: beta (78 params) | BirdDog P120 (1605) BirdDog P120 Supports Discovery Development Status: released (76 params) | BirdDog P200 (1602) BirdDog P200 Supports Discovery Development Status: released (95 params) | BirdDog P240 (1610) BirdDog P240 Supports Discovery Development Status: released (108 params) | BirdDog P400 (1603) BirdDog P400 Supports Discovery Development Status: beta (112 params) | BirdDog P4K (1607) BirdDog P4K Supports Discovery Development Status: released (112 params) | BirdDog PF120 (1606) BirdDog PF120 Supports Discovery Development Status: released (77 params) | BirdDog X1 (1614) BirdDog X1. This is a temporary implementation based on older cameras. Some values might be off. Final integration will be available soon. Supports Discovery Development Status: concept (52 params) | BirdDog X1 Ultra (1612) BirdDog X1 Ultra. This is a temporary implementation based on older cameras. Some values might be off. Final integration will be available soon. Supports Discovery Development Status: concept (52 params) | BirdDog X5 Ultra (1613) BirdDog X5 Ultra. This is a temporary implementation based on older cameras. Some values might be off. Final integration will be available soon. Curent version tested with firmware 0.3.0017.00 from November 6, 2024 Supports Discovery Development Status: concept (47 params) | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) (1702) Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) Development Status: beta (106 params) | Bolin BC-9 Series (1701) Bolin BC-9 Series Development Status: beta (71 params) | Bolin BC7 (1704) Bolin BC7 Development Status: released (109 params) | Bolin SD530 (1703) Bolin SD530 Development Status: released (77 params) | Data Video PTR 10 (1803) Data Video PTR 10 Development Status: beta (39 params) | DataVideo BC200 (1805) DataVideo BC200 Development Status: beta (46 params) | DataVideo BC80 (1804) DataVideo BC80 Development Status: beta (46 params) | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) (1801) DATAVIDEO PTC140 via IP Development Status: beta (71 params) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 (1810) DATAVIDEO PTC145 Development Status: beta (88 params) | DataVideo PTC150 (1802) DataVideo PTC150 Development Status: beta (51 params) | DataVideo PTC200 (1806) DataVideo PTC200 Development Status: beta (51 params) | DATAVIDEO PTC280 (1808) DATAVIDEO PTC280 Development Status: concept (74 params) | DATAVIDEO PTC285 (1807) DATAVIDEO PTC285 Development Status: released (88 params) | DATAVIDEO PTC305 (1809) DATAVIDEO PTC305 Development Status: beta (88 params) | DataVideo PTR 15 (1811) DataVideo PTR 15 Development Status: released (30 params) | eMotimo ST4 (3101) Control the eMotimo ST4 with Visca Development Status: beta (71 params) | Everet EVC312 (1902) Everet EVC312 Development Status: beta (59 params) | Everet EVC320 (1903) Everet EVC320 Development Status: beta (59 params) | Everet EVN210 (1915) Everet EVN210 Development Status: beta (59 params) | Everet EVN220 (1916) Everet EVN220 Development Status: beta (59 params) | Everet EVP212 (1905) Everet EVP212 Development Status: beta (59 params) | Everet EVP212N (1906) Everet EVP212N Development Status: beta (59 params) | Everet EVP220 (1904) Everet EVP220 Development Status: beta (59 params) | Everet EVP220N (1901) Everet EVP220N Supports Discovery Development Status: beta (59 params) | Everet EVP230 (1907) Everet EVP230 Development Status: beta (59 params) | Everet EVP230N (1908) Everet EVP230N Development Status: beta (59 params) | Everet EVP312 (1921) Everet EVP312 Development Status: released (96 params) | Everet EVP320 (1920) Everet EVP320 Development Status: released (96 params) | Everet EVP412 (1919) Everet EVP412 Development Status: beta (59 params) | Everet EVP412N (1910) Everet EVP412N Development Status: beta (59 params) | Everet EVP435 (1911) Everet EVP435 Development Status: beta (59 params) | Everet EVP435N (1912) Everet EVP435N Development Status: beta (59 params) | Everet EVPRO1 (1918) Everet EVPRO1 Development Status: released (96 params) | Everet EVPRO2 (1917) Everet EVPRO2 Development Status: beta (59 params) | Everet EVX220 (1913) Everet EVX220 Supports Discovery Development Status: beta (59 params) | Everet EVX230 (1914) Everet EVX230 Supports Discovery Development Status: released (59 params) | Generic Visca (1) Generic Visca control (no inquiry) Development Status: beta (62 params) | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P (4001) iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P Development Status: beta (56 params) | JVC KY-PZ100 (2001) JVC KY-PZ100 Supports Discovery Development Status: beta (60 params) | JVC KY-PZ400 (2002) JVC KY-PZ400 Supports Discovery Development Status: beta (60 params) | Lumens VC-A50P (2101) Lumens VC-A50P Development Status: beta (92 params) | Lumens VC-A61P (2102) Lumens VC-A61P Development Status: beta (74 params) | Lumens VC-R30 (2103) Lumens VC-R30 Development Status: beta (101 params) | Marshall CV344 (2215) Marshall CV344 Development Status: concept (109 params) | Marshall CV346 (2216) Marshall CV346 Development Status: concept (109 params) | Marshall CV348 (2217) Marshall CV348 Development Status: concept (109 params) | Marshall CV350 (2201) Marshall CV350 Development Status: beta (63 params) | Marshall CV350-10XB (2206) Marshall CV350-10XB Development Status: beta (64 params) | Marshall CV355-30x (2204) Marshall CV355-30x Development Status: beta (114 params) | Marshall CV366 (2222) Marshall CV366 Development Status: concept (103 params) | Marshall CV368 (2223) Marshall CV368 Development Status: concept (103 params) | Marshall CV380-CS (2209) Marshall CV380-CS Development Status: concept (109 params) | Marshall CV420-30x (2205) Marshall CV420-30x Development Status: beta (114 params) | Marshall CV420-CS (2208) Marshall CV420-CS Development Status: concept (107 params) | Marshall CV503 (2210) Marshall CV503 Development Status: concept (109 params) | Marshall CV503-WP (2218) Marshall CV503-WP Development Status: concept (105 params) | Marshall CV504 (2211) Marshall CV504 Development Status: concept (109 params) | Marshall CV504-WP (2219) Marshall CV504-WP Development Status: concept (105 params) | Marshall CV506 (2213) Marshall CV506 Development Status: concept (109 params) | Marshall CV506-H12 (2212) Marshall CV506-H12 Development Status: concept (109 params) | Marshall CV508 (2214) Marshall CV508 Development Status: concept (109 params) | Marshall CV566 (2220) Marshall CV566 Development Status: concept (103 params) | Marshall CV568 (2221) Marshall CV568 Development Status: concept (103 params) | Marshall CV620 (2202) Marshall CV620 Development Status: beta (92 params) | Marshall CV630 (2207) Marshall CV630 Development Status: beta (126 params) | Marshall CV730 (2203) Marshall CV730 Development Status: released (96 params) | MiniZeus (2901) MiniZeus Development Status: beta (125 params) | Minnray PTZ (2301) Minnray PTZ Development Status: beta (71 params) | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 (2402) NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 Development Status: beta (92 params) | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 (2403) NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 Development Status: beta (109 params) | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI (2401) NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI Development Status: beta (74 params) | OBSBOT Tail 2 (4103) OBSBOT Tail 2 Supports Discovery Development Status: released (54 params) | OBSBOT Tail Air (4101) OBSBOT Tail Air Supports Discovery Development Status: released (52 params) | OBSBOT Tiny 2 (4102) OBSBOT Tiny 2 Supports Discovery Development Status: concept (50 params) | OptoVER K-M (2502) OptoVER K-M Development Status: beta (63 params) | OptoVER K-NM (2504) OptoVER K-NM Development Status: beta (63 params) | OptoVER P-A (2501) OptoVER P-A Development Status: beta (63 params) | OptoVER P-NA (2505) OptoVER P-NA Supports Discovery Development Status: beta (57 params) | OptoVER P-U (2503) OptoVER P-U Development Status: beta (63 params) | Presenter Tek (4201) Presenter Tek Development Status: concept (37 params) | PTZOptics Cameras (2601) PT12, PT20, PT30 Development Status: released (76 params) | PTZOptics Move 4K (2604) PTZOptics Move 4K 12x, 20x, 30x cameras, Generation 3 Development Status: concept (81 params) | PTZOptics Move SE (2605) PTZOptics Move SE 12x, 20x, 30x cameras, Generation 3 Development Status: concept (79 params) | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 (2603) PTZOptics PTx-ZCAM G1 Supports Discovery Development Status: beta (87 params) | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 (2602) PTZOptics PTx-ZCAM G2 Supports Discovery Development Status: beta (76 params) | Ross PivotCam (2701) Ross PivotCam Development Status: beta (55 params) | Ross PTZ 12G (2702) Ross PTZ 12G Development Status: beta (96 params) | Rush Works PTX3 (3301) Rush Works PTX3 Development Status: beta (35 params) | Salray Works N-Bot (3001) Salray Works N-Bot Supports Discovery Development Status: beta (50 params) | SKY EYE-30HZ-S (3401) SKY EYE-30HZ-S Development Status: concept (126 params) | Sony BRC-H780 (2810) Sony BRC-H780 Development Status: beta (134 params) | Sony BRC-H800 (2808) Sony BRC-H800 Development Status: beta (134 params) | Sony BRC-H900 (2801) Sony BRC-H900 Development Status: beta (98 params) | Sony BRC-X1000 (2803) Sony BRC-X1000 Development Status: beta (134 params) | Sony BRC-X400 (2802) Sony BRC-X400 Development Status: beta (135 params) | Sony BRC-X401 (2809) Sony BRC-X401 Development Status: beta (135 params) | Sony BRC-Z700 (2804) Sony BRC-Z700 Development Status: beta (99 params) | Sony ILME-FR7 (2811) Sony ILME-FR7 Supports Discovery Development Status: beta (89 params) | Sony SRG-300 (2805) Sony SRG-300 Development Status: beta (64 params) | Sony SRG-X400 (2806) Sony SRG-X400 Development Status: beta (100 params) | Sony SRG-XB25 (2807) Sony SRG-XB25 Development Status: beta (67 params) | Telycam SE 4K (4301) Telycam Explore SE 4K camera Supports Discovery Development Status: concept (90 params) | Telycam Vision + (4302) Telycam Vision + Supports Discovery Development Status: concept (90 params) | |
AI | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AI Mode No description CAM_AI | - | Control: 0:OFF1:Normal Track 2:Upper Body (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:OFF1:Normal Track 2:Upper Body 3:Close Up (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Normal1:Movement (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AI Speed No description CAM_AI_SPEED | - | Control: 0:Super Lazy1:Lazy 2:Slow 3:Fast 4:Crazy 5:Custom (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Slow1:Standard 2:Fast (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AI Track No description CAM_AI_TRACK | - | Control: 0:Disable1:Enable (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Advanced | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Smart Focus No description CAM_BA | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dynamic Hot Pixel No description CAM_DYNAMIC_HOT_PIXEL | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Scene No description CAM_SCENE | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Audio | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
AGC Limit No description CAM_AUDIO_AGCLIMIT | - | Control: 0:0 dB1:5 dB 2:10 dB 3:15 dB 4:20 dB 5:25 dB 6:30 dB 7:35 dB 8:40 dB 9:45 dB 10:50 dB 11:55 dB 12:58 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:0 dB1:5 dB 2:10 dB 3:15 dB 4:20 dB 5:25 dB 6:30 dB 7:35 dB 8:40 dB 9:45 dB 10:50 dB 11:55 dB 12:58 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:0 dB1:5 dB 2:10 dB 3:15 dB 4:20 dB 5:25 dB 6:30 dB 7:35 dB 8:40 dB 9:45 dB 10:50 dB 11:55 dB 12:58 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:0 dB1:5 dB 2:10 dB 3:15 dB 4:20 dB 5:25 dB 6:30 dB 7:35 dB 8:40 dB 9:45 dB 10:50 dB 11:55 dB 12:58 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:0 dB1:5 dB 2:10 dB 3:15 dB 4:20 dB 5:25 dB 6:30 dB 7:35 dB 8:40 dB 9:45 dB 10:50 dB 11:55 dB 12:58 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CH1 Control No description CAM_AUDIO_CH1 | - | Control: 0:Manual1:Auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CH1 Level No description CAM_AUDIO_CH1_LEVEL | - | Control: Integer [0:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CH2 Control No description CAM_AUDIO_CH2 | - | Control: 0:Manual1:Auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CH2 Level No description CAM_AUDIO_CH2_LEVEL | - | Control: Integer [0:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Delay Mode No description CAM_AUDIO_DELAY_ENABLE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Delay Time No description CAM_AUDIO_DELAY_TIME | - | Control: Integer [0:500]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:500]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:500]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:500]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In Type No description CAM_AUDIO_IN_TYPE | - | Control: 0:Off1:Mic in 2:Line In (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:Line In3:Mic in (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:Off1:Mic in 2:Line In (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:Line In3:Mic in (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:Off1:Mic in 2:Line In (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:Mic in 2:Line In (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:Mic in 2:Line In (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:Line In3:Mic in (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Master Level No description CAM_AUDIO_MASTER_LEVEL | - | Control: Integer [0:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enable No description CAM_AUDIO_ONOFF | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Padding No description CAM_AUDIO_PADDING | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sample Rate No description CAM_AUDIO_SAMPLERATEE | - | Control: 0:48 kHz (AAC)1:44.1 kHz (AAC) 2:16 kHz (AAC) (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:16 bit1:20 bit 2:24 bit 3:32 bit (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:48 kHz (AAC)1:44.1 kHz (AAC) 2:16 kHz (AAC) 3:16 kHz (G.711) 4:8 kHz (G.711) (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:16 bit1:20 bit 2:24 bit 3:32 bit (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:48 kHz (AAC)1:44.1 kHz (AAC) 2:16 kHz (AAC) 3:16 kHz (G.711) 4:8 kHz (G.711) (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:16 bit1:20 bit 2:24 bit 3:32 bit (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:16 bit1:20 bit 2:24 bit 3:32 bit (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:16 bit1:20 bit 2:24 bit 3:32 bit (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:48 kHz (AAC)1:44.1 kHz (AAC) 2:16 kHz (AAC) 3:16 kHz (G.711) 4:8 kHz (G.711) (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Volume No description CAM_AUDIO_VOLUME | - | Control: Integer [0:10]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:-12 dB1:-6 dB 2:0 dB 3:5 dB 4:10 dB 5:15 dB 6:20 dB 7:25 dB 8:30 dB 9:35 dB 10:40 dB 11:45 dB 12:48 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:10]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:-12 dB1:-6 dB 2:0 dB 3:5 dB 4:10 dB 5:15 dB 6:20 dB 7:25 dB 8:30 dB 9:35 dB 10:40 dB 11:45 dB 12:48 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:10]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:-12 dB1:-6 dB 2:0 dB 3:5 dB 4:10 dB 5:15 dB 6:20 dB 7:25 dB 8:30 dB 9:35 dB 10:40 dB 11:45 dB 12:48 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:-12 dB1:-6 dB 2:0 dB 3:5 dB 4:10 dB 5:15 dB 6:20 dB 7:25 dB 8:30 dB 9:35 dB 10:40 dB 11:45 dB 12:48 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:-12 dB1:-6 dB 2:0 dB 3:5 dB 4:10 dB 5:15 dB 6:20 dB 7:25 dB 8:30 dB 9:35 dB 10:40 dB 11:45 dB 12:48 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:10]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Tracking | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Auto Tilt No description CAM_AT_AUTO_TILT | - | Control: 0:Off1:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off1:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Zoom No description CAM_AT_AUTO_ZOOM | - | Control: 0:Off1:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off1:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Tracking Time Lost Set the time that the camera will return to initial position after person is no longer in the tracking area CAM_AT_CHANGE_TIME | - | Control: 5:0.5 s10:1 s 15:1.5 s 20:2 s 25:2.5 s 30:3 s 35:3.5 s 40:4 s 45:4.5 s 50:5 s 55:5.5 s 60:6 s 65:6.5 s 70:7 s 75:7.5 s 80:8 s 85:8.5 s 90:9 s 95:9.5 s 100:10 s (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 5:0.5 s10:1 s 15:1.5 s 20:2 s 25:2.5 s 30:3 s 35:3.5 s 40:4 s 45:4.5 s 50:5 s 55:5.5 s 60:6 s 65:6.5 s 70:7 s 75:7.5 s 80:8 s 85:8.5 s 90:9 s 95:9.5 s 100:10 s (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 5:0.5 s10:1 s 15:1.5 s 20:2 s 25:2.5 s 30:3 s 35:3.5 s 40:4 s 45:4.5 s 50:5 s 55:5.5 s 60:6 s 65:6.5 s 70:7 s 75:7.5 s 80:8 s 85:3.5 s 90:9 s 95:9.5 s 100:10 s (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Start Position Current No description CAM_AT_CURRENT_POSITION | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Tracking Enable Start/stop Auto Tracking function CAM_AT_ENABLE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Disable1:Enable (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Disable1:Enable (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 0:Disable1:Enable (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Figure Size No description CAM_AT_FIGURE_SIZE | - | Control: 0:Full1:Half Body 2:Close Up 3:Customized (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Full1:Half Body 2:Close Up 3:Customized (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Figure Size No description CAM_AT_FIGURE_SIZE_DIRECT | - | Control: Integer [50:350]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [50:350]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detected Indicator No description CAM_AT_INDICATOR | - | Control: 2:On3:Off 4:Default (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off 4:Default (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
OSD Reminder No description CAM_AT_OSD_REMINDER | - | Control: 0:Off1:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off1:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AT Placement No description CAM_AT_PLACEMENT | - | Control: 0:Left1:Center 2:Right (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Left1:Center 2:Right (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Select Subject Confirm No description CAM_AT_SELECT_SUBJECT_CONFIRM | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Select Subject Left No description CAM_AT_SELECT_SUBJECT_LEFT | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Select Subject Right No description CAM_AT_SELECT_SUBJECT_RIGHT | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AT Speed No description CAM_AT_SPEED | - | Control: 0:Fast1:Mid 2:Slow (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Slow1:Mid 2:Fast (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:Fast1:Mid 2:Slow (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Tracking Target Location Choose if you want the person being tracked to be aligned on the left, right or center of the camera. CAM_AT_TARGET_LOCATION | - | Control: 0:Center1:Left 2:Right (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Center1:Left 2:Right (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Center1:Left 2:Right (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Tracking Target Ratio Determine how zoomed in you want the camera to be on the person being tracked. 1/6 is totally zoomed in and 1/20 is totally zoomed out. CAM_AT_TARGET_RATIO | - | Control: 1:whole body6:1/6 8:1/8 10:1/10 12:1/12 16:1/16 20:1/20 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:whole body6:1/6 8:1/8 10:1/10 12:1/12 16:1/16 20:1/20 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:Whole Body6:1/6 8:1/8 10:1/10 12:1/12 16:1/16 20:1/20 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Tracking Lock Scaling Ratio Enable this function so that the camera will not zoom in and out during tracking. CAM_AT_ZOOM_LOCK | - | Control: 0:Disable1:Enable (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Disable1:Enable (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Disable1:Enable (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Tracking/Black Board | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Auto Tracking Blackboard Mode Enable to set specific areas where tracking will be disabled when person enter the area. After leave the area camera will start tracking again. CAM_AT_BLACK_BOARD_MODE | - | Control: 0:Disable1:Enable (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Disable1:Enable (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Disable1:Enable (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Call Auto Tracking Black Board Position 0 Call the preset that is saved as the area where tracking is disabled. CAM_AT_CALL_BLACK_BOARD_0 | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Call Auto Tracking Black Board Position 1 Call the preset that is saved as the area where tracking is disabled. CAM_AT_CALL_BLACK_BOARD_1 | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clear Auto Tracking Black Board Position 0 Delete the preset that is saved as the area where tracking is disabled. CAM_AT_CLEAR_BLACK_BOARD_0 | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clear Auto Tracking Black Board Position 1 Delete the preset that is saved as the area where tracking is disabled. CAM_AT_CLEAR_BLACK_BOARD_1 | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Set Auto Tracking Black Board Position 0 Set the preset of the area where tracking will be disabled CAM_AT_SET_BLACK_BOARD_0 | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Set Auto Tracking Black Board Position 1 Set the preset of the area where tracking will be disabled CAM_AT_SET_BLACK_BOARD_1 | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Tracking/Limit | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Call Auto Tracking initial position Call the initial position preset to see what the position was. CAM_AT_CALL_INITIAL_POSITION | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Call Auto Tracking left up position Call the left up position to see what the position was. CAM_AT_CALL_LEFTUP_LIMIT | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Call Auto Tracking right down position Call the right down position to see what the position was. CAM_AT_CALL_RIGHTDOWN_LIMIT | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clear Auto Tracking initial position Clear Auto Tracking initial position. CAM_AT_CLEAR_INITIAL_POSITION | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clear Auto Tracking Left Up Limit Clear the left up position limit. CAM_AT_CLEAR_LEFTUP_LIMIT | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clear Auto Tracking Right Down Limit Clear the right down position limit. CAM_AT_CLEAR_RIGHTDOWN_LIMIT | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enable Auto Tracking Area Enable the tracking area set with the Left up and right down position. Everything in between will be seen as tracking area. CAM_AT_LIMIT_ENABLE | - | Control: 0:Disable1:Enable (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Disable1:Enable (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Disable1:Enable (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Set Auto Tracking Initial Position Set the start position of the camera so it can detect a person to start tracking. This is also seen as an overview position. CAM_AT_SET_INITIAL_POSITION | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Set Auto Tracking Left up Position This position will set the max. left Hight corner that the camera will move to for finding a person. CAM_AT_SET_LEFTUP_LIMIT | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Set Auto Tracking Right Down Position This position will set the max. right down corner that the camera will move to for finding a person. CAM_AT_SET_RIGHTDOWN_LIMIT | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Axis Limit | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Clear No description CAM_AXISLIMIT_CLEAR | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Axis: (127)----- | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Set High No description CAM_AXISLIMIT_SET_HIGH | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Axis: (127)----- | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Set Low No description CAM_AXISLIMIT_SET_LOW | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Axis: (127)----- | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Color | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Color Detail | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Color Detail Mode No description CAM_COLORDETAIL | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Color Detail Area Indication No description CAM_COLORDETAIL_AREAINDICATION | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Color Detail Level No description CAM_COLORDETAIL_LEVEL | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Color Detail Phase No description CAM_COLORDETAIL_PHASE | - | Control: Integer [0:359]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:359]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Color Detail Saturation No description CAM_COLORDETAIL_SATURATION | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Color Detail Width No description CAM_COLORDETAIL_WIDTH | - | Control: Integer [0:90]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:90]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ColorEnhance | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Cb fixed for high No description CAM_CE_Cb_HIGH | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cb fixed for low No description CAM_CE_Cb_LOW | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cr fixed for high No description CAM_CE_Cr_HIGH | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cr fixed for low No description CAM_CE_Cr_LOW | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Threshold Level No description CAM_CE_THRESHOLD | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Y fixed for high No description CAM_CE_Y_HIGH | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Y fixed for low No description CAM_CE_Y_LOW | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ColorEnhance Mode No description CAM_COLORENHANCE_MODE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Colour Matrix | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Blue Gain No description CAM_BLUE_GAIN | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Blue Hue No description CAM_BLUE_HUE | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cyan Gain No description CAM_CYAN_GAIN | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cyan Hue No description CAM_CYAN_HUE | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Green Gain No description CAM_GREEN_GAIN | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Green Hue No description CAM_GREEN_HUE | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Magenta Gain No description CAM_MAGENTA_GAIN | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Magenta Hue No description CAM_MAGENTA_HUE | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Red Gain No description CAM_RED_GAIN | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Red Hue No description CAM_RED_HUE | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yellow Gain No description CAM_YELLOW_GAIN | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yellow Hue No description CAM_YELLOW_HUE | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ctrl | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Detail | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Bandwidth No description CAM_DETAIL_BANDWIDTH | - | Control: 0:Default1:Low 2:Middle 3:High 4:Wide (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Default1:Low 2:Middle 3:High 4:Wide (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Default1:Low 2:Middle 3:High 4:Wide (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Default1:Low 2:Middle 3:High 4:Wide (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Default1:Low 2:Middle 3:High 4:Wide (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Default1:Low 2:Middle 3:High 4:Wide (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detail Black Limit No description CAM_DETAIL_BLACKLIMIT | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
B/W Balance No description CAM_DETAIL_BWBALANCE | - | Control: 0:Type11:Type2 2:Type3 3:Type4 4:Type5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Type11:Type2 2:Type3 3:Type4 4:Type5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Type11:Type2 2:Type3 3:Type4 4:Type5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Type01:Type1 2:Type2 3:Type3 4:Type4 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Type01:Type1 2:Type2 3:Type3 4:Type4 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Type01:Type1 2:Type2 3:Type3 4:Type4 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Crispening No description CAM_DETAIL_CRISPENING | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Frequency No description CAM_DETAIL_FREQ | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HighLightDetail No description CAM_DETAIL_HIGHLIGHTDETAIL | - | Control: Integer [0:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
H/V Balance No description CAM_DETAIL_HVBALANCE | - | Control: 5:-26:-1 7:0 8:+1 9:+2 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 5:-26:-1 7:0 8:+1 9:+2 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 5:-26:-1 7:0 8:+1 9:+2 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 5:-26:-1 7:0 8:+1 9:+2 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 5:-26:-1 7:0 8:+1 9:+2 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 5:-26:-1 7:0 8:1 9:2 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: - | - | Control: 5:-26:-1 7:0 8:+1 9:+2 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Knee Apt Level No description CAM_DETAIL_KNEEAPTLEVEL | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Level No description CAM_DETAIL_LEVEL | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Limit No description CAM_DETAIL_LIMIT | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detail Mode No description CAM_DETAIL_MODE | - | Control: 0:Auto1:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Auto1:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Auto1:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Auto1:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Auto1:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Superlow No description CAM_DETAIL_SUPERLOW | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
V DTL Creation No description CAM_DETAIL_VDTLCREATION | - | Control: 0:NAM1:G 2:G+R 3:true (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:NAM1:G 2:G+R 3:true (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
White Limiter No description CAM_DETAIL_WHITE_LIMITER | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
E1E2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Home No description CAM_E1E2_HOME | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reset No description CAM_E1E2_RESET | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
E1 Speed No description CAM_E1_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [-127:127]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
E2 Speed No description CAM_E2_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [-127:127]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
E1E2/Position | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Absolute E1 Position No description CAM_ABSE1POS | - | Control: Integer [0:268435455]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Absolute E1 Speed No description CAM_ABSE1_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Absolute E2 Position No description CAM_ABSE2POS | - | Control: Integer [0:268435455]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Absolute E2 Speed No description CAM_ABSE2_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
E3E4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Home No description CAM_E3E4_HOME | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reset No description CAM_E3E4_RESET | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
E3 Speed No description CAM_E3_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [-127:127]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
E4 Speed No description CAM_E4_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [-127:127]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
E3E4/Position | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Absolute E3 Position No description CAM_ABSE3POS | - | Control: Integer [0:268435455]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Absolute E3 Speed No description CAM_ABSE3_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Absolute E4 Position No description CAM_ABSE4POS | - | Control: Integer [0:268435455]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Absolute E4 Speed No description CAM_ABSE4_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exposure | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Exposure Mode No description CAM_AE | Control: 0:Auto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 12:Gain Priority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Full Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:Iris Priority 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 13:BrightnessPriority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Full Auto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 11:Iris Priority 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Auto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 12:Gain Priority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Auto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 11:Iris Priority 12:Gain Priority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 11:Iris Priority 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 11:Iris Priority 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 11:Iris Priority 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:Iris Priority 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Full Auto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 11:Iris Priority 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Auto3:Manual 10:SAE 11:AAE 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Full-Auto3:Manual 10:Shutter-Pri 11:Iris-Pri 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Full-Auto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 11:Iris Priority 13:Bright 14:Gain Priority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Full-Auto3:Manual 10:Shutter-Pri 11:Iris-Pri 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Full Auto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 11:Iris Priority 14:Gain Priority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 11:Iris Priority 13:Bright Priority 14:Gain Priority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 13:BrightPriority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 3:Manual10:FullAuto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Auto3:Manual 10:SAE 11:AAE 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 3:Manual10:FullAuto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Auto3:Manual 10:SAE 11:AAE 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 13:BrightMode (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:SmoothAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 13:BrightPriority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 13:BrightMode (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:SmoothAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 13:BrightPriority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 13:BrightMode (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Full-Auto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 11:Iris Priority 13:Bright 14:Gain Priority (has dynamic options) Feedback: -SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Auto3:Manual 10:Shutter 11:Iris (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 95:Whiteboard 96:SmoothAuto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 95:WhiteBoard (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 12:Gain priority 95:WhiteBoard (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 95:WhiteBoard (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 12:Gain priority 95:WhiteBoard (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 95:WhiteBoard (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 12:Gain priority 95:WhiteBoard (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 95:Whiteboard 96:SmoothAuto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 95:WhiteBoard (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 95:Whiteboard 96:SmoothAuto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Full Auto3:Manual 10:Shutter-Priority 11:Iris-Priority 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Full Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 13:BrightMode (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Auto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 11:Iris Priority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Full Auto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 11:Iris Priority 14:Gain Priority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Full Auto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 11:Iris Priority 14:Gain Priority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Full Auto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 11:Iris Priority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 0:FullAuto3:Manual 10:ShutterPriority 11:IrisPriority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Full Auto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 11:Iris Priority (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Smooth Auto3:Manual 10:Shutter Priority 11:Iris Priority 13:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exposure Compensation Level No description CAM_AELEVEL | Control: Integer [0:20]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:20]Feedback: - | Control: 0:-71:-6 2:-5 3:-4 4:-3 5:-2 6:-1 7:0 8:+1 9:+2 10:+3 11:+4 12:+5 13:+6 14:+7 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:-10.51:-9.0 2:-7.5 3:-6.0 4:-4.5 5:-3.0 6:-1.5 7:0.0 8:1.5 9:3.0 10:4.5 11:6.0 12:7.5 13:9.0 14:10.5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:-10.5 dB1:-9.0 dB 2:-7.5 dB 3:-6.0 dB 4:-4.5 dB 5:-3.0 dB 6:-1.5 dB 7:0.0 dB 8:1.5 dB 9:3.0 dB 10:4.5 dB 11:6.0 dB 12:7.5 dB 13:9.0 dB 14:10.5 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: 1:-62:-5 3:-4 4:-3 5:-2 6:-1 7:0 8:+1 9:+2 10:+3 11:+4 12:+5 13:+6 | Control: 1:-62:-5 3:-4 4:-3 5:-2 6:-1 7:0 8:+1 9:+2 10:+3 11:+4 12:+5 13:+6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-6:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-5:5]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:-71:-6 2:-5 3:-4 4:-3 5:-2 6:-1 7:0 8:+1 9:+2 10:+3 11:+4 12:+5 13:+6 14:+7 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-6:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-5:5]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-6:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-5:5]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-5:5]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:-71:-6 2:-5 3:-4 4:-3 5:-2 6:-1 7:0 8:+1 9:+2 10:+3 11:+4 12:+5 13:+6 14:+7 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 5:-1.06:-0.5 7:0 8:+0.5 9:+1.0 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:-71:-6 2:-5 3:-4 4:-3 5:-2 6:-1 7:0 8:+1 9:+2 10:+3 11:+4 12:+5 13:+6 14:+7 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:-10.5 dB1:-9 dB 2:-7.5 dB 3:-6 dB 4:-4.5 dB 5:-3 dB 6:-1.5 dB 7:0 dB 8:+1.5 dB 9:+3 dB 10:+4.5 dB 11:+6 dB 12:+7.5 dB 13:+9 dB 14:+10 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 5:-1.06:-0.5 7:0 8:+0.5 9:+1.0 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:-71:-6 2:-5 3:-4 4:-3 5:-2 6:-1 7:0 8:+1 9:+2 10:+3 11:+4 12:+5 13:+6 14:+7 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:-8.0 dB1:-6.4 dB 2:-4.8 dB 3:-3.2 dB 4:-1.6 dB 5:0.0 dB 6:1.6 dB 7:3.2 dB 8:4.8 dB 9:6.4 dB 10:8.0 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AE Level Down No description CAM_AELEVEL_DOWN | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AE Level Up No description CAM_AELEVEL_UP | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exposure Speed No description CAM_AESPEED | - | Control: Integer [1:48]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:Slow2:Normal 3:Fast (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [1:48]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [1:48]Feedback: - | - | Control: 1:Slow2:Normal 3:Fast (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [1:48]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:Low2:Mid 3:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [1:48]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:Low2:Mid 3:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [1:48]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AE Mode No description CAM_AE_MODE | - | Control: 0:Indoor1:Outdoor (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AE Response No description CAM_AE_RESPONSE | - | Control: Integer [1:48]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [1:48]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:48]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:48]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gain Limit No description CAM_AGC_LIMIT | - | Control: 4:6 dB5:8 dB 6:10 dB 7:12 dB 8:14 dB 9:16 dB 10:18 dB 11:20 dB 12:22 dB 13:24 dB 14:26 dB 15:28 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 4:9 dB5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB 13:36 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 4:10.7 dB5:14.3 dB 6:17.8 dB 7:21.4 dB 8:25.0 dB 9:28.6 dB 10:32.1 dB 11:35.7 dB 12:39.3 dB 13:42.8 dB 14:46.4 dB 15:50.0 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 4:9.2 dB5:12.3 dB 6:15.4 dB 7:18.5 dB 8:21.6 dB 9:24.6 dB 10:27.7 dB 11:30.8 dB 12:33.9 dB 13:37 dB 14:40 dB 15:43.1 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 3:9 dB4:12 dB 5:15 dB 6:18 dB 7:21 dB 8:24 dB 9:27 dB 10:30 dB 11:33 dB 12:36 dB 13:39 dB 14:42 dB 15:45 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gain Limit Mode No description CAM_AGC_MODE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AGC Point No description CAM_AGC_POINT | - | Control: 0:F5.61:F4 2:F2.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:F5.61:F4 2:F2.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Shutter No description CAM_AUTOSHUTTER | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Slow Shutter No description CAM_AUTO_SLOWSHUTTER | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bright No description CAM_BRIGHT | - | Control: Integer [0:24]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:31]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:27]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:49]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:8]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:27]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:32] | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:40] | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:40] | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:32] | - | Control: Integer [0:23]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:31]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:23]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:27]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:31]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Close / 0 step7:F9.6 / 0 step 8:F8.0 / 0 step 9:F6.8 / 0 step 10:F5.6 / 0 step 11:F4.8 / 0 step 12:F4.0 / 0 step 13:F3.4 / 0 step 14:F2.8 / 0 step 15:F2.4 / 0 step 16:F2.0 / 0 step 17:F1.8 / 0 step 18:F1.8 / 2 step 19:F1.8 / 4 step 20:F1.8 / 6 step 21:F1.8 / 8 step 22:F1.8 / 10 step 23:F1.8 / 12 step 24:F1.8 / 14 step 25:F1.8 / 16 step 26:F1.8 / 18 step 27:F1.8 / 20 step 28:F1.8 / 22 step 29:F1.8 / 24 step 30:F1.8 / 26 step 31:F1.8 / 28 step (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:23]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:27]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:17]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:17]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Close / 0 step7:F9.6 / 0 step 8:F8.0 / 0 step 9:F6.8 / 0 step 10:F5.6 / 0 step 11:F4.8 / 0 step 12:F4.0 / 0 step 13:F3.4 / 0 step 14:F2.8 / 0 step 15:F2.4 / 0 step 16:F2.0 / 0 step 17:F1.8 / 0 step 18:F1.8 / 2 step 19:F1.8 / 4 step 20:F1.8 / 6 step 21:F1.8 / 8 step 22:F1.8 / 10 step 23:F1.8 / 12 step 24:F1.8 / 14 step 25:F1.8 / 16 step 26:F1.8 / 18 step 27:F1.8 / 20 step 28:F1.8 / 22 step 29:F1.8 / 24 step 30:F1.8 / 26 step 31:F1.8 / 28 step (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:27]Feedback: Normal (Same) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bright Level No description CAM_BRIGHT_LEVEL | - | Control: 0:05:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 10:10 11:11 12:12 13:13 14:14 15:15 16:16 17:17 18:18 19:19 20:20 21:21 22:22 23:23 24:24 25:25 26:26 27:27 28:28 29:29 30:30 31:31 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:05:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 10:10 11:11 12:12 13:13 14:14 15:15 16:16 17:17 18:18 19:19 20:20 21:21 22:22 23:23 24:24 25:25 26:26 27:27 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:05:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 10:10 11:11 12:12 13:13 14:14 15:15 16:16 17:17 18:18 19:19 20:20 21:21 22:22 23:23 24:24 25:25 26:26 27:27 28:28 29:29 30:30 31:31 32:32 33:33 34:34 35:35 36:36 37:37 38:38 39:39 40:40 41:41 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:01:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 10:10 11:11 12:12 13:13 14:14 15:15 16:16 17:17 18:18 19:19 20:20 21:21 22:22 23:23 24:24 25:25 26:26 27:27 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:100]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DC Iris No description CAM_DC_IRIS | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dynamic Range Control No description CAM_DRC | - | Control: Integer [0:8]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exposure Compensation No description CAM_EXPCOMP | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: 6:-412:-3 19:-2 25:-1 32:0 38:1 44:2 51:3 57:4 | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: 6:-412:-3 19:-2 25:-1 32:0 38:1 44:2 51:3 57:4 | Control: Integer [-4:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:32] | Control: Integer [-4:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-4:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-6:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-6:17]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-6:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-6:17]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-6:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-6:17]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-6:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-6:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-6:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-6:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exposure Compensation Level Exposure Compensation Level CAM_EXPCOMP_LEVEL | - | Control: Integer [-128:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-7:8]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-128:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:-10.51:-9 2:-7.5 3:-6 4:-4.5 5:-3 6:-1.5 7:0 8:1.5 9:3 10:4.5 11:6 12:7.5 13:9 14:10.5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:-10.51:-9 2:-7.5 3:-6 4:-4.5 5:-3 6:-1.5 7:0 8:1.5 9:3 10:4.5 11:6 12:7.5 13:9 14:10.5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-7:8]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:-71:-6 2:-5 3:-4 4:-3 5:-2 6:-1 7:0 8:+1 9:+2 10:+3 11:+4 12:+5 13:+6 14:+7 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:-25.6 dB1:-25.4 dB 2:-25.2 dB 3:-25.0 dB 4:-24.8 dB 5:-24.6 dB 6:-24.4 dB 7:-24.2 dB 8:-24.0 dB 9:-23.8 dB 10:-23.6 dB 11:-23.4 dB 12:-23.2 dB 13:-23.0 dB 14:-22.8 dB 15:-22.6 dB 16:-22.4 dB 17:-22.2 dB 18:-22.0 dB 19:-21.8 dB 20:-21.6 dB 21:-21.4 dB 22:-21.2 dB 23:-21.0 dB 24:-20.8 dB 25:-20.6 dB 26:-20.4 dB 27:-20.2 dB 28:-20.0 dB 29:-19.8 dB 30:-19.6 dB 31:-19.4 dB 32:-19.2 dB 33:-19.0 dB 34:-18.8 dB 35:-18.6 dB 36:-18.4 dB 37:-18.2 dB 38:-18.0 dB 39:-17.8 dB 40:-17.6 dB 41:-17.4 dB 42:-17.2 dB 43:-17.0 dB 44:-16.8 dB 45:-16.6 dB 46:-16.4 dB 47:-16.2 dB 48:-16.0 dB 49:-15.8 dB 50:-15.6 dB 51:-15.4 dB 52:-15.2 dB 53:-15.0 dB 54:-14.8 dB 55:-14.6 dB 56:-14.4 dB 57:-14.2 dB 58:-14.0 dB 59:-13.8 dB 60:-13.6 dB 61:-13.4 dB 62:-13.2 dB 63:-13.0 dB 64:-12.8 dB 65:-12.6 dB 66:-12.4 dB 67:-12.2 dB 68:-12.0 dB 69:-11.8 dB 70:-11.6 dB 71:-11.4 dB 72:-11.2 dB 73:-11.0 dB 74:-10.8 dB 75:-10.6 dB 76:-10.4 dB 77:-10.2 dB 78:-10.0 dB 79:-9.8 dB 80:-9.6 dB 81:-9.4 dB 82:-9.2 dB 83:-9.0 dB 84:-8.8 dB 85:-8.6 dB 86:-8.4 dB 87:-8.2 dB 88:-8.0 dB 89:-7.8 dB 90:-7.6 dB 91:-7.4 dB 92:-7.2 dB 93:-7.0 dB 94:-6.8 dB 95:-6.6 dB 96:-6.4 dB 97:-6.2 dB 98:-6.0 dB 99:-5.8 dB 100:-5.6 dB 101:-5.4 dB 102:-5.2 dB 103:-5.0 dB 104:-4.8 dB 105:-4.6 dB 106:-4.4 dB 107:-4.2 dB 108:-4.0 dB 109:-3.8 dB 110:-3.6 dB 111:-3.4 dB 112:-3.2 dB 113:-3.0 dB 114:-2.8 dB 115:-2.6 dB 116:-2.4 dB 117:-2.2 dB 118:-2.0 dB 119:-1.8 dB 120:-1.6 dB 121:-1.4 dB 122:-1.2 dB 123:-1.0 dB 124:-0.8 dB 125:-0.6 dB 126:-0.4 dB 127:-0.2 dB 128:0.0 dB 129:0.2 dB 130:0.4 dB 131:0.6 dB 132:0.8 dB 133:1.0 dB 134:1.2 dB 135:1.4 dB 136:1.6 dB 137:1.8 dB 138:2.0 dB 139:2.2 dB 140:2.4 dB 141:2.6 dB 142:2.8 dB 143:3.0 dB 144:3.2 dB 145:3.4 dB 146:3.6 dB 147:3.8 dB 148:4.0 dB 149:4.2 dB 150:4.4 dB 151:4.6 dB 152:4.8 dB 153:5.0 dB 154:5.2 dB 155:5.4 dB 156:5.6 dB 157:5.8 dB 158:6.0 dB 159:6.2 dB 160:6.4 dB 161:6.6 dB 162:6.8 dB 163:7.0 dB 164:7.2 dB 165:7.4 dB 166:7.6 dB 167:7.8 dB 168:8.0 dB 169:8.2 dB 170:8.4 dB 171:8.6 dB 172:8.8 dB 173:9.0 dB 174:9.2 dB 175:9.4 dB 176:9.6 dB 177:9.8 dB 178:10.0 dB 179:10.2 dB 180:10.4 dB 181:10.6 dB 182:10.8 dB 183:11.0 dB 184:11.2 dB 185:11.4 dB 186:11.6 dB 187:11.8 dB 188:12.0 dB 189:12.2 dB 190:12.4 dB 191:12.6 dB 192:12.8 dB 193:13.0 dB 194:13.2 dB 195:13.4 dB 196:13.6 dB 197:13.8 dB 198:14.0 dB 199:14.2 dB 200:14.4 dB 201:14.6 dB 202:14.8 dB 203:15.0 dB 204:15.2 dB 205:15.4 dB 206:15.6 dB 207:15.8 dB 208:16.0 dB 209:16.2 dB 210:16.4 dB 211:16.6 dB 212:16.8 dB 213:17.0 dB 214:17.2 dB 215:17.4 dB 216:17.6 dB 217:17.8 dB 218:18.0 dB 219:18.2 dB 220:18.4 dB 221:18.6 dB 222:18.8 dB 223:19.0 dB 224:19.2 dB 225:19.4 dB 226:19.6 dB 227:19.8 dB 228:20.0 dB 229:20.2 dB 230:20.4 dB 231:20.6 dB 232:20.8 dB 233:21.0 dB 234:21.2 dB 235:21.4 dB 236:21.6 dB 237:21.8 dB 238:22.0 dB 239:22.2 dB 240:22.4 dB 241:22.6 dB 242:22.8 dB 243:23.0 dB 244:23.2 dB 245:23.4 dB 246:23.6 dB 247:23.8 dB 248:24.0 dB 249:24.2 dB 250:24.4 dB 251:24.6 dB 252:24.8 dB 253:25.0 dB 254:25.2 dB 255:25.4 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:-71:-6 2:-5 3:-4 4:-3 5:-2 6:-1 7:0 8:+1 9:+2 10:+3 11:+4 12:+5 13:+6 14:+7 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flicker MODE No description CAM_FLICKERMODE | - | Control: 0:Off1:50 Hz 2:60 Hz (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:50 Hz 2:60 Hz (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off1:50 Hz 2:60 Hz (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:50 Hz 2:60 Hz (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gain No description CAM_GAIN | Control: 1:0 dB2:2 dB 3:4 dB 4:6 dB 5:8 dB 6:10 dB 7:12 dB 8:14 dB 9:16 dB 10:18 dB 11:20 dB 12:22 dB 13:24 dB 14:26 dB 15:28 dB 16:33 dB 17:37 dB 18:39 dB 19:41 dB 20:43 dB 21:44 dB 22:45 dB 23:46 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:2 dB 3:4 dB 4:6 dB 5:8 dB 6:10 dB 7:12 dB 8:14 dB 9:16 dB 10:18 dB 11:20 dB 12:22 dB 13:24 dB 14:26 dB 15:28 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:2 dB 2:4 dB 3:6 dB 4:8 dB 5:10 dB 6:12 dB 7:14 dB 8:16 dB 9:18 dB 10:20 dB 11:22 dB 12:24 dB 13:26 dB 14:28 dB 15:30 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:2 dB 3:4 dB 4:6 dB 5:8 dB 6:10 dB 7:12 dB 8:14 dB 9:16 dB 10:18 dB 11:20 dB 12:22 dB 13:24 dB 14:26 dB 15:28 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:2 dB 2:4 dB 3:6 dB 4:8 dB 5:10 dB 6:12 dB 7:14 dB 8:16 dB 9:18 dB 10:20 dB 11:22 dB 12:24 dB 13:26 dB 14:28 dB 15:30 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:32] | - | Control: 0:0 dB4:3 dB 9:6 dB 13:9 dB 18:12 dB 22:15 dB 27:18 dB 30:30 32:21 dB 36:24 dB 41:27 dB 45:30 dB 50:33 dB 54:36 dB 59:39 dB 64:42 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:40] | - | Control: 0:0 dB3:3 dB 6:6 dB 9:9 dB 12:12 dB 15:15 dB 18:18 dB 21:21 dB 24:24 dB 27:27 dB 30:30 dB 33:33 dB 36:36 dB 39:39 dB 42:42 dB 45:45 dB 48:48 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:32] | Control: 0:0 dB3:3 dB 6:6 dB 9:9 dB 12:12 dB 15:15 dB 18:18 dB 21:21 dB 24:24 dB 27:27 dB 30:30 dB 33:33 dB 36:36 dB 39:39 dB 42:42 dB 45:45 dB 48:48 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:2 dB 2:4 dB 3:6 dB 4:8 dB 5:10 dB 6:12 dB 7:14 dB 8:16 dB 9:18 dB 10:20 dB 11:22 dB 12:24 dB 13:26 dB 14:28 dB 15:30 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:20]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:36]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3.6 dB 3:7.1 dB 4:10.7 dB 5:14.3 dB 6:17.8 dB 7:21.4 dB 8:25 dB 9:28.6 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3.6 dB 3:7.1 dB 4:10.7 dB 5:14.3 dB 6:17.8 dB 7:21.4 dB 8:25 dB 9:28.6 dB 10:32.1 dB 11:35.7 dB 12:39.3 dB 13:42.8 dB 14:46.4 dB 15:50 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:2 dB 2:4 dB 3:6 dB 4:8 dB 5:10 dB 6:12 dB 7:14 dB 8:16 dB 9:18 dB 10:20 dB 11:22 dB 12:24 dB 13:26 dB 14:28 dB 15:30 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3.6 dB 3:7.1 dB 4:10.7 dB 5:14.3 dB 6:17.8 dB 7:21.4 dB 8:25 dB 9:28.6 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB 13:36 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:2 dB 2:4 dB 3:6 dB 4:8 dB 5:10 dB 6:12 dB 7:14 dB 8:16 dB 9:18 dB 10:20 dB 11:22 dB 12:24 dB 13:26 dB 14:28 dB 15:30 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:3 dB 2:6 dB 3:9 dB 4:12 dB 5:15 dB 6:18 dB 7:21 dB 8:24 dB 9:27 dB 10:30 dB 11:33 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:-3 dB1:0 dB 2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB 13:36 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3.6 dB 3:7.1 dB 4:10.7 dB 5:14.3 dB 6:17.8 dB 7:21.4 dB 8:25.0 dB 9:28.6 dB 10:32.1 dB 11:35.7 dB 12:39.3 dB 13:42.8 dB 14:46.4 dB 15:50.0 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB 13:36 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3.6 dB 3:7.1 dB 4:10.7 dB 5:14.3 dB 6:17.8 dB 7:21.4 dB 8:25.0 dB 9:28.6 dB 10:32.1 dB 11:35.7 dB 12:39.3 dB 13:42.8 dB 14:46.4 dB 15:50.0 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:20]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:0 dB1:2 dB 2:4 dB 3:6 dB 4:8 dB 5:10 dB 6:12 dB 7:14 dB 8:16 dB 9:18 dB 10:20 dB 11:22 dB 12:24 dB 13:26 dB 14:28 dB 15:30 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:0 dB3:3 dB 6:6 dB 9:9 dB 12:12 dB 15:15 dB 18:18 dB 21:21 dB 24:24 dB 27:27 dB 30:30 dB 33:33 dB 36:36 dB 39:39 dB 42:42 dB 45:45 dB 48:48 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:30 dB 11:36 dB 12:42 dB 13:48 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:2 dB 2:4 dB 3:6 dB 4:8 dB 5:10 dB 6:12 dB 7:14 dB 8:16 dB 9:18 dB 10:20 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:3 dB 2:6 dB 3:9 dB 4:12 dB 5:15 dB 6:18 dB 7:21 dB 8:24 dB 9:27 dB 10:30 dB 11:33 dB 12:36 dB 13:39 dB 14:42 dB 15:45 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:2 dB 2:4 dB 3:6 dB 4:8 dB 5:10 dB 6:12 dB 7:14 dB 8:16 dB 9:18 dB 10:20 dB 11:22 dB 12:24 dB 13:26 dB 14:28 dB 15:30 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB 13:36 dB 14:39 dB 15:42 dB 16:45 dB 17:48 dB 18:51 dB 19:54 dB 20:57 dB 21:60 dB 22:66 dB 23:70 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:3 dB 2:6 dB 3:9 dB 4:12 dB 5:15 dB 6:18 dB 7:21 dB 8:24 dB 9:27 dB 10:30 dB 11:33 dB 12:36 dB 13:39 dB 14:42 dB 15:45 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB 13:36 dB 14:39 dB 15:42 dB 16:45 dB 17:48 dB 18:51 dB 19:54 dB 20:57 dB 21:60 dB 22:66 dB 23:70 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:2 dB 3:4 dB 4:6 dB 5:8 dB 6:10 dB 7:12 dB 8:14 dB 9:16 dB 10:18 dB 11:20 dB 12:22 dB 13:24 dB 14:26 dB 15:28 dB 16:33 dB 17:37 dB 18:39 dB 19:41 dB 20:43 dB 21:44 dB 22:45 dB 23:46 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:3 dB 2:6 dB 3:9 dB 4:12 dB 5:15 dB 6:18 dB 7:21 dB 8:24 dB 9:27 dB 10:30 dB 11:33 dB 12:36 dB 13:39 dB 14:42 dB 15:45 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:2 dB 3:4 dB 4:6 dB 5:8 dB 6:10 dB 7:12 dB 8:14 dB 9:16 dB 10:18 dB 11:20 dB 12:22 dB 13:24 dB 14:26 dB 15:27 dB 16:28 dB 17:31 dB 18:34 dB 19:36 dB 20:39 dB 21:42 dB 22:44 dB 23:46 dB 24:48 dB 25:50 dB 26:51 dB 27:53 dB 28:55 dB 29:57 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:2 dB 3:4 dB 4:6 dB 5:8 dB 6:10 dB 7:12 dB 8:14 dB 9:16 dB 10:18 dB 11:20 dB 12:22 dB 13:24 dB 14:26 dB 15:28 dB 16:33 dB 17:37 dB 18:39 dB 19:41 dB 20:43 dB 21:44 dB 22:45 dB 23:46 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB 13:36 dB 14:39 dB 15:42 dB 16:45 dB 17:48 dB 18:51 dB 19:54 dB 20:57 dB 21:60 dB 22:66 dB 23:70 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:2 dB 3:4 dB 4:6 dB 5:8 dB 6:10 dB 7:12 dB 8:14 dB 9:16 dB 10:18 dB 11:20 dB 12:22 dB 13:24 dB 14:26 dB 15:28 dB 16:33 dB 17:37 dB 18:39 dB 19:41 dB 20:43 dB 21:44 dB 22:45 dB 23:46 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB 13:36 dB 14:39 dB 15:42 dB 16:45 dB 17:48 dB 18:51 dB 19:54 dB 20:57 dB 21:60 dB 22:66 dB 23:70 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB 13:36 dB 14:39 dB 15:42 dB 16:45 dB 17:48 dB 18:51 dB 19:54 dB 20:57 dB 21:60 dB 22:63 dB 23:66 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB 13:36 dB 14:39 dB 15:42 dB 16:45 dB 17:48 dB 18:51 dB 19:54 dB 20:57 dB 21:60 dB 22:66 dB 23:70 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:2 dB 2:4 dB 3:6 dB 4:8 dB 5:10 dB 6:12 dB 7:14 dB 8:16 dB 9:18 dB 10:20 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:3 dB 2:6 dB 3:9 dB 4:12 dB 5:15 dB 6:18 dB 7:21 dB 8:24 dB 9:27 dB 10:30 dB 11:33 dB 12:36 dB 13:39 dB 14:42 dB 15:45 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 step2:2 step 3:4 step 4:6 step 5:8 step 6:10 step 7:12 step 8:14 step 9:16 step 10:18 step 11:20 step 12:22 step 13:24 step 14:26 step 15:28 step (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:0 dB1:2 dB 2:4 dB 3:6 dB 4:8 dB 5:10 dB 6:12 dB 7:14 dB 8:16 dB 9:18 dB 10:20 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:3 dB 2:6 dB 3:9 dB 4:12 dB 5:15 dB 6:18 dB 7:21 dB 8:24 dB 9:27 dB 10:30 dB 11:33 dB 12:36 dB 13:39 dB 14:42 dB 15:45 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:6400]SimpleParam | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:12800]SimpleParam | Control: 1:0 dB2:3.1 dB 3:6.2 dB 4:9.2 dB 5:12.3 dB 6:15.4 dB 7:18.5 dB 8:21.6 dB 9:24.6 dB 10:27.7 dB 11:30.8 dB 12:33.9 dB 13:37 dB 14:40 dB 15:43.1 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:3.1 dB 2:6.2 dB 3:9.2 dB 4:12.3 dB 5:15.4 dB 6:18.5 dB 7:21.6 dB 8:24.6 dB 9:27.7 dB 10:30.8 dB 11:33.9 dB 12:37 dB 13:40 dB 14:43.1 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3.1 dB 3:6.2 dB 4:9.2 dB 5:12.3 dB 6:15.4 dB 7:18.5 dB 8:21.6 dB 9:24.6 dB 10:27.7 dB 11:30.8 dB 12:33.9 dB 13:37 dB 14:40 dB 15:43.1 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:2 dB 2:4 dB 3:6 dB 4:8 dB 5:10 dB 6:12 dB 7:14 dB 8:16 dB 9:18 dB 10:20 dB 11:22 dB 12:24 dB 13:26 dB 14:28 dB 15:30 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:3 dB 2:6 dB 3:9 dB 4:12 dB 5:15 dB 6:18 dB 7:21 dB 8:24 dB 9:27 dB 10:30 dB 11:33 dB 12:36 dB 13:39 dB 14:42 dB 15:45 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:0 step2:2 step 3:4 step 4:6 step 5:8 step 6:10 step 7:12 step 8:14 step 9:16 step 10:18 step 11:20 step 12:22 step 13:24 step 14:26 step 15:28 step (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:-3 dB1:0 dB 2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:-3db1:0db 2:1db 3:2db 4:3db 5:4db 6:5db 7:6db 8:7db 9:8db 10:9db 11:10db 12:11db 13:12db 14:13db 15:14db 16:15db 17:16db 18:17db 19:18db 20:19db 21:20db 22:21db 23:22db 24:23db 25:24db (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:-3 dB1:0 dB 2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB 13:36 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:-3db1:0db 2:1db 3:2db 4:3db 5:4db 6:5db 7:6db 8:7db 9:8db 10:9db 11:10db 12:11db 13:12db 14:13db 15:14db 16:15db 17:16db 18:17db 19:18db 20:19db 21:20db 22:21db 23:22db 24:23db 25:24db (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB 13:36 dB 14:39 dB 15:43 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB 13:36 dB 14:39 dB 15:42 dB 16:45 dB 17:48 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:3 dB 2:6 dB 3:9 dB 4:12 dB 5:15 dB 6:18 dB 7:21 dB 8:24 dB 9:27 dB 10:30 dB 11:33 dB 12:36 dB 13:39 dB 14:42 dB 15:45 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:2 dB 2:4 dB 3:6 dB 4:8 dB 5:10 dB 6:12 dB 7:14 dB 8:16 dB 9:18 dB 10:20 dB 11:22 dB 12:24 dB 13:26 dB 14:28 dB 15:30 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gain Point No description CAM_GAINPOINT | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gain Point Position No description CAM_GAINPOINT_POS | - | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB 13:36 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:0db1:3db 2:6db 3:9db 4:12db 5:15db 6:18db 7:21db 8:24db (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:0db1:3db 2:6db 3:9db 4:12db 5:15db 6:18db 7:21db 8:24db (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB 13:36 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB 13:36 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gain Limit No description CAM_GAIN_LIMIT | Control: 1:0 dB2:2 dB 3:4 dB 4:6 dB 5:8 dB 6:10 dB 7:12 dB 8:14 dB 9:16 dB 10:18 dB 11:20 dB 12:22 dB 13:24 dB 14:26 dB 15:28 dB 16:33 dB 17:37 dB 18:39 dB 19:41 dB 20:43 dB 21:44 dB 22:45 dB 23:46 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 4:25:4 6:6 7:8 8:11 9:16 10:20 11:32 12:48 13:64 14:96 15:128 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 4:10.7 dB5:14.3 dB 6:17.8 dB 7:21.4 dB 8:25 dB 9:28.6 dB 10:32.1 dB 11:35.7 dB 12:39.3 dB 13:42.8 dB 14:46.4 dB 15:50 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 4:10.7 dB5:14.3 dB 6:17.8 dB 7:21.4 dB 8:25 dB 9:28.6 dB 10:32.1 dB 11:35.7 dB 12:39.3 dB 13:42.8 dB 14:46.4 dB 15:50 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 4:9 dB5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB 13:36 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 4:8 dB5:10 dB 6:12 dB 7:14 dB 8:16 dB 9:18 dB 10:20 dB 11:22 dB 12:24 dB 13:26 dB 14:28 dB 15:30 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:3 dB 2:6 dB 3:12 dB 4:18 dB 5:24 dB 6:30 dB 7:36 dB 8:42 dB 9:48 dB 10:54 dB 11:60 dB 12:64 dB 13:66 dB 14:68 dB 15:70 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:28]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 3:9 dB4:12 dB 5:15 dB 6:18 dB 7:21 dB 8:24 dB 9:27 dB 10:30 dB 11:33 dB 12:36 dB 13:39 dB 14:42 dB 15:45 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:3 dB 2:6 dB 3:12 dB 4:18 dB 5:24 dB 6:30 dB 7:36 dB 8:42 dB 9:48 dB 10:54 dB 11:60 dB 12:64 dB 13:66 dB 14:68 dB 15:70 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:2 dB 2:4 dB 3:8 dB 4:12 dB 5:16 dB 6:20 dB 7:24 dB 8:28 dB 9:37 dB 10:41 dB 11:44 dB 12:46 dB 13:46 dB 14:46 dB 15:46 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 3:9 dB4:12 dB 5:15 dB 6:18 dB 7:21 dB 8:24 dB 9:27 dB 10:30 dB 11:33 dB 12:36 dB 13:39 dB 14:42 dB 15:45 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:2 dB 2:4 dB 3:8 dB 4:12 dB 5:16 dB 6:20 dB 7:24 dB 8:27 dB 9:31 dB 10:36 dB 11:42 dB 12:46 dB 13:50 dB 14:53 dB 15:57 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:2 dB 2:4 dB 3:8 dB 4:12 dB 5:16 dB 6:20 dB 7:24 dB 8:28 dB 9:37 dB 10:41 dB 11:44 dB 12:46 dB 13:46 dB 14:46 dB 15:46 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:3 dB 2:6 dB 3:12 dB 4:18 dB 5:24 dB 6:30 dB 7:36 dB 8:42 dB 9:48 dB 10:54 dB 11:60 dB 12:64 dB 13:66 dB 14:68 dB 15:70 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:2 dB 2:4 dB 3:8 dB 4:12 dB 5:16 dB 6:20 dB 7:24 dB 8:28 dB 9:37 dB 10:41 dB 11:44 dB 12:46 dB 13:46 dB 14:46 dB 15:46 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:3 dB 2:6 dB 3:12 dB 4:18 dB 5:24 dB 6:30 dB 7:36 dB 8:42 dB 9:48 dB 10:54 dB 11:60 dB 12:64 dB 13:66 dB 14:68 dB 15:70 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:3 dB 2:6 dB 3:12 dB 4:18 dB 5:24 dB 6:30 dB 7:36 dB 8:42 dB 9:48 dB 10:54 dB 11:60 dB 12:62 dB 13:63 dB 14:65 dB 15:66 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0 dB1:3 dB 2:6 dB 3:12 dB 4:18 dB 5:24 dB 6:30 dB 7:36 dB 8:42 dB 9:48 dB 10:54 dB 11:60 dB 12:64 dB 13:66 dB 14:68 dB 15:70 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 3:9 dB4:12 dB 5:15 dB 6:18 dB 7:21 dB 8:24 dB 9:27 dB 10:30 dB 11:33 dB 12:36 dB 13:39 dB 14:42 dB 15:45 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 4:6 step5:8 step 6:10 step 7:12 step 8:14 step 9:16 step 10:18 step 11:20 step 12:22 step 13:24 step 14:26 step 15:28 step (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [1:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 4:6 step5:8 step 6:10 step 7:12 step 8:14 step 9:16 step 10:18 step 11:20 step 12:22 step 13:24 step 14:26 step 15:28 step (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:-3 dB1:0 dB 2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:-3 dB1:0 dB 2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB 13:36 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gain Point No description CAM_GAIN_POINT | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gain Point Position No description CAM_GAIN_POINT_POSITION | - | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB 13:36 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:0 dB2:3 dB 3:6 dB 4:9 dB 5:12 dB 6:15 dB 7:18 dB 8:21 dB 9:24 dB 10:27 dB 11:30 dB 12:33 dB 13:36 dB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
High Sensitivity Extends the gain range when 'On'. Note that the parameter is not available from the cameras own menus. CAM_HIGHSENSITIVITY | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IR Cut Filter No description CAM_IRCUTFILTER | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:Night3:Day (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:Night3:Day (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Iris No description CAM_IRIS | - | Control: Integer [0:13]Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close5:F14 6:F11 7:F9.6 8:F8 9:F6.8 10:F5.6 11:F4.8 12:F4 13:F3.4 14:F2.8 15:F2.4 16:F2 17:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close1:F14.0 2:F11.0 3:F9.6 4:F8.0 5:F6.8 6:F5.6 7:F4.8 8:F4.0 9:F3.4 10:F2.8 11:F2.4 12:F2.0 13:F1.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close5:F14 6:F11 7:F9.6 8:F8 9:F6.8 10:F5.6 11:F4.8 12:F4 13:F3.4 14:F2.8 15:F2.4 16:F2 17:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 0:Close0:F16 5:F14 6:F11 7:F9.6 8:F8 9:F6.8 10:F5.6 11:F4.8 12:F4 13:F3.4 14:F2.8 15:F2.4 16:F2 17:F1.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close5:F14 6:F11 7:F9.6 8:F8 9:F6.8 10:F5.6 11:F4.8 12:F4 13:F3.4 14:F2.8 15:F2.4 16:F2 17:F1.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close1:F14.0 2:F11.0 3:F9.6 4:F8.0 5:F6.8 6:F5.6 7:F4.8 8:F4.0 9:F3.4 10:F2.8 11:F2.4 12:F2.0 13:F1.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:32]SimpleParam | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: 0:F1.65:F2.0 10:F2.4 16:F2.8 21:F3.4 26:F4.0 32:F4.8 37:F5.6 42:F6.8 48:F8 53:F11 58:F14 64:Close SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close4:F14 9:F11 14:F9.6 19:F8 24:F6.8 29:F5.6 34:F4.8 39:F4.0 44:F3.4 49:F2.8 54:F2.4 59:F2.0 64:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: 0:F1.65:F2.0 10:F2.4 16:F2.8 21:F3.4 26:F4.0 32:F4.8 37:F5.6 42:F6.8 48:F8 53:F11 58:F14 64:Close SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close1:F14 2:F11 3:F8 4:F6.8 5:F5.6 6:F4.8 7:F4.0 8:F3.4 9:F2.8 10:F2.4 11:F2.0 12:F1.8 13:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: -SimpleParam | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:32]SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close1:F14 2:F11 3:F8 4:F6.8 5:F5.6 6:F4.8 7:F4.0 8:F3.4 9:F2.8 10:F2.4 11:F2.0 12:F1.8 13:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: -SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close1:F14 2:F11 3:F9.6 4:F8 5:F6.8 6:F5.6 7:F4.8 8:F4 9:F3.4 10:F2.8 11:F2.4 12:F2 13:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close1:F11 2:F9.6 3:F8.0 4:F6.8 5:F5.6 6:F4.8 7:F4.0 8:F3.4 9:F2.8 10:F2.4 11:F2.0 12:F1.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Min1:F11 2:F9.6 3:F8.0 4:F6.8 5:F5.6 6:F4.8 7:F4.0 8:F3.4 9:F2.8 10:F2.4 11:F2.0 12:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close5:F14 6:F11 7:F9.6 8:F8 9:F6.8 10:F5.6 11:F4.8 12:F4 13:F3.4 14:F2.8 15:F2.4 16:F2 17:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close1:F14 2:F11 3:F9.6 4:F8 5:F6.8 6:F5.6 7:F4.8 8:F4 9:F3.4 10:F2.8 11:F2.4 12:F2 13:F1.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close5:F14 6:F11 7:F9.6 8:F8 9:F6.8 10:F5.6 11:F4.8 12:F4 13:F3.4 14:F2.8 15:F2.4 16:F2 17:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 4:Close5:F11 6:F10 7:F9.6 8:F8.7 9:F8.0 10:F7.3 11:F6.8 12:F6.2 13:F5.6 14:F5.2 15:F4.8 16:F4.4 17:F4.0 18:F3.7 19:F3.4 20:F3.1 21:F2.8 22:F2.6 23:F2.4 24:F2.2 25:F2.0 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 5:F116:F10 7:F9.6 8:F8.7 9:F8.0 10:F7.3 11:F6.8 12:F6.2 13:F5.6 14:F5.2 15:F4.8 16:F4.4 17:F4.0 18:F3.7 19:F3.4 20:F3.1 21:F2.8 22:F2.6 23:F2.4 24:F2.2 25:F2.0 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 5:F116:F10 7:F9.6 8:F8.7 9:F8.0 10:F7.3 11:F6.8 12:F6.2 13:F5.6 14:F5.2 15:F4.8 16:F4.4 17:F4.0 18:F3.7 19:F3.4 20:F3.1 21:F2.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close1:F14 2:F11 3:F9.6 4:F8 5:F6.8 6:F5.6 7:F4.8 8:F4 9:F3.4 10:F2.8 11:F2.4 12:F2 13:F1.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close1:F32.0 2:F16.0 3:F10.0 4:F8.0 5:F6.0 6:F4.0 7:F3.4 8:F3.0 9:F2.63 10:F2.2 12:F1.85 13:F1.6 254:F2.0 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 6:F5.67:F4.8 8:F4.0 9:F3.4 10:F2.8 11:F2.4 12:F2.0 13:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: -SimpleParam | Control: 5:F116:F10 7:F9.6 8:F8.7 9:F8.0 10:F7.3 11:F6.8 12:F6.2 13:F5.6 14:F5.2 15:F4.8 16:F4.4 17:F4.0 18:F3.7 19:F3.4 20:F3.1 21:F2.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close5:F14 6:F11 7:F9.6 8:F8.0 9:F6.8 10:F5.6 11:F4.8 12:F4.0 13:F3.4 14:F2.8 15:F2.4 16:F2.0 17:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close5:F11 6:F10 7:F9.6 8:F8.7 9:F8.0 10:F7.3 11:F6.8 12:F6.2 13:F5.6 14:F5.2 15:F4.8 16:F4.4 17:F4.0 18:F3.7 19:F3.4 20:F3.1 21:F2.8 22:F2.6 23:F2.4 24:F2.2 25:F2.0 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close5:F14 6:F11 7:F9.6 8:F8.0 9:F6.8 10:F5.6 11:F4.8 12:F4.0 13:F3.4 14:F2.8 15:F2.4 16:F2.0 17:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 0:Close5:F14 6:F11 7:F9.6 8:F8 9:F6.8 10:F5.6 11:F4.8 12:F4 13:F3.4 14:F2.8 15:F2.4 16:F2 17:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close1:F11 2:F9.6 3:F8.0 4:F6.8 5:F5.6 6:F4.8 7:F4.0 8:F3.4 9:F2.8 10:F2.4 11:F2.0 12:F1.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close5:F14 6:F11 7:F9.6 8:F8 9:F6.8 10:F5.6 11:F4.8 12:F4 13:F3.4 14:F2.8 15:F2.4 16:F2 17:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close1:F11 2:F9.6 3:F8.0 4:F6.8 5:F5.6 6:F4.8 7:F4.0 8:F3.4 9:F2.8 10:F2.4 11:F2.0 12:F1.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 0:Close1:F14.0 2:F11.0 3:F9.6 4:F8.0 5:F6.8 6:F5.6 7:F4.8 8:F4.0 9:F3.4 10:F2.8 11:F2.4 12:F2.0 13:F1.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 0:Close1:F14 2:F11 3:F8 4:F6.8 5:F5.6 6:F4.8 7:F4.0 8:F3.4 9:F2.8 10:F2.4 11:F2.0 12:F1.8 13:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: -SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close5:F14 6:F11 7:F9.6 8:F8.0 9:F6.8 10:F5.6 11:F4.8 12:F4.0 13:F3.4 14:F2.8 15:F2.4 16:F2.0 17:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:F181:F16 2:F13 3:F11 4:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2.0 14:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:F181:F16 2:F13 3:F11 4:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2.0 14:F1.6 15:Close (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close1:F14 2:F11 3:F9.6 4:F8 5:F6.8 6:F5.6 7:F4.8 8:F4 9:F3.4 10:F2.8 11:F2.4 12:F2 13:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:F181:F16 2:F13 3:F11 4:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2 14:F1.6 15:Close (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Close5:F14 6:F11 7:F9.6 8:F8 9:F6.8 10:F5.6 11:F4.8 12:F4 13:F3.4 14:F2.8 15:F2.4 16:F2 17:F1.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: Integer [0:17]Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:F181:F16 2:F13 3:F11 4:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2 14:F1.6 15:Close (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:F181:F16 2:F13 3:F11 4:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2.0 14:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:F181:F16 2:F13 3:F11 4:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2 14:F1.6 15:Close (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:F181:F16 2:F13 3:F11 4:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2.0 14:F1.6 15:Close (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close7:F9.6 8:F8 9:F6.8 10:F5.6 11:F4.8 12:F4 13:F3.4 14:F2.8 15:F2.4 16:F2 17:F1.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close1:F11 2:F9.6 3:F8.0 4:F6.8 5:F5.6 6:F4.8 7:F4.0 8:F3.4 9:F2.8 10:F2.4 11:F2.0 12:F1.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:F181:F16 2:F13 3:F11 4:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2.0 14:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: Integer [0:17]Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:F181:F16 2:F13 3:F11 4:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2.0 14:F1.6 15:Close (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 0:Close5:F14 6:F11 7:F9.6 8:F8.0 9:F6.8 10:F5.6 11:F4.8 12:F4.0 13:F3.4 14:F2.8 15:F2.4 16:F2.0 17:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close1:F14 2:F11 3:F9.6 4:F8.0 5:F6.8 6:F5.6 7:F4.8 8:F4.0 9:F3.4 10:F2.8 11:F2.4 12:F2.0 13:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close5:F14 6:F11 7:F9.6 8:F8.0 9:F6.8 10:F5.6 11:F4.8 12:F4.0 13:F3.4 14:F2.8 15:F2.4 16:F2.0 17:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 0:Close1:F11 2:F9.6 3:F8.0 4:F6.8 5:F5.6 6:F4.8 7:F4.0 8:F3.4 9:F2.8 10:F2.4 11:F2.0 12:F1.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close1:F11 2:F9.6 3:F8.0 4:F6.8 5:F5.6 6:F4.8 7:F4.0 8:F3.4 9:F2.8 10:F2.4 11:F2.0 12:F1.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Close6:F11 7:F9.6 8:F8.0 9:F6.8 10:F5.6 11:F4.8 12:F4.0 13:F3.4 14:F2.8 15:F2.4 16:F2.0 17:F1.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Close1:F11 2:F9.6 3:F8.0 4:F6.8 5:F5.6 6:F4.8 7:F4.0 8:F3.4 9:F2.8 10:F2.4 11:F2.0 12:F1.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: 0:Close1:F14 2:F11 3:F9.6 4:F8 5:F6.8 6:F5.6 7:F4.8 8:F4 9:F3.4 10:F2.8 11:F2.4 12:F2 13:F1.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:F181:F16 2:F13 3:F11 4:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2.0 14:F1.6 15:Close (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 0:Close7:F9.6 8:F8 9:F6.8 10:F5.6 11:F4.8 12:F4 13:F3.4 14:F2.8 15:F2.4 16:F2 17:F1.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 5:F116:F10 7:F9.6 8:F8.7 9:F8.0 10:F7.3 11:F6.8 12:F6.2 13:F5.6 14:F5.2 15:F4.8 16:F4.4 17:F4.0 18:F3.7 19:F3.4 20:F3.1 21:F2.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close1:F16 2:F15 3:F13 4:F12 5:F11 6:F10 7:F9.6 8:F8.7 9:F8 10:F7.3 11:F6.8 12:F6.2 13:F5.6 14:F5.2 15:F4.8 16:F4.4 17:F4 18:F3.7 19:F3.4 20:F3.1 21:F2.8 22:F2.6 23:F2.4 24:F2.2 25:F1.9 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 5:F116:F10 7:F9.6 8:F8.7 9:F8.0 10:F7.3 11:F6.8 12:F6.2 13:F5.6 14:F5.2 15:F4.8 16:F4.4 17:F4.0 18:F3.7 19:F3.4 20:F3.1 21:F2.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close5:F11 6:F10 7:F9.6 8:F8.7 9:F8.0 10:F7.3 11:F6.8 12:F6.2 13:F5.6 14:F5.2 15:F4.8 16:F4.4 17:F4.0 18:F3.7 19:F3.4 20:F3.1 21:F2.8 22:F2.6 23:F2.4 24:F2.2 25:F2.0 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close1:F16 2:F15 3:F13 4:F12 5:F11 6:F10 7:F9.6 8:F8.7 9:F8 10:F7.3 11:F6.8 12:F6.2 13:F5.6 14:F5.2 15:F4.8 16:F4.4 17:F4 18:F3.7 19:F3.4 20:F3.1 21:F2.8 22:F2.6 23:F2.4 24:F2.2 25:F1.9 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 0:Close5:F14 6:F11 7:F9.6 8:F8 9:F6.8 10:F5.6 11:F4.8 12:F4 13:F3.4 14:F2.8 15:F2.4 16:F2 17:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close5:F11 6:F10 7:F9.6 8:F8.7 9:F8.0 10:F7.3 11:F6.8 12:F6.2 13:F5.6 14:F5.2 15:F4.8 16:F4.4 17:F4.0 18:F3.7 19:F3.4 20:F3.1 21:F2.8 22:F2.6 23:F2.4 24:F2.2 25:F2.0 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close1:F18 2:F16 3:F13 4:F11 5:F9.0 6:F7.8 7:F6.3 8:F5.4 9:F4.5 10:F3.8 11:F3.2 12:F2.7 13:F2.2 14:F2.0 15:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 0:Close1:F14 2:F11 3:F9.6 4:F8.0 5:F6.8 6:F5.6 7:F4.8 8:F4.0 9:F3.4 10:F2.8 11:F2.4 12:F2.0 13:F1.8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Iris Auto No description CAM_IRIS_AUTO | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Iris Down No description CAM_IRIS_DOWN | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Helper | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Iris Limit Min No description CAM_IRIS_LIMIT | - | Control: 0:F181:F13 2:F9 3:F6.3 4:F4.5 5:F3.2 6:F2.2 7:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 3:F114:F9.0 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:F181:F13 2:F9 3:F6.3 4:F4.5 5:F3.2 6:F2.2 7:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:F181:F13 2:F9 3:F6.3 4:F4.5 5:F3.2 6:F2.2 7:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 3:F114:F9.0 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 4:F115:F9.0 6:F7.8 7:F6.3 8:F5.4 9:F4.5 10:F3.8 11:F3.2 12:F2.7 13:F2.2 14:F2.0 15:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Iris Mode No description CAM_IRIS_MODE | - | Control: 0:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Iris Reset No description CAM_IRIS_RESET | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Iris Up No description CAM_IRIS_UP | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Helper | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Low Light Basis Brightness AE Ref. Low-light Modulation Level CAM_LOWLIGHT_LEVEL | - | Control: Integer [4:10]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [4:10]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Low Light Basis Brightness Mode AE Ref. Low-light Modulation On/Off CAM_LOWLIGHT_MODE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Metering Mode No description CAM_METERINGMODE | - | Control: 0:Average1:Center 2:Smart 3:Top (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Average1:Center 2:Smart 3:Top (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Average1:Center 2:Smart 3:Top (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DSS No description CAM_SENSUP | - | Control: 0:Off1:x2 2:x4 3:x8 4:x16 5:x32 6:x64 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shutter No description CAM_SHUTTER | Control: 5:1/306:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/3 3:1/6 4:1/12 5:1/30 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/3 3:1/6 4:1/12 5:1/25 6:1/50 7:1/75 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/150 11:1/215 12:1/300 13:1/425 14:1/600 15:1/1000 16:1/1250 17:1/1750 18:1/2500 19:1/3500 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 5:1/306:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/3 3:1/6 4:1/12 5:1/25 6:1/50 7:1/75 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/150 11:1/215 12:1/300 13:1/425 14:1/600 15:1/1000 16:1/1250 17:1/1750 18:1/2500 19:1/3500 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 5:1/306:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/3 3:1/6 4:1/12 5:1/25 6:1/50 7:1/75 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/150 11:1/215 12:1/300 13:1/425 14:1/600 15:1/1000 16:1/1250 17:1/1750 18:1/2500 19:1/3500 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 5:1/306:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:32] | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: 0:1/320004:1/16000 9:1/8000 14:1/4000 19:1/2000 24:1/1000 29:1/500 34:1/250 39:1/100 44:1/50 49:1/25 54:1/20 59:1/10 64:1/5 | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: 1:1/22:1/3 3:1/6 4:1/12 5:1/25 6:1/50 7:1/75 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/150 11:1/215 12:1/300 13:1/425 14:1/600 15:1/1000 16:1/1250 17:1/1750 18:1/2500 19:1/3500 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 0:1/1 | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: 0:1/320004:1/16000 9:1/8000 14:1/4000 19:1/2000 24:1/1000 29:1/500 34:1/250 39:1/100 44:1/50 49:1/25 54:1/20 59:1/10 64:1/5 | Control: 0:1/32K1:1/16K 2:1/8K 3:1/4K 4:1/2K 5:1/1K 6:1/480 7:1/240 8:1/120 9:1/60 10:1/30 11:1/20 12:1/10 13:1/5 14:1/2 15:1/1 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:32] | Control: 0:1/32K1:1/16K 2:1/8K 3:1/4K 4:1/2K 5:1/1K 6:1/480 7:1/240 8:1/120 9:1/60 10:1/30 11:1/20 12:1/10 13:1/5 14:1/2 15:1/1 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/3 3:1/6 4:1/12 5:1/25 6:1/50 7:1/75 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/150 11:1/215 12:1/300 13:1/425 14:1/600 15:1/1000 16:1/1250 17:1/1750 18:1/2500 19:1/3500 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/251:1/30 2:1/50 3:1/60 4:1/90 5:1/100 6:1/120 7:1/180 8:1/250 9:1/350 10:1/500 11:1/1000 12:1/2000 13:1/3000 14:1/4000 15:1/6000 16:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 18:1/6019:1/90 20:1/100 21:1/125 22:1/180 23:1/250 24:1/350 25:1/500 26:1/725 27:1/1000 28:1/1500 29:1/2000 30:1/3000 31:1/4000 32:1/6000 33:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/4 3:1/8 4:1/15 5:1/30 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/4 3:1/8 4:1/15 5:1/30 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/2500 19:1/3000 20:1/5000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/4 3:1/8 4:1/15 5:1/30 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/4 3:1/8 4:1/15 5:1/30 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 6:1/17:2/3 8:1/2 9:1/3 10:1/4 11:1/6 12:1/8 13:1/12 14:1/15 15:1/20 16:1/25 17:1/30 18:1/50 19:1/60 20:1/100 21:1/120 22:1/150 23:1/215 24:1/300 25:1/425 26:1/600 27:1/1000 28:1/1250 29:1/1750 30:1/2500 31:1/3500 32:1/6000 33:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 6:1/17:2/3 8:1/2 9:1/3 10:1/4 11:1/6 12:1/8 13:1/10 14:1/15 15:1/20 16:1/30 17:1/50 18:1/60 19:1/90 20:1/100 21:1/125 22:1/180 23:1/250 24:1/350 25:1/500 26:1/725 27:1/1000 28:1/1500 29:1/2000 30:1/3000 31:1/4000 32:1/6000 33:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/4 3:1/8 4:1/15 5:1/30 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/2500 19:1/3000 20:1/5000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 7:1/258:1/30 9:1/60 10:1/90 11:1/100 12:1/125 13:1/180 17:1/250 18:1/350 19:1/500 20:1/725 21:1/1000 22:1/1500 23:1/2000 24:1/3000 25:1/4000 26:1/6000 27:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/4 3:1/8 4:1/15 5:1/30 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 6:1/17:2/3 8:1/2 9:1/3 10:1/4 11:1/6 12:1/8 13:1/12 14:1/15 15:1/20 16:1/25 17:1/30 18:1/50 19:1/60 20:1/100 21:1/120 22:1/150 23:1/215 24:1/300 25:1/425 26:1/600 27:1/1000 28:1/1250 29:1/1750 30:1/2500 31:1/3500 32:1/6000 33:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/3 3:1/6 4:1/12 5:1/25 6:1/50 7:1/75 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/150 11:1/215 12:1/300 13:1/425 14:1/600 15:1/1000 16:1/1250 17:1/1750 18:1/2500 19:1/3500 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 6:1/17:2/3 8:1/2 9:1/3 10:1/4 11:1/6 12:1/8 13:1/12 14:1/15 15:1/20 16:1/25 17:1/30 18:1/50 19:1/60 20:1/100 21:1/120 22:1/150 23:1/215 24:1/300 25:1/425 26:1/600 27:1/1000 28:1/1250 29:1/1750 30:1/2500 31:1/3500 32:1/6000 33:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/4 3:1/8 4:1/15 5:1/30 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:1/251:1/30 2:1/50 3:1/60 4:1/90 5:1/100 6:1/120 7:1/180 8:1/250 9:1/350 10:1/500 11:1/1000 12:1/2000 13:1/3000 14:1/4000 15:1/6000 16:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:1/302:1/60 3:1/90 4:1/100 5:1/125 6:1/180 7:1/250 8:1/350 9:1/500 10:1/725 11:1/1000 12:1/1500 13:1/2000 14:1/3000 15:1/4000 16:1/6000 17:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:1/302:1/60 3:1/90 4:1/100 5:1/125 6:1/180 7:1/250 8:1/350 9:1/500 10:1/725 11:1/1000 12:1/1500 13:1/2000 14:1/3000 15:1/4000 16:1/6000 17:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 5:1/306:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:1/32K1:1/16K 2:1/8K 3:1/4K 4:1/2K 5:1/1K 6:1/480 7:1/240 8:1/120 9:1/60 10:1/30 11:1/20 12:1/10 13:1/5 14:1/2 15:1/1 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 3:1/64:1/12 5:1/25 6:1/50 7:1/75 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/150 11:1/215 12:1/300 13:1/425 14:1/600 15:1/1000 16:1/1250 17:1/1750 18:1/2500 19:1/3500 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/3 3:1/6 4:1/12 5:1/25 6:1/50 7:1/75 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/150 11:1/215 12:1/300 13:1/425 14:1/600 15:1/1000 16:1/1250 17:1/1750 18:1/2500 19:1/3500 20:1/5000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/100001:1/5000 2:1/3500 3:1/2500 4:1/1750 5:1/1250 6:1/1000 7:1/600 8:1/425 9:1/300 10:1/215 11:1/150 12:1/120 13:1/100 14:1/75 15:1/50 16:1/25 17:1/12 18:1/6 19:1/3 20:1/2 21:1/1 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/100001:1/5000 2:1/3000 3:1/2500 4:1/2000 5:1/1500 6:1/1000 7:1/725 8:1/500 9:1/350 10:1/250 11:1/180 12:1/120 13:1/100 14:1/90 15:1/60 16:1/30 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/4 3:1/8 4:1/15 5:1/30 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/750 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/3 3:1/6 4:1/12 5:1/25 6:1/50 7:1/75 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/150 11:1/215 12:1/300 13:1/425 14:1/600 15:1/1000 16:1/1250 17:1/1750 18:1/2500 19:1/3500 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/1(has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/100001:1/5000 2:1/3000 3:1/2500 4:1/2000 5:1/1500 6:1/1000 7:1/725 8:1/500 9:1/350 10:1/250 11:1/180 12:1/120 13:1/100 14:1/90 15:1/60 16:1/30 17:1/15 18:1/8 19:1/4 20:1/2 21:1/1 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/4 3:1/8 4:1/15 5:1/30 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/750 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/100001:1/5000 2:1/3000 3:1/2500 4:1/2000 5:1/1500 6:1/1000 7:1/725 8:1/500 9:1/350 10:1/250 11:1/180 12:1/120 13:1/100 14:1/90 15:1/60 16:1/30 17:1/15 18:1/8 19:1/4 20:1/2 21:1/1 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/4 3:1/8 4:1/15 5:1/30 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/750 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:15F1:12F 2:10F 3:8F 4:4F 5:2F 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/750 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/4 3:1/8 4:1/15 5:1/30 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/750 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:15F1:12F 2:10F 3:8F 4:4F 5:2F 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/750 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/4 3:1/8 4:1/15 5:1/30 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/750 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/3 3:1/6 4:1/12 5:1/25 6:1/50 7:1/75 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/150 11:1/215 12:1/300 13:1/425 14:1/600 15:1/1000 16:1/1250 17:1/1750 18:1/2500 19:1/3500 20:1/5000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/100001:1/5000 2:1/3000 3:1/2500 4:1/2000 5:1/1500 6:1/1000 7:1/725 8:1/500 9:1/350 10:1/250 11:1/180 12:1/120 13:1/100 14:1/90 15:1/60 16:1/30 17:1/15 18:1/8 19:1/4 20:1/2 21:1/1 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/4 3:1/8 4:1/15 5:1/30 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/251:1/30 2:1/50 3:1/60 4:1/90 5:1/100 6:1/120 7:1/180 8:1/250 9:1/350 10:1/500 11:1/1000 12:1/2000 13:1/3000 14:1/4000 15:1/6000 16:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/3 3:1/6 4:1/12 5:1/25 6:1/50 7:1/75 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/150 11:1/215 12:1/300 13:1/425 14:1/600 15:1/1000 16:1/1250 17:1/1750 18:1/2500 19:1/3500 20:1/5000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:21]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/100001:1/5000 2:1/3500 3:1/2500 4:1/1750 5:1/1250 6:1/1000 7:1/600 8:1/425 9:1/300 10:1/215 11:1/150 12:1/120 13:1/100 14:1/75 15:1/50 16:1/25 17:1/12 18:1/6 19:1/3 20:1/2 21:1/1 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: 9:1/800010:1/6400 11:1/5000 12:1/4000 13:1/3200 14:1/2500 15:1/2000 16:1/1600 17:1/1250 18:1/1000 19:1/800 20:1/640 21:1/500 22:1/400 23:1/320 24:1/240 25:1/200 26:1/160 27:1/120 28:1/100 29:1/80 30:1/60 31:1/50 32:1/40 33:1/30 34:1/25 SimpleParam | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/4 3:1/8 4:1/15 5:1/30 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:1/302:1/60 3:1/90 4:1/100 5:1/125 6:1/180 7:1/250 8:1/350 9:1/500 10:1/725 11:1/1000 12:1/1500 13:1/2000 14:1/3000 15:1/4000 16:1/6000 17:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:1/302:1/50 3:1/60 4:1/100 5:1/125 6:1/200 7:1/250 8:1/350 9:1/500 10:1/725 11:1/1000 12:1/1500 13:1/2000 14:1/3000 15:1/4000 16:1/6000 17:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/251:1/30 2:1/50 3:1/60 4:1/90 5:1/100 6:1/120 7:1/180 8:1/250 9:1/350 10:1/500 11:1/1000 12:1/2000 13:1/3000 14:1/4000 15:1/6000 16:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/301:1/60 2:1/90 3:1/100 4:1/125 5:1/200 6:1/250 7:1/350 8:1/500 9:1/725 10:1/1000 11:1/1500 12:1/2000 13:1/3000 14:1/4000 15:1/6000 16:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 5:1/256:1/50 7:1/75 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/150 11:1/215 12:1/300 13:1/425 14:1/600 15:1/1000 16:1/1250 17:1/1750 18:1/2500 19:1/3500 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/100001:1/5000 2:1/3000 3:1/2500 4:1/2000 5:1/1500 6:1/1000 7:1/725 8:1/500 9:1/350 10:1/250 11:1/180 12:1/120 13:1/100 14:1/90 15:1/60 16:1/30 17:1/15 18:1/8 19:1/4 20:1/2 21:1/1 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/4 3:1/8 4:1/15 5:1/30 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:1/83:1/15 4:1/30 5:1/50 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 6:1/507:1/100 8:1/120 9:1/125 10:1/250 11:1/500 12:1/1000 13:1/2000 14:1/4000 15:1/8000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:1/83:1/15 4:1/30 5:1/50 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 6:1/17:2/3 8:1/2 9:1/3 10:1/4 11:1/6 12:1/8 13:1/10 14:1/15 15:1/20 16:1/30 17:1/50 18:1/60 19:1/90 20:1/100 21:1/125 22:1/180 23:1/250 24:1/350 25:1/500 26:1/725 27:1/1000 28:1/1500 29:1/2000 30:1/3000 31:1/4000 32:1/6000 33:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 6:1/507:1/100 8:1/120 9:1/125 10:1/250 11:1/500 12:1/1000 13:1/2000 14:1/4000 15:1/8000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/3 3:1/6 4:1/12 5:1/25 6:1/50 7:1/75 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/150 11:1/215 12:1/300 13:1/425 14:1/600 15:1/1000 16:1/1250 17:1/1750 18:1/2500 19:1/3500 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 6:1/17:2/3 8:1/2 9:1/3 10:1/4 11:1/6 12:1/8 13:1/10 14:1/15 15:1/20 16:1/25 17:1/30 18:1/50 19:1/60 20:1/100 21:1/120 22:1/150 23:1/215 24:1/300 25:1/425 26:1/600 27:1/1000 28:1/1250 29:1/1750 30:1/2500 31:1/3500 32:1/6000 33:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/4 3:1/8 4:1/15 5:1/30 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/2500 19:1/3000 20:1/5000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 5:1/306:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shutter Down No description CAM_SHUTTER_DOWN | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shutter Limit No description CAM_SHUTTER_LIMIT | - | Control: 0:1/1001:1/125 2:1/250 3:1/500 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:1/1001:1/125 2:1/250 3:1/500 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shutter Max Change parameter CAM_VIDEOMODE to make sure the values matches the mode of the camera CAM_SHUTTER_MAX | - | Control: 6:1/17:2/3 8:1/2 9:1/3 10:1/4 11:1/6 12:1/8 13:1/12 14:1/15 15:1/20 16:1/25 17:1/30 18:1/50 19:1/60 20:1/100 21:1/120 22:1/150 23:1/215 24:1/300 25:1/425 26:1/600 27:1/1000 28:1/1250 29:1/1750 30:1/2500 31:1/3500 32:1/6000 33:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 6:1/17:2/3 8:1/2 9:1/3 10:1/4 11:1/6 12:1/8 13:1/10 14:1/15 15:1/20 16:1/30 17:1/50 18:1/60 19:1/90 20:1/100 21:1/125 22:1/180 23:1/250 24:1/350 25:1/500 26:1/725 27:1/1000 28:1/1500 29:1/2000 30:1/3000 31:1/4000 32:1/6000 33:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 6:1/17:2/3 8:1/2 9:1/3 10:1/4 11:1/6 12:1/8 13:1/12 14:1/15 15:1/20 16:1/25 17:1/30 18:1/50 19:1/60 20:1/100 21:1/120 22:1/150 23:1/215 24:1/300 25:1/425 26:1/600 27:1/1000 28:1/1250 29:1/1750 30:1/2500 31:1/3500 32:1/6000 33:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/3 3:1/6 4:1/12 5:1/25 6:1/50 7:1/75 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/150 11:1/215 12:1/300 13:1/425 14:1/600 15:1/1000 16:1/1250 17:1/1750 18:1/2500 19:1/3500 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 6:1/17:2/3 8:1/2 9:1/3 10:1/4 11:1/6 12:1/8 13:1/10 14:1/15 15:1/20 16:1/30 17:1/50 18:1/60 19:1/90 20:1/100 21:1/125 22:1/180 23:1/250 24:1/350 25:1/500 26:1/725 27:1/1000 28:1/1500 29:1/2000 30:1/3000 31:1/4000 32:1/6000 33:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:1/83:1/15 4:1/30 5:1/50 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:1/83:1/15 4:1/30 5:1/50 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 16:1/3017:1/50 18:1/60 19:1/90 20:1/100 21:1/125 22:1/180 23:1/250 24:1/350 25:1/500 26:1/725 27:1/1000 28:1/1500 29:1/2000 30:1/3000 31:1/4000 32:1/6000 33:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 6:1/17:2/3 8:1/2 9:1/3 10:1/4 11:1/6 12:1/8 13:1/10 14:1/15 15:1/20 16:1/25 17:1/30 18:1/50 19:1/60 20:1/100 21:1/120 22:1/150 23:1/215 24:1/300 25:1/425 26:1/600 27:1/1000 28:1/1250 29:1/1750 30:1/2500 31:1/3500 32:1/6000 33:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/4 3:1/8 4:1/15 5:1/30 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/2500 19:1/3000 20:1/5000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shutter Min Change parameter CAM_VIDEOMODE to make sure the values matches the mode of the camera CAM_SHUTTER_MIN | - | Control: 6:1/17:2/3 8:1/2 9:1/3 10:1/4 11:1/6 12:1/8 13:1/12 14:1/15 15:1/20 16:1/25 17:1/30 18:1/50 19:1/60 20:1/100 21:1/120 22:1/150 23:1/215 24:1/300 25:1/425 26:1/600 27:1/1000 28:1/1250 29:1/1750 30:1/2500 31:1/3500 32:1/6000 33:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 6:1/17:2/3 8:1/2 9:1/3 10:1/4 11:1/6 12:1/8 13:1/10 14:1/15 15:1/20 16:1/30 17:1/50 18:1/60 19:1/90 20:1/100 21:1/125 22:1/180 23:1/250 24:1/350 25:1/500 26:1/725 27:1/1000 28:1/1500 29:1/2000 30:1/3000 31:1/4000 32:1/6000 33:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 6:1/17:2/3 8:1/2 9:1/3 10:1/4 11:1/6 12:1/8 13:1/12 14:1/15 15:1/20 16:1/25 17:1/30 18:1/50 19:1/60 20:1/100 21:1/120 22:1/150 23:1/215 24:1/300 25:1/425 26:1/600 27:1/1000 28:1/1250 29:1/1750 30:1/2500 31:1/3500 32:1/6000 33:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/3 3:1/6 4:1/12 5:1/25 6:1/50 7:1/75 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/150 11:1/215 12:1/300 13:1/425 14:1/600 15:1/1000 16:1/1250 17:1/1750 18:1/2500 19:1/3500 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 6:1/17:2/3 8:1/2 9:1/3 10:1/4 11:1/6 12:1/8 13:1/10 14:1/15 15:1/20 16:1/30 17:1/50 18:1/60 19:1/90 20:1/100 21:1/125 22:1/180 23:1/250 24:1/350 25:1/500 26:1/725 27:1/1000 28:1/1500 29:1/2000 30:1/3000 31:1/4000 32:1/6000 33:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:1/83:1/15 4:1/30 5:1/50 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:1/83:1/15 4:1/30 5:1/50 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/125 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/3000 19:1/4000 20:1/6000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 6:1/17:2/3 8:1/2 9:1/3 10:1/4 11:1/6 12:1/8 13:1/10 14:1/15 15:1/20 16:1/30 17:1/50 18:1/60 19:1/90 20:1/100 21:1/125 22:1/180 23:1/250 24:1/350 25:1/500 26:1/725 27:1/1000 28:1/1500 29:1/2000 30:1/3000 31:1/4000 32:1/6000 33:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 6:1/17:2/3 8:1/2 9:1/3 10:1/4 11:1/6 12:1/8 13:1/10 14:1/15 15:1/20 16:1/25 17:1/30 18:1/50 19:1/60 20:1/100 21:1/120 22:1/150 23:1/215 24:1/300 25:1/425 26:1/600 27:1/1000 28:1/1250 29:1/1750 30:1/2500 31:1/3500 32:1/6000 33:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1/11:1/2 2:1/4 3:1/8 4:1/15 5:1/30 6:1/60 7:1/90 8:1/100 9:1/120 10:1/180 11:1/250 12:1/350 13:1/500 14:1/725 15:1/1000 16:1/1500 17:1/2000 18:1/2500 19:1/3000 20:1/5000 21:1/10000 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shutter Point No description CAM_SHUTTER_POINT | - | Control: 0:F5.61:F8 2:F11 3:F16 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:F5.61:F8 2:F11 3:F16 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shutter Reset No description CAM_SHUTTER_RESET | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shutter Up No description CAM_SHUTTER_UP | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Slow Shutter No description CAM_SLOWSHUTTER | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Slow Shutter Limit No description CAM_SLOWSHUTTER_LIMIT | - | Control: 1:1/302:1/15 3:1/8 4:1/4 5:1/2 6:1/1 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:1/302:1/15 3:1/8 4:1/4 5:1/2 6:1/1 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 6:1/17:2/3 8:1/2 9:1/3 10:1/4 11:1/6 12:1/8 13:1/12 14:1/15 15:1/20 16:1/25 17:1/30 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 6:1/17:2/3 8:1/2 9:1/3 10:1/4 11:1/6 12:1/8 13:1/10 14:1/15 15:1/20 16:1/30 17:1/50 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 6:1/17:2/3 8:1/2 9:1/3 10:1/4 11:1/6 12:1/8 13:1/10 14:1/15 15:1/20 16:1/30 17:1/50 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Slow Shutter Mode No description CAM_SLOWSHUTTER_MODE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Smart Exposure No description CAM_SMART_EXPOSURE | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spot AE No description CAM_SPOTAE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spot AE No description CAM_SPOTAE_MODE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spot AE X-pos No description CAM_SPOTAE_POSITION_X | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spot AE Y-pos No description CAM_SPOTAE_POSITION_Y | - | Control: Integer [0:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spot AE Pos (X) No description CAM_SPOTAE_POS_X | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spot AE Pos (Y) No description CAM_SPOTAE_POS_Y | - | Control: Integer [0:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exposure/Bright | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Bright Down No description CAM_BRIGHT_DOWN | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bright Reset No description CAM_BRIGHT_RESET | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bright Up No description CAM_BRIGHT_UP | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exposure/Exposure Compensation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Exposure Compensation Down No description CAM_EXPCOMP_DOWN | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exposure Compensation Mode No description CAM_EXPCOMP_MODE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exposure Compensation Reset No description CAM_EXPCOMP_RESET | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exposure Compensation Up No description CAM_EXPCOMP_UP | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exposure/Gain | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Gain Down No description CAM_GAIN_DOWN | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gain Reset No description CAM_GAIN_RESET | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gain Up No description CAM_GAIN_UP | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exposure/Iris | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Illegal Iris Open No description CAM_IRIS_ILLEGAL_OPEN | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Iris Limit Max No description CAM_IRIS_LIMIT_MAX | - | Control: 3:F114:F9.0 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 3:F114:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2 14:F1.6 15:Close (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 3:F114:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2 14:F1.6 15:Close (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 3:F114:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2 14:F1.6 15:Close (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 3:F114:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2 14:F1.6 15:Close (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 3:F114:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2 14:F1.6 15:Close (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 3:F114:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2 14:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 3:F114:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 3:F114:F9.0 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 3:F114:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 4:F115:F9.0 6:F7.8 7:F6.3 8:F5.4 9:F4.5 10:F3.8 11:F3.2 12:F2.7 13:F2.2 14:F2.0 15:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Iris Limit Min No description CAM_IRIS_LIMIT_MIN | - | Control: 3:F114:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2 14:F1.6 15:Close (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 3:F114:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2 14:F1.6 15:Close (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 3:F114:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2 14:F1.6 15:Close (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 3:F114:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2 14:F1.6 15:Close (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 3:F114:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2 14:F1.6 15:Close (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 3:F114:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 13:F2 14:F1.6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 3:F114:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 3:F114:F9 5:F7.8 6:F6.3 7:F5.4 8:F4.5 9:F3.8 10:F3.2 11:F2.7 12:F2.2 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exposure/Shutter | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Slow Shutter No description CAM_SHUTTER_SLOW | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exposure/Spot AE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Exposure/Visibility Enhancer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Brightness Compensation No description CAM_VISIBILITY_ENHANCEMENT_BRIGHTNESS_COMPENSATION | - | Control: 0:Very Dark1:Dark 2:Standard 3:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Very Dark1:Dark 2:Standard 3:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Very Dark1:Dark 2:Standard 3:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Very Dark1:Dark 2:Standard 3:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:Very Dark1:Dark 2:Standard 3:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Very Dark1:Dark 2:Standard 3:Bright (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Brightness Level Named as 'Effect' in camera menu. CAM_VISIBILITY_ENHANCEMENT_BRIGHTNESS_LEVEL | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-3:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Compensation Level No description CAM_VISIBILITY_ENHANCEMENT_COMPENSATION_LEVEL | - | Control: 0:Low1:Mid 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Low1:Mid 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Low1:Mid 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Low1:Mid 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:Low1:Mid 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Low1:Mid 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Visibility Enhancement Mode No description CAM_VISIBILITY_ENHANCEMENT_MODE | - | Control: 3:Off6:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 3:Off6:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 3:Off6:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Exposure/WDR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Focus | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Auto Focus Frame No description CAM_AFFRAME | - | Control: 1:Auto2:Full Frame 3:Center (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:Auto2:Full Frame 3:Center (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:Auto2:Full Frame 3:Center (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:Auto2:Full Frame 3:Center (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:Auto2:Full Frame 3:Center (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:Auto2:Full Frame 3:Center (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Focus Sensitivity No description CAM_AFSENSITIVITY | - | Control: 1:High2:Normal/Middle 3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:Normal3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:Normal3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 1:High2:Middle 3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:Normal3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:Normal3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:High2:Normal 3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:Normal3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:Fast3:Slow (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:High2:Mid 3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:High2:Mid 3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:High2:Mid 3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:High2:Mid 3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:High2:Middle 3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:High2:Mid 3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:High2:Mid 3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:Normal3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:High2:Norm 3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:High2:Middle 3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:High2:Mid 3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:Normal3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:Normal3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:High2:Middle 3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AF Speed No description CAM_AFSPEED | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Focus Zone No description CAM_AFZONE | - | Control: 0:Top1:Center 2:Bottom 3:All (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Top1:Center 2:Bottom 3:All (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:Top1:Centr 2:Bottm (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Top1:Center 2:Bottom 3:All (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Top1:Center 2:Bottom 3:All (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Top1:Center 2:Bottom 3:All (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:Top1:Center 2:Bottom 3:All (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Top1:Center 2:Bottom 3:All (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Top1:Center 2:Bottom 3:All (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Top1:Center 2:Bottom 3:All (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Top1:Center 2:Bottom 3:All (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Top1:Center 2:Bottom 3:All (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Top1:Center 2:Bottom 3:All (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Top1:Center 2:Bottom 4:All (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Top1:Center 2:Bottom 3:All (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Top1:Center 2:Bottom (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Top1:Center 2:Bottom 3:Front (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Top1:Center 2:Bottom 4:All (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Top1:Center 2:Bottom 3:All (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Top1:Center 2:Bottom 3:All (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Top1:Center 2:Bottom 3:All (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AF Mode No description CAM_AFZone | - | Control: 0:Front Focus1:Back Focus 2:Meeting 3:Education Tracking 4:Moving Object 5:Center Focus (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Front Focus1:Back Focus 2:Meeting 3:Moving Object 4:Center Focus (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Focus Interval No description CAM_AUTOFOCUS_INTERVAL | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Focus Mode No description CAM_AUTOFOCUS_MODE | - | Control: 0:Normal1:Interval 2:Zoom Trigger (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Normal1:Interval 2:Zoom Trigger (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Focus Movement Time No description CAM_AUTOFOCUS_MOVEMENT_TIME | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Focus Sensitivity No description CAM_AUTOFOCUS_SENSITIVITY | - | Control: 1:High2:Mid 3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:Normal3:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Focus Infinity Trigger No description CAM_FOCUSINFINITY | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Focus Lock No description CAM_FOCUSLOCK | - | Control: 2:Lock3:Unlock (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Focus Mode No description CAM_FOCUSMODE | - | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual 4:One Push (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual 4:One Push (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual 4:One Push (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: -SimpleParam | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual 4:OnePush (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual 4:OnePush (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: -SimpleParam | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual 4:OnePush (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual 4:OnePush (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | - | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: -SimpleParam | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Focus Near Limit No description CAM_FOCUSNEARLIMIT | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 16:OVER32:20 M 48:10 M 64:6 M 80:4.2 M 96:3.1 M 112:2.5 M 128:2.0 M 144:1.6 M 160:1.4 M 176:1.2 M 192:80 cm 208:30 cm 224:11 cm 240:1 cm (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 4096:OVER8192:5 m 12288:3 m 16384:2 m 20480:1.5 m 24576:1.2 m 28672:1 m 32768:80 cm 36864:60 cm 40960:47 cm 45056:35 cm 49152:26 cm 53248:17 cm 57344:10 cm 61440:8 cm (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 4096:OVER8192:20 m 12288:10 m 16384:6 m 20480:4.2 m 24576:3.1 m 28672:2.5 m 32768:2.0 m 36864:1.65 m 40960:1.4 m 45056:1.2 m 49152:0.8 m 53248:30 cm 57344:11 cm (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [4096:61440]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [4096:61440]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [4096:61440]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [4096:61440]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 32:5 m64:2 m 112:1 m 144:60 cm 176:35 cm 208:17 cm 240:8 cm (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [4096:61440]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Focus Near Limit Control No description CAM_FOCUSNEARLIMIT_CONTROL | - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Focus Position No description CAM_FOCUS_DIRECT | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [0:20352]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:2900]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:4096]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [0:9600]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:28448]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [0:9600]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:4800]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:3800]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:4000]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [4096:53248]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:61440]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [4096:53248]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [4096:61440]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:61440]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:32768]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [4096:61440]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:4468]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [4096:61440]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:4468]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [0:9600]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:1000]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:1147]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:17185]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:1146]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:1146]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:1000]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:1146]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:2409]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [4096:61440]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:2900]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:1000]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:17185]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:1147]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:100]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:17185]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:2409]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [4096:61440]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:61440]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:61440]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [4096:61440]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:28448]Feedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Focus Far No description CAM_FOCUS_FAR | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Focus Far Step No description CAM_FOCUS_FAR_STEP | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Focus Speed Limit No description CAM_FOCUS_FOCUSSPEED | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Focus Near No description CAM_FOCUS_NEAR | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Focus Near Step No description CAM_FOCUS_NEAR_STEP | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Focus OnePush Trigger No description CAM_FOCUS_ONEPUSH | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: 0:Release1:Press (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Focus Percent Set the focus position as a percentage of the total range CAM_FOCUS_PERCENT | - | Control: Integer [0:100]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:100]Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: Integer [0:100]Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Focus Speed No description CAM_FOCUS_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: -EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: -EXPERIMENTAL | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: -EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: -EXPERIMENTAL | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: -EXPERIMENTAL | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: -EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: -EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: -EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: -EXPERIMENTAL | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: -EXPERIMENTAL | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: -EXPERIMENTAL | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Focus Stop No description CAM_FOCUS_STOP | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Focus Incremental Focus Incremental for camera (Far/Near) This param is perfect for adding focus control to an encoder or focus wheel focusIncremental | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: -SimpleParam | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Focus Max Speed Max focus speed for camera. This param controlles the max speed of the incremental and speed control for focus (Gets applied as a scale 1=1%, 100=100%, or as a speed 1=slowest, Max=fastest) focusMaxSpeed | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: -SimpleParam | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gamma | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Black Gamma Level No description CAM_GAMMA_BLACK | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-990:990]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Black Level No description CAM_GAMMA_BLACKLEVEL | - | Control: Integer [-48:48]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-48:48]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-48:48]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-48:48]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-48:48]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gamma Black Range No description CAM_GAMMA_BLACKRANGE | - | Control: 0:Low1:Mid 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Low1:Middle 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Low1:Mid 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Low1:Middle 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Low1:Middle 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Blue Black No description CAM_GAMMA_BLACK_BLUE | - | Control: Integer [-990:990]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Black Gamma No description CAM_GAMMA_BLACK_GAMMA | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Red Black No description CAM_GAMMA_BLACK_RED | - | Control: Integer [-990:990]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Effect No description CAM_GAMMA_EFFECT | - | Control: Integer [-3:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-3:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gamma Level No description CAM_GAMMA_LEVEL | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Standard1:1 2:0.95 3:0.9 4:0.85 5:0.8 6:0.75 7:0.7 8:0.65 9:0.6 10:0.575 11:0.55 12:0.525 13:0.5 14:0.475 15:0.45 16:0.425 17:0.4 18:0.375 19:0.35 20:0.325 21:0.3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Standard1:1 2:0.95 3:0.9 4:0.85 5:0.8 6:0.75 7:0.7 8:0.65 9:0.6 10:0.575 11:0.55 12:0.525 13:0.5 14:0.475 15:0.45 16:0.425 17:0.4 18:0.375 19:0.35 20:0.325 21:0.3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Standard1:1 2:0.95 3:0.9 4:0.85 5:0.8 6:0.75 7:0.7 8:0.65 9:0.6 10:0.575 11:0.55 12:0.525 13:0.5 14:0.475 15:0.45 16:0.425 17:0.4 18:0.375 19:0.35 20:0.325 21:0.3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Standard1:1 2:0.95 3:0.9 4:0.85 5:0.8 6:0.75 7:0.7 8:0.65 9:0.6 10:0.575 11:0.55 12:0.525 13:0.5 14:0.475 15:0.45 16:0.425 17:0.4 18:0.375 19:0.35 20:0.325 21:0.3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gamma Mode No description CAM_GAMMA_MODE | Control: 0:Default1:1 2:0.95 3:0.9 4:0.85 5:0.8 6:0.75 7:0.7 8:0.65 9:0.6 10:0.575 11:0.55 12:0.525 13:0.5 14:0.475 15:0.45 16:0.425 17:0.4 18:0.375 19:0.35 20:0.325 21:0.3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:4]Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Default1:0.45 2:0.50 3:0.55 4:0.63 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Standard1:Straight 2:Pattern (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:1]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Standard1:Straight 2:Pattern (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:1]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Standard1:Straight (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Std1:Straight 2:Pattern 8:Movie 9:Still 10:Cinema 1 11:Cinema 2 12:Cinema 3 13:Cinema 4 14:ITU 709 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Std1:Straight 2:Pattern 8:Movie 9:Still 10:Cinema 1 11:Cinema 2 12:Cinema 3 13:Cinema 4 14:ITU 709 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gamma Offset No description CAM_GAMMA_OFFSET | - | Control: 0:01:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 10:10 11:11 12:12 13:13 14:14 15:15 16:16 17:17 18:18 19:19 20:20 21:21 22:22 23:23 24:24 25:25 26:26 27:27 28:28 29:29 30:30 31:31 32:32 33:33 34:34 35:35 36:36 37:37 38:38 39:39 40:40 41:41 42:42 43:43 44:44 45:45 46:46 47:47 48:48 49:49 50:50 51:51 52:52 53:53 54:54 55:55 56:56 57:57 58:58 59:59 60:60 61:61 62:62 63:63 64:64 257:-1 258:-2 259:-3 260:-4 261:-5 262:-6 263:-7 264:-8 265:-9 266:-10 267:-11 268:-12 269:-13 270:-14 271:-15 272:-16 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:01:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 10:10 11:11 12:12 13:13 14:14 15:15 16:16 17:17 18:18 19:19 20:20 21:21 22:22 23:23 24:24 25:25 26:26 27:27 28:28 29:29 30:30 31:31 32:32 33:33 34:34 35:35 36:36 37:37 38:38 39:39 40:40 41:41 42:42 43:43 44:44 45:45 46:46 47:47 48:48 49:49 50:50 51:51 52:52 53:53 54:54 55:55 56:56 57:57 58:58 59:59 60:60 61:61 62:62 63:63 64:64 257:-1 258:-2 259:-3 260:-4 261:-5 262:-6 263:-7 264:-8 265:-9 266:-10 267:-11 268:-12 269:-13 270:-14 271:-15 272:-16 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:01:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 10:10 11:11 12:12 13:13 14:14 15:15 16:16 17:17 18:18 19:19 20:20 21:21 22:22 23:23 24:24 25:25 26:26 27:27 28:28 29:29 30:30 31:31 32:32 33:33 34:34 35:35 36:36 37:37 38:38 39:39 40:40 41:41 42:42 43:43 44:44 45:45 46:46 47:47 48:48 49:49 50:50 51:51 52:52 53:53 54:54 55:55 56:56 57:57 58:58 59:59 60:60 61:61 62:62 63:63 64:64 257:-1 258:-2 259:-3 260:-4 261:-5 262:-6 263:-7 264:-8 265:-9 266:-10 267:-11 268:-12 269:-13 270:-14 271:-15 272:-16 273:-17 274:-18 275:-19 276:-20 277:-21 278:-22 279:-23 280:-24 281:-25 282:-26 283:-27 284:-28 285:-29 286:-30 287:-31 288:-32 289:-33 290:-34 291:-35 292:-36 293:-37 294:-38 295:-39 296:-40 297:-41 298:-42 299:-43 300:-44 301:-45 302:-46 303:-47 304:-48 305:-49 306:-50 307:-51 308:-52 309:-53 310:-54 311:-55 312:-56 313:-57 314:-58 315:-59 316:-60 317:-61 318:-62 319:-63 320:-64 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-64:64]Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:01:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 10:10 11:11 12:12 13:13 14:14 15:15 16:16 17:17 18:18 19:19 20:20 21:21 22:22 23:23 24:24 25:25 26:26 27:27 28:28 29:29 30:30 31:31 32:32 33:33 34:34 35:35 36:36 37:37 38:38 39:39 40:40 41:41 42:42 43:43 44:44 45:45 46:46 47:47 48:48 49:49 50:50 51:51 52:52 53:53 54:54 55:55 56:56 57:57 58:58 59:59 60:60 61:61 62:62 63:63 64:64 257:-1 258:-2 259:-3 260:-4 261:-5 262:-6 263:-7 264:-8 265:-9 266:-10 267:-11 268:-12 269:-13 270:-14 271:-15 272:-16 273:-17 274:-18 275:-19 276:-20 277:-21 278:-22 279:-23 280:-24 281:-25 282:-26 283:-27 284:-28 285:-29 286:-30 287:-31 288:-32 289:-33 290:-34 291:-35 292:-36 293:-37 294:-38 295:-39 296:-40 297:-41 298:-42 299:-43 300:-44 301:-45 302:-46 303:-47 304:-48 305:-49 306:-50 307:-51 308:-52 309:-53 310:-54 311:-55 312:-56 313:-57 314:-58 315:-59 316:-60 317:-61 318:-62 319:-63 320:-64 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:48]Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:01:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 10:10 11:11 12:12 13:13 14:14 15:15 16:16 17:17 18:18 19:19 20:20 21:21 22:22 23:23 24:24 25:25 26:26 27:27 28:28 29:29 30:30 31:31 32:32 33:33 34:34 35:35 36:36 37:37 38:38 39:39 40:40 41:41 42:42 43:43 44:44 45:45 46:46 47:47 48:48 49:49 50:50 51:51 52:52 53:53 54:54 55:55 56:56 57:57 58:58 59:59 60:60 61:61 62:62 63:63 64:64 257:-1 258:-2 259:-3 260:-4 261:-5 262:-6 263:-7 264:-8 265:-9 266:-10 267:-11 268:-12 269:-13 270:-14 271:-15 272:-16 273:-17 274:-18 275:-19 276:-20 277:-21 278:-22 279:-23 280:-24 281:-25 282:-26 283:-27 284:-28 285:-29 286:-30 287:-31 288:-32 289:-33 290:-34 291:-35 292:-36 293:-37 294:-38 295:-39 296:-40 297:-41 298:-42 299:-43 300:-44 301:-45 302:-46 303:-47 304:-48 305:-49 306:-50 307:-51 308:-52 309:-53 310:-54 311:-55 312:-56 313:-57 314:-58 315:-59 316:-60 317:-61 318:-62 319:-63 320:-64 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:01:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 10:10 11:11 12:12 13:13 14:14 15:15 16:16 17:17 18:18 19:19 20:20 21:21 22:22 23:23 24:24 25:25 26:26 27:27 28:28 29:29 30:30 31:31 32:32 33:33 34:34 35:35 36:36 37:37 38:38 39:39 40:40 41:41 42:42 43:43 44:44 45:45 46:46 47:47 48:48 49:49 50:50 51:51 52:52 53:53 54:54 55:55 56:56 57:57 58:58 59:59 60:60 61:61 62:62 63:63 64:64 257:-1 258:-2 259:-3 260:-4 261:-5 262:-6 263:-7 264:-8 265:-9 266:-10 267:-11 268:-12 269:-13 270:-14 271:-15 272:-16 273:-17 274:-18 275:-19 276:-20 277:-21 278:-22 279:-23 280:-24 281:-25 282:-26 283:-27 284:-28 285:-29 286:-30 287:-31 288:-32 289:-33 290:-34 291:-35 292:-36 293:-37 294:-38 295:-39 296:-40 297:-41 298:-42 299:-43 300:-44 301:-45 302:-46 303:-47 304:-48 305:-49 306:-50 307:-51 308:-52 309:-53 310:-54 311:-55 312:-56 313:-57 314:-58 315:-59 316:-60 317:-61 318:-62 319:-63 320:-64 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gamma Pattern No description CAM_GAMMA_PATTERN | - | Control: Integer [0:512]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [1:200]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:512]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [1:512]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [1:512]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ICR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Auto ICR Mode No description CAM_AUTO_ICR | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto ICR Threshold No description CAM_AUTO_ICR_THRESHOLD | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IRC | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Image | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Sharpness Auto No description CAM_APERTUREGAIN_AUTO | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dynamic Range Compression No description CAM_IRIDIX | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Luminance No description CAM_LUMINANCE | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-16:16]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flip V No description CAM_PICTUREFLIP | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Image Mode | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Brightness No description CAM_IMAGEMODEBRIGHTNESS | - | Control: Integer [0:25]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:25]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:25]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Contrast No description CAM_IMAGEMODECONTRAST | - | Control: Integer [0:25]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:25]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:25]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Image Mode No description CAM_IMAGE_MODE | - | Control: 0:Custm1:Mode1 2:Mode2 3:Mode3 4:Mode4 5:Mode5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Default1:Custom (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Default1:Custom (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Default1:Custom (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Custm1:Mode1 2:Mode2 3:Mode3 4:Mode4 5:Mode5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Default1:Custom (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Custm1:Mode1 2:Mode2 3:Mode3 4:Mode4 5:Mode5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Default1:Custom (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Default1:Custom (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Image Quality | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Knee | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Knee Mode No description CAM_KNEEMODE | - | Control: 0:Auto4:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Auto4:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto4:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:Auto4:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Auto4:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Knee Point No description CAM_KNEEPOINT | - | Control: Integer [0:12]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:12]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [50:109]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:12]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [50:109]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [75:109]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:12]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Knee Saturation Level No description CAM_KNEESATURATIONLEVEL | - | Control: Integer [0:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:99]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Knee Setting No description CAM_KNEESETTING | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Knee Slope No description CAM_KNEESLOPE | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M3M4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Home No description CAM_M3M4_HOME | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reset No description CAM_M3M4_RESET | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M3 Speed No description CAM_M3_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [-127:127]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M4 Speed No description CAM_M4_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [-127:127]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
M3M4/Position | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Absolute M3 Position No description CAM_ABSM3POS | - | Control: Integer [0:268435455]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Absolute M3 Speed No description CAM_ABSM3_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Absolute M4 Position No description CAM_ABSM4POS | - | Control: Integer [0:268435455]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Absolute M4 Speed No description CAM_ABSM4_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Matrix | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Matrix No description CAM_MATRIX | - | Control: 2:Std3:Off 4:High Sat. 5:Fl. Light (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:Std3:Off 4:High Sat. 5:Fl. Light (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:Std3:Off 4:HighSat. 5:Fl.Light 6:Movie 7:Still 8:Cinema 9:Pro 10:ITU709 11:B/W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:Std3:Off 4:HighSat. 5:Fl.Light (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:Std3:Off 4:HighSat. 5:Fl.Light 6:Movie 7:Still 8:Cinema 9:Pro 10:ITU709 11:B/W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:Std3:Off 4:HighSat. 5:Fl.Light (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:Std3:Off 4:HighSat. 5:Fl.Light 6:Movie 7:Still 8:Cinema 9:Pro 10:ITU709 11:B/W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Matrix BG No description CAM_MATRIX_BG | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Matrix BR No description CAM_MATRIX_BR | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cyan Gain No description CAM_MATRIX_CG | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Matrix GB No description CAM_MATRIX_GB | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Green Gain No description CAM_MATRIX_GG | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Matrix GR No description CAM_MATRIX_GR | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Matrix Level No description CAM_MATRIX_LEVEL | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Magenta Gain No description CAM_MATRIX_MG | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Matrix Hue No description CAM_MATRIX_PHASE | Control: 0:-101:-9 2:-8 3:-6 4:-5 5:-3 6:-2 7:0 8:1 9:2 10:4 11:5 12:7 13:8 14:10 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Matrix RB No description CAM_MATRIX_RB | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Matrix RG No description CAM_MATRIX_RG | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yellow Gain No description CAM_MATRIX_YG | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Memory | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Recall No description CAM_MEMORY_RECALL | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace Number: (127)----- | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reset No description CAM_MEMORY_RESET | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset Number: (127)----- | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stort No description CAM_MEMORY_STORE | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace Number: (127)----- | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ND Filter | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
ND Filter Auto No description CAM_NDFILTER_AUTO | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ND Filter Clear No description CAM_NDFILTER_CLEAR | - | Control: 2:Filtered3:Clear (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ND Filter Mode No description CAM_NDFILTER_MODE | - | Control: 0:Preset1:Variable (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ND Filter Preset No description CAM_NDFILTER_PRESET | - | Control: 0:Clear1:Preset 1 2:Preset 2 3:Preset 3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ND Filter Variable No description CAM_NDFILTER_VARIABLE | - | Control: 0:1/41:1/5 2:1/6 3:1/7 4:1/8 5:1/10 6:1/11 7:1/13 8:1/16 9:1/19 10:1/23 11:1/27 12:1/32 13:1/38 14:1/45 15:1/54 16:1/64 17:1/76 18:1/91 19:1/108 20:1/128 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Noise Reduction | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Noise Reduction 2D Mode No description CAM_NR2D_MODE | - | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PT Settings | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Reset Limits No description CAM_PTLIMIT_RESET | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ramp Curve No description CAM_PTRAMPCURVE | - | Control: 1:Sharpness2:Standard 3:Gentle (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:Sharpness2:Standard 3:Gentle (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:Sharpness2:Standard 3:Gentle (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [1:9]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PTZ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
PanTilt Down No description CAM_ABSPANTILT_DOWN | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PanTilt Left No description CAM_ABSPANTILT_LEFT | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PanTilt Right No description CAM_ABSPANTILT_RIGHT | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PanTilt Stop No description CAM_ABSPANTILT_STOP | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PanTilt Up No description CAM_ABSPANTILT_UP | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Tilt No description CAM_AUTO_TILT | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Relative Zoom Ratio No description CAM_RELATIVE_ZOOM_RATIO | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EPTZ Mode No description CAM_ROVOCAM_EPTZ | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cruise Control When cruise control is enabled, any changes made to the pan, tilt, and zoom values are buffered and not immediately sent to the camera. These changes are only forwarded to the camera once cruise control is disabled. This ensures that the camera continues moving at its current speed on all axes until the cruise control option is deselected by the user. dcCruiseControl | - | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Home Move the camera to the home-position preset_home | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -SimpleParam | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -SimpleParam | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PTZ/Absolute | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Absolute Pan Position No description CAM_ABSPANPOS | - | Control: Integer [-2448:2448]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-7707:7707]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-2448:2448]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-2500:2500]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-27200:27200]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-30124:30252]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:36000]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-2448:2448]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-1657:1659]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-1657:1659]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-2448:2448]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:36000]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-2500:2500]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-2500:2500]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:268435455]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-14976:14976]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-27200:27200]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-14976:14976]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-27200:27200]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-14976:14976]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-2448:2448]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-27200:27200]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-2131:2131]Feedback: Normal (Same)Helper | Control: Integer [-1986:1986]Feedback: Normal (Same)Helper | - | Control: Integer [-27200:27200]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-5666:5666]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-40103:40103]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-40103:40103]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-8704:8704]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-40103:40103]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Absolute Pan Speed No description CAM_ABSPAN_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:24]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:17]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:24]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:17]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:24]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:24]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:24]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:24]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:24]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [1:32]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Absolute Tilt Position No description CAM_ABSTILTPOS | - | Control: Integer [-432:1296]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-1296:1296]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-432:1296]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-1295:373]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-14400:14400]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [18059:59544]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:12199]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-443:1296]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-373:1121]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-373:1121]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-432:1296]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:12199]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-440:440]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-440:440]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:268435455]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-5280:15840]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-14400:14400]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-5280:15840]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-4480:14400]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-14400:14400]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-5280:15840]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-432:1296]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-14400:14400]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-837:837]Feedback: Normal (Same)Helper | Control: Integer [-1120:1120]Feedback: Normal (Same)Helper | - | Control: -Feedback: Integer [0:18380] | - | Control: Integer [-14400:14400]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-1333:666]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7077:21231]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7077:21231]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-1024:4608]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7077:46000]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Absolute Tilt Speed No description CAM_ABSTILT_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:24]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:17]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:20]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:17]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:21]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:24]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:24]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:18]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:21]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:21]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:32]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PTZ/Absolute Position | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
PTZ/Position | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Absolute Zoom Position Separate No description CAM_ZOOM_DIRECT_SEPARATE | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PTZ/Settings | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Reset Down-Left Limits No description CAM_PTLIMIT_DOWNLEFT_RESET | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pan Left Limit No description CAM_PTLIMIT_PAN_LEFT | - | Control: Integer [0:40103]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:40103]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-8704:0]Feedback: - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pan Right Limit No description CAM_PTLIMIT_PAN_RIGHT | - | Control: Integer [0:40103]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:40103]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [0:8704]Feedback: - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tilt Down Limit No description CAM_PTLIMIT_TILT_DOWN | - | Control: Integer [0:7077]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:7077]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-1024:0]Feedback: - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tilt Up Limit No description CAM_PTLIMIT_TILT_UP | - | Control: Integer [0:21231]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:21231]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [0:4608]Feedback: - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reset Up-Right Limits No description CAM_PTLIMIT_UPRIGHT_RESET | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PanTilt Slow Mode No description CAM_PTSLOWMODE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Speed Step No description CAM_PTSPEEDSTEP | - | Control: 0:Normal1:Extend (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PTZ/Speed | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Zoom Speed (Fine) No description CAM_ZOOMSPEED | - | Control: Integer [-32766:32766]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pan Speed Pan speed for camera panspeed | - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-21:21]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-21:21]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [1:24]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-21:21]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-21:21]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-127:127]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-18:18]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tilt Speed Tilt speed for camera tiltspeed | - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-18:18]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-18:18]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-127:127]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-18:18]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-18:18]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [-24:24]Feedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zoom Speed Zoom speed for camera zoomspeed | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PanTilt | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Home No description CAM_PANTILT_HOME | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reset No description CAM_PANTILT_RESET | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PanTilt/Position | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Picture | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Sharpness No description CAM_APERTUREGAIN | Control: Integer [0:20]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:8]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:11]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-128:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-128:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:11]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:11]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:8]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-7:8]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:11]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:01:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 10:10 11:11 12:12 13:13 14:14 15:auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-7:8]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-7:8]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:8]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sharpness Down No description CAM_APERTUREGAIN_DOWN | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Helper | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sharpness Mode No description CAM_APERTUREGAIN_MODE | - | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sharpness Reset No description CAM_APERTUREGAIN_RESET | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sharpness Up No description CAM_APERTUREGAIN_UP | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Helper | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Backlight Compensation No description CAM_BACKLIGHT | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Black Level No description CAM_BLACKLEVEL | - | Control: 0:Off1:Type1 2:Type2 3:Type3 4:Type4 5:Type5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [28:96]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [28:96]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [28:96]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:Type1 2:Type2 3:Type3 4:Type4 5:Type5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:Type1 2:Type2 3:Type3 4:Type4 5:Type5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Brightness No description CAM_BRIGHTNESS | Control: Integer [0:20]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:27]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:100]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:17]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:17]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:20]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:20]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:20]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:20]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chroma Suppress No description CAM_CHROMASUPPRESS | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Middle 3:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Mid 3:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chroma Suppress No description CAM_CHROMA_SUPPRESS | - | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Medium 3:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Medium 3:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Color Gain No description CAM_COLORGAIN | Control: 0:01:2 2:5 3:7 4:10 5:11 6:12 7:13 8:14 9:15 10:16 11:17 12:18 13:19 14:20 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:60%1:70% 2:80% 3:90% 4:100% 5:110% 6:120% 7:130% 8:140% 9:150% 10:160% 11:170% 12:180% 13:190% 14:200% (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [1:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:60%1:70% 2:80% 3:90% 4:100% 5:110% 6:120% 7:130% 8:140% 9:150% 10:160% 11:170% 12:180% 13:190% 14:200% (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:25]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0%1:20% 2:50% 3:70% 4:100% 5:110% 6:120% 7:130% 8:140% 9:150% 10:160% 11:170% 12:180% 13:190% 14:200% (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0%1:20% 2:50% 3:70% 4:100% 5:110% 6:120% 7:130% 8:140% 9:150% 10:160% 11:170% 12:180% 13:190% 14:200% (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:0%1:20% 2:50% 3:70% 4:100% 5:110% 6:120% 7:130% 8:140% 9:150% 10:160% 11:170% 12:180% 13:190% 14:200% (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:25]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: - | Control: 0:60%1:70% 2:80% 3:90% 4:100% 5:110% 6:120% 7:130% 8:140% 9:150% 10:160% 11:170% 12:180% 13:190% 14:200% (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:25]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:01:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 10:10 11:11 12:12 13:13 14:14 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:60%1:70% 2:80% 3:90% 4:100% 5:110% 6:120% 7:130% 8:140% 9:150% 10:160% 11:170% 12:180% 13:190% 14:200% (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Color Hue No description CAM_COLORHUE | - | Control: 0:-14 Degrees1:-12 Degrees 2:-10 Degrees 3:-8 Degrees 4:-6 Degrees 5:-4 Degrees 6:-2 Degrees 7:0 Degrees 8:2 Degrees 9:4 Degrees 10:6 Degrees 11:8 Degrees 12:10 Degrees 13:12 Degrees 14:14 Degrees (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-15:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [1:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:-101:-9 2:-8 3:-6 4:-5 5:-3 6:-2 7:0 8:1 9:2 10:4 11:5 12:7 13:8 14:10 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:-101:-9 2:-8 3:-6 4:-5 5:-3 6:-2 7:0 8:1 9:2 10:4 11:5 12:7 13:8 14:10 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:-101:-9 2:-8 3:-6 4:-5 5:-3 6:-2 7:0 8:1 9:2 10:4 11:5 12:7 13:8 14:10 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:01:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 10:10 11:11 12:12 13:13 14:14 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Colour No description CAM_COLOR_GAIN | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [1:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hue No description CAM_COLOR_HUE | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [1:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:100]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Contrast No description CAM_CONTRAST | Control: Integer [0:20]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:100]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:20]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:20]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:20]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flicker less No description CAM_FLICKERLESS | - | Control: 0:Auto2:On 3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Auto2:On 3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Auto2:On 3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flip Flip CAM_FLIP | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gamma No description CAM_GAMMA | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:1]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:1]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Standard1:Straight (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Standard1:Straight (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HDR No description CAM_HDR | - | Control: 1:PQ2:HLG 3:SDR (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
High Resolution No description CAM_HIGHRESOLUTION | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Image Stabiliser No description CAM_IMAGESTABILISER | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flip No description CAM_IMGFLIP | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off1:Flip-H 2:Flip-V 3:Flip-HV (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:Flip-H 2:Flip-V 3:Flip-HV (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IR Cut Filter No description CAM_IR_CUT_FILTER | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lens Mode No description CAM_LENSMODE | Control: 0:Indoor1:Outdoor 2:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Indoor1:Outdoor 2:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Indoor1:Outdoor 2:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Indoor1:Outdoor 2:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lens Shading No description CAM_LENSSHADING | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mirror No description CAM_MIRROR | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Noise Reduction No description CAM_NOISEREDUCTION | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Noise Reduction No description CAM_NR | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Middle 3:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:Auto 2:1 3:2 4:3 5:4 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:Auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:Low 5:Middle 9:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Off 2:1 3:2 4:3 5:4 6:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Typ 3:Max (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Typ 3:Max (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Typ 3:Max (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Off 2:1 3:2 4:3 5:4 6:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:Auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Off 2:1 3:2 4:3 5:4 6:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 127:Advanced (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 127:Advanced (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 127:Advanced (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Noise Reduction 2D No description CAM_NR2D | - | Control: 0:Off1:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:1]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:Auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Typ 3:Max (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Typ 3:Max (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Typ 3:Max (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:01:1 2:2 3:3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:1]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:Auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:01:1 2:2 3:3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Noise Reduction 3D No description CAM_NR3D | - | Control: 0:Off1:Auto 2:1 3:2 4:3 5:4 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:5]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:Auto 2:1 3:2 4:3 5:4 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:Auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:Auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:Auto 2:1 3:2 4:3 5:4 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:Auto 2:1 3:2 4:3 5:4 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Typ 3:Max 4:Auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Typ 3:Max (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Typ 3:Max (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Typ 3:Max 4:Auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Typ 3:Max (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Typ 3:Max 4:Auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:5]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Typ 3:Max (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:Auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Typ 3:Max (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:Auto 2:1 3:2 4:3 5:4 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Noise Reduction No description CAM_NR_2 | - | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2D NR No description CAM_NR_2D | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3D NR No description CAM_NR_3D | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Picture Effect No description CAM_PICTUREEFFECT | Control: 0:false2:Negative 4:Grey Mode 16:Reddish-1 17:Reddish-2 18:Reddish-3 19:Reddish-4 32:Bluish-1 33:Bluish-2 34:Bluish-3 35:Bluish-4 48:Greenish-1 49:Greenish-2 50:Greenish-3 51:Greenish-4 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off / Color4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off / Color4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off2:N.Art 4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off / Color4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off / Color4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off / Color4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off / Color4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:B&W3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: -EXPERIMENTAL | Control: 0:Off4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off2:N.Art 4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off2:N.Art 4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off / Color4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off4:Black and White (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off2:N.Art 4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off2:Neg.Art 4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off2:N.Art 4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off0:B&W 2:Neg.Art (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off2:Neg.Art 4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off0:B&W 2:Neg.Art (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off2:Neg.Art 4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off2:N.Art 4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off0:B&W 2:Neg.Art (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off2:N.Art 4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off0:B&W 2:Neg.Art (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off2:N.Art 4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off2:N.Art 4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off2:N.Art 4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off0:B&W 2:Neg.Art (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off2:N.Art 4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off2:N.Art 4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off2:N.Art 4:B&W (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off2:Neg.Art 4:B.W. (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Picture Contrast No description CAM_PICTURE_CONTRAST | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Picture Edge No description CAM_PICTURE_EDGE | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Picture Profile No description CAM_PICTURE_PROFILE | - | Control: 0:PP11:PP2 2:PP3 3:PP4 4:PP5 5:PP6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:PP11:PP2 2:PP3 3:PP4 4:PP5 5:PP6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:PP11:PP2 2:PP3 3:PP4 4:PP5 5:PP6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:PP11:PP2 2:PP3 3:PP4 4:PP5 5:PP6 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Saturation No description CAM_PICTURE_SATURATION | - | Control: 0:60%1:70% 2:80% 3:90% 4:100% 5:110% 6:120% 7:130% 8:140% 9:150% 10:160% 11:170% 12:180% 13:190% 14:200% (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:60%1:70% 2:80% 3:90% 4:100% 5:110% 6:120% 7:130% 8:140% 9:150% 10:160% 11:170% 12:180% 13:190% 14:200% (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Picture Style No description CAM_PICTURE_STYLE | - | Control: 0:Off1:Standard 2:VIVID 3:CLEAR 4:VIVID CLR 5:NEUTRAL (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:Standard 2:VIVID 3:CLEAR 4:VIVID CLR 5:NEUTRAL (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:Standard 2:VIVID 3:CLEAR 4:VIVID CLR 5:NEUTRAL (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Portrail No description CAM_PORTRAIL | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shading No description CAM_SHADING | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sharpness No description CAM_SHARPNESS | - | Control: Integer [0:24]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:100]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sharpness Down No description CAM_SHARPNESS_DOWN | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sharpness Reset No description CAM_SHARPNESS_RESET | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sharpness Up No description CAM_SHARPNESS_UP | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Skin Tone No description CAM_SKIN_TONE | - | Control: Integer [0:5]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:5]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:5]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spotlight Compensation No description CAM_SPOTLIGHT | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:Spotlight ON3:Spotlight OFF (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:Spotlight ON3:Spotlight OFF (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:Spotlight ON3:Spotlight OFF (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:Spotlight ON3:Spotlight OFF (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:Spotlight ON3:Spotlight OFF (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stabilizer No description CAM_STABILIZER | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 3:Off4:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wide Dynamic Range Level No description CAM_VISIBILITY_ENHANCEMENT_RANGE | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wide Dynamic Range Level No description CAM_WDR_LEVEL | - | Control: Integer [1:6]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [1:6]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wide Dynamic Range No description CAM_WDR_MODE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 3:Off6:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 3:Off6:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 3:Off6:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 3:Off6:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | Control: 2:WD On3:WD Off 6:VE On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Default1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:Weak 2:Natural 3:Strong (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:WD On3:WD Off 6:VE On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Default1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:WDR1:AD_WDR 3:Off 3:Contrast Offset (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 3:Off6:VE (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:WDR1:AD_WDR 3:Off 3:Contrast Offset (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:WD On3:WD Off 6:VE On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 3:Off6:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 3:Off6:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 3:Off6:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
White Level No description CAM_WHITELEVEL | Control: 90:90 IRE91:91 IRE 92:92 IRE 93:93 IRE 94:94 IRE 95:95 IRE 96:96 IRE 97:97 IRE 98:98 IRE 99:99 IRE 100:100 IRE 101:101 IRE 102:102 IRE 103:103 IRE 104:104 IRE 105:105 IRE 106:106 IRE 107:107 IRE 108:108 IRE 109:109 IRE (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 90:90 IRE91:91 IRE 92:92 IRE 93:93 IRE 94:94 IRE 95:95 IRE 96:96 IRE 97:97 IRE 98:98 IRE 99:99 IRE 100:100 IRE 101:101 IRE 102:102 IRE 103:103 IRE 104:104 IRE 105:105 IRE 106:106 IRE 107:107 IRE 108:108 IRE 109:109 IRE (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 90:90 IRE91:91 IRE 92:92 IRE 93:93 IRE 94:94 IRE 95:95 IRE 96:96 IRE 97:97 IRE 98:98 IRE 99:99 IRE 100:100 IRE 101:101 IRE 102:102 IRE 103:103 IRE 104:104 IRE 105:105 IRE 106:106 IRE 107:107 IRE 108:108 IRE 109:109 IRE (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 90:90 IRE91:91 IRE 92:92 IRE 93:93 IRE 94:94 IRE 95:95 IRE 96:96 IRE 97:97 IRE 98:98 IRE 99:99 IRE 100:100 IRE 101:101 IRE 102:102 IRE 103:103 IRE 104:104 IRE 105:105 IRE 106:106 IRE 107:107 IRE 108:108 IRE 109:109 IRE (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Highlight Compensation No description CAN_HIGHLIGHT_COMP | - | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Medium 3:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:Low 2:Medium 3:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Highlight Compensation Mask No description CAN_HIGHLIGHT_COMP_MASK | - | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Picture/Color Adjust | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Color Adjust Mode No description CAM_COLORADJUST | - | Control: 0:Off1:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Brightness Balance No description CAM_COLORADJUST_BRIGHTNESS_BALANCE | - | Control: 0:Keep1:No Keep (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Keep1:No Keep (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flare Blue No description CAM_COLORADJUST_FLARE_BLUE | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flare Green No description CAM_COLORADJUST_FLARE_GREEN | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flare Red No description CAM_COLORADJUST_FLARE_RED | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:64]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Preset | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Preset Freeze Set No description CAM_PRESET_FREEZE_SET | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Preset PT Speed No description CAM_PRESET_PT_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [2:24]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Preset Speed Adj Down No description CAM_PRESET_SPEED_DOWN | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Preset Speed Adj Up No description CAM_PRESET_SPEED_UP | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Preset Zoom Speed No description CAM_PRESET_ZOOM_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Presets | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Home All No description CAM_HOME_ALL | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ramp No description CAM_MEMORY_RAMP | - | Control: 0:0.0s1:0.1s 2:0.2s 3:0.3s 4:0.4s 5:0.5s 6:0.6s 7:0.7s 8:0.8s 9:0.9s 10:1.0s 11:1.1s 12:1.2s 13:1.3s 14:1.4s 15:1.5s 16:1.6s 17:1.7s 18:1.8s 19:1.9s 20:2.0s 21:2.1s 22:2.2s 23:2.3s 24:2.4s 25:2.5s 26:2.6s 27:2.7s 28:2.8s 29:2.9s 30:3.0s 31:3.1s 32:3.2s 33:3.3s 34:3.4s 35:3.5s 36:3.6s 37:3.7s 38:3.8s 39:3.9s 40:4.0s 41:4.1s 42:4.2s 43:4.3s 44:4.4s 45:4.5s 46:4.6s 47:4.7s 48:4.8s 49:4.9s 50:5.0s 51:5.1s 52:5.2s 53:5.3s 54:5.4s 55:5.5s 56:5.6s 57:5.7s 58:5.8s 59:5.9s 60:6.0s 61:6.1s 62:6.2s 63:6.3s 64:6.4s 65:6.5s 66:6.6s 67:6.7s 68:6.8s 69:6.9s 70:7.0s 71:7.1s 72:7.2s 73:7.3s 74:7.4s 75:7.5s 76:7.6s 77:7.7s 78:7.8s 79:7.9s 80:8.0s 81:8.1s 82:8.2s 83:8.3s 84:8.4s 85:8.5s 86:8.6s 87:8.7s 88:8.8s 89:8.9s 90:9.0s 91:9.1s 92:9.2s 93:9.3s 94:9.4s 95:9.5s 96:9.6s 97:9.7s 98:9.8s 99:9.9s 100:10.0s 101:10.1s 102:10.2s 103:10.3s 104:10.4s 105:10.5s 106:10.6s 107:10.7s 108:10.8s 109:10.9s 110:11.0s 111:11.1s 112:11.2s 113:11.3s 114:11.4s 115:11.5s 116:11.6s 117:11.7s 118:11.8s 119:11.9s 120:12.0s 121:12.1s 122:12.2s 123:12.3s 124:12.4s 125:12.5s 126:12.6s 127:12.7s 128:12.8s 129:12.9s 130:13.0s 131:13.1s 132:13.2s 133:13.3s 134:13.4s 135:13.5s 136:13.6s 137:13.7s 138:13.8s 139:13.9s 140:14.0s 141:14.1s 142:14.2s 143:14.3s 144:14.4s 145:14.5s 146:14.6s 147:14.7s 148:14.8s 149:14.9s 150:15.0s 151:15.1s 152:15.2s 153:15.3s 154:15.4s 155:15.5s 156:15.6s 157:15.7s 158:15.8s 159:15.9s 160:16.0s 161:16.1s 162:16.2s 163:16.3s 164:16.4s 165:16.5s 166:16.6s 167:16.7s 168:16.8s 169:16.9s 170:17.0s 171:17.1s 172:17.2s 173:17.3s 174:17.4s 175:17.5s 176:17.6s 177:17.7s 178:17.8s 179:17.9s 180:18.0s 181:18.1s 182:18.2s 183:18.3s 184:18.4s 185:18.5s 186:18.6s 187:18.7s 188:18.8s 189:18.9s 190:19.0s 191:19.1s 192:19.2s 193:19.3s 194:19.4s 195:19.5s 196:19.6s 197:19.7s 198:19.8s 199:19.9s 200:20.0s 201:20.1s 202:20.2s 203:20.3s 204:20.4s 205:20.5s 206:20.6s 207:20.7s 208:20.8s 209:20.9s 210:21.0s 211:21.1s 212:21.2s 213:21.3s 214:21.4s 215:21.5s 216:21.6s 217:21.7s 218:21.8s 219:21.9s 220:22.0s 221:22.1s 222:22.2s 223:22.3s 224:22.4s 225:22.5s 226:22.6s 227:22.7s 228:22.8s 229:22.9s 230:23.0s 231:23.1s 232:23.2s 233:23.3s 234:23.4s 235:23.5s 236:23.6s 237:23.7s 238:23.8s 239:23.9s 240:24.0s 241:24.1s 242:24.2s 243:24.3s 244:24.4s 245:24.5s 246:24.6s 247:24.7s 248:24.8s 249:24.9s 250:25.0s 251:25.1s 252:25.2s 253:25.3s 254:25.4s 255:25.5s (has dynamic options) Feedback: -Dimensions: Memory Number: (127)----- | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time To Target No description CAM_MEMORY_TIMETOTARGET | - | Control: 5:1.0s6:1.2s 7:1.4s 8:1.6s 9:1.8s 10:2.0s 11:2.2s 12:2.4s 13:2.6s 14:2.8s 15:3.0s 16:3.2s 17:3.4s 18:3.6s 19:3.8s 20:4.0s 21:4.2s 22:4.4s 23:4.6s 24:4.8s 25:5.0s 26:5.2s 27:5.4s 28:5.6s 29:5.8s 30:6.0s 31:6.2s 32:6.4s 33:6.6s 34:6.8s 35:7.0s 36:7.2s 37:7.4s 38:7.6s 39:7.8s 40:8.0s 41:8.2s 42:8.4s 43:8.6s 44:8.8s 45:9.0s 46:9.2s 47:9.4s 48:9.6s 49:9.8s 50:10.0s 51:10.2s 52:10.4s 53:10.6s 54:10.8s 55:11.0s 56:11.2s 57:11.4s 58:11.6s 59:11.8s 60:12.0s 61:12.2s 62:12.4s 63:12.6s 64:12.8s 65:13.0s 66:13.2s 67:13.4s 68:13.6s 69:13.8s 70:14.0s 71:14.2s 72:14.4s 73:14.6s 74:14.8s 75:15.0s 76:15.2s 77:15.4s 78:15.6s 79:15.8s 80:16.0s 81:16.2s 82:16.4s 83:16.6s 84:16.8s 85:17.0s 86:17.2s 87:17.4s 88:17.6s 89:17.8s 90:18.0s 91:18.2s 92:18.4s 93:18.6s 94:18.8s 95:19.0s 96:19.2s 97:19.4s 98:19.6s 99:19.8s 100:20.0s 101:20.2s 102:20.4s 103:20.6s 104:20.8s 105:21.0s 106:21.2s 107:21.4s 108:21.6s 109:21.8s 110:22.0s 111:22.2s 112:22.4s 113:22.6s 114:22.8s 115:23.0s 116:23.2s 117:23.4s 118:23.6s 119:23.8s 120:24.0s 121:24.2s 122:24.4s 123:24.6s 124:24.8s 125:25.0s 126:25.2s 127:25.4s 128:25.6s 129:25.8s 130:26.0s 131:26.2s 132:26.4s 133:26.6s 134:26.8s 135:27.0s 136:27.2s 137:27.4s 138:27.6s 139:27.8s 140:28.0s 141:28.2s 142:28.4s 143:28.6s 144:28.8s 145:29.0s 146:29.2s 147:29.4s 148:29.6s 149:29.8s 150:30.0s 151:30.2s 152:30.4s 153:30.6s 154:30.8s 155:31.0s 156:31.2s 157:31.4s 158:31.6s 159:31.8s 160:32.0s 161:32.2s 162:32.4s 163:32.6s 164:32.8s 165:33.0s 166:33.2s 167:33.4s 168:33.6s 169:33.8s 170:34.0s 171:34.2s 172:34.4s 173:34.6s 174:34.8s 175:35.0s 176:35.2s 177:35.4s 178:35.6s 179:35.8s 180:36.0s 181:36.2s 182:36.4s 183:36.6s 184:36.8s 185:37.0s 186:37.2s 187:37.4s 188:37.6s 189:37.8s 190:38.0s 191:38.2s 192:38.4s 193:38.6s 194:38.8s 195:39.0s 196:39.2s 197:39.4s 198:39.6s 199:39.8s 200:40.0s 201:40.2s 202:40.4s 203:40.6s 204:40.8s 205:41.0s 206:41.2s 207:41.4s 208:41.6s 209:41.8s 210:42.0s 211:42.2s 212:42.4s 213:42.6s 214:42.8s 215:43.0s 216:43.2s 217:43.4s 218:43.6s 219:43.8s 220:44.0s 221:44.2s 222:44.4s 223:44.6s 224:44.8s 225:45.0s 226:45.2s 227:45.4s 228:45.6s 229:45.8s 230:46.0s 231:46.2s 232:46.4s 233:46.6s 234:46.8s 235:47.0s 236:47.2s 237:47.4s 238:47.6s 239:47.8s 240:48.0s 241:48.2s 242:48.4s 243:48.6s 244:48.8s 245:49.0s 246:49.2s 247:49.4s 248:49.6s 249:49.8s 250:50.0s 251:50.2s 252:50.4s 253:50.6s 254:50.8s 255:51.0s (has dynamic options) Feedback: -Dimensions: Memory Number: (127)----- | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Motion Sync No description CAM_MOTION_SYNC | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Preset Speed No description CAM_PRESETSPEED | - | Control: Integer [0:23]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [1:24]Feedback: - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clear Presets No description CAM_PRESETS_CLEAR | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Load Presets No description CAM_PRESETS_LOAD | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Save Presets No description CAM_PRESETS_SAVE | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Recall Preset Recall the preset if any is saved, Preset NR 1 is Preset NR 1 on the Camera preset_recall | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset: (127)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset: (128)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset: (127)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset: (255)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset: (127)----- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reset Preset Reset a preset, Preset NR 1 is Preset NR 1 on the Camera preset_reset | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset: (127)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset: (128)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset: (127)----- | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset: (127)----- | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset: (127)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset: (255)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset: (127)----- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Store Preset Save a preset, Preset NR 1 is Preset NR 1 on the Camera preset_store | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset: (127)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset: (128)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset: (127)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset: (255)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset: (127)----- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Presets/Settings | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Preset Call Mode No description CAM_PRESET_CALL_MODE | - | Control: 2:Freeze3:Normal (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Preset Mode No description CAM_PRESET_MODE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:Mode12:Mode2 16:Trace (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Mode 11:Mode 2 16:Trace (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Mode 11:Mode 2 16:Trace (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Presets/Trace | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Delete Trace No description CAM_TRACE_DELETE | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace Number: (127)----- | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace Number: (16)----- | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace Number: (16)----- | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Prepare Trace Playback No description CAM_TRACE_PLAY_PREPARE | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace Number: (16)----- | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace Number: (16)----- | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Start Trace Playback No description CAM_TRACE_PLAY_START | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace Number: (16)----- | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace Number: (16)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Start Trace Recording No description CAM_TRACE_REC_START | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace Number: (16)----- | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace Number: (16)----- | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stop Trace Recording No description CAM_TRACE_REC_STOP | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Presets/Trace (DC) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Current Trace Displays the identifier of the currently selected or active trace. It helps users to identify which trace is being operated on. dcTraceCurrent | Control: -Feedback: Integer [0:100] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Trace Delete Deletes a selected trace, freeing up space and removing it from the list of available traces for playback. dcTraceDelete | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace: (128)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace: (255)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Trace Elapsed Time Displays the elapsed time since the start of the current trace operation, providing insight into the operation's duration. dcTraceElapsedTime | Control: -Feedback: String | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Trace End The parameter returns 'true' when the end of the trace playback is reached. It reverts to 'false' when the loop restarts, or after one second in case of no looping. dcTraceEndOfTrace | Control: -Feedback: Binary | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Trace Exists Checks if a specific trace exists within the current device configuration. It returns a binary result indicating the presence of the trace. dcTraceExists | Control: -Feedback: BinaryDimensions: Trace: (127)----- | Control: -Feedback: BinaryDimensions: Trace: (128)----- | Control: -Feedback: BinaryDimensions: Trace: (127)----- | Control: -Feedback: BinaryDimensions: Trace: (255)----- | Control: -Feedback: BinaryDimensions: Trace: (127)----- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Trace Loop Enables looping where the trace is continuously played back dcTraceLoop | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Trace: (128)----- | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Trace: (255)----- | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Trace Loop Delay For looping, it defines the number of seconds to wait after a trace playback before it's armed again and before starting playback again. If ping-pong is enabled, it also defines the waiting time before playing back the trace in reverse. dcTraceLoopDelay | Control: Integer [0:120]Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | Control: Integer [0:120]Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Trace: (128)----- | Control: Integer [0:120]Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | Control: Integer [0:120]Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Trace: (255)----- | Control: Integer [0:120]Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Trace Ping Pong Enables ping-pong where the trace is played back in reverse after reaching its end. dcTracePingPong | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Trace: (128)----- | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Trace: (255)----- | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Trace Playback Triggers the playback of a predefined trace. Traces are sequences of speed commands for pan, tilt and zoom stored for later playback. If the current state is stopped, triggering this parameter will arm the trace, and if the state is armed, it will start playback. dcTracePlay | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace: (128)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace: (255)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Trace Record Starts the recording of a new trace when the current state is either stopped or empty. It allows for capturing a sequence of pan, tilt and zoom operations for later playback. dcTraceRecord | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace: (128)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace: (255)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Trace Remaining Time Indicates the remaining time for the current trace operation (either recording or playback). It's useful for understanding how much longer an operation will last. dcTraceRemainingTime | Control: -Feedback: String | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Trace Status Returns the current status of a specific trace. It indicates whether the trace is empty, stopped, armed, playing, or recording. This is useful for monitoring and managing trace lifecycle. dcTraceStatus | Control: -Feedback: 0:Empty1:Stopped 2:Armed 3:Playing 4:Recording Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | Control: -Feedback: 0:Empty1:Stopped 2:Armed 3:Playing 4:Recording Dimensions: Trace: (128)----- | Control: -Feedback: 0:Empty1:Stopped 2:Armed 3:Playing 4:Recording Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | Control: -Feedback: 0:Empty1:Stopped 2:Armed 3:Playing 4:Recording Dimensions: Trace: (255)----- | Control: -Feedback: 0:Empty1:Stopped 2:Armed 3:Playing 4:Recording Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Trace Status Label Provides a human-readable representation of the current trace status. It is beneficial for user interfaces that display the trace status. dcTraceStatusLabel | Control: -Feedback: StringDimensions: Trace: (127)----- | Control: -Feedback: StringDimensions: Trace: (128)----- | Control: -Feedback: StringDimensions: Trace: (127)----- | Control: -Feedback: StringDimensions: Trace: (255)----- | Control: -Feedback: StringDimensions: Trace: (127)----- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Trace Step Shows the current step in a multi-step trace operation, providing a count in the form of 'x/y', where 'x' is the current step, and 'y' is the total number of steps dcTraceStep | Control: -Feedback: String | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Trace Stop Halts any ongoing trace operation, whether it's recording or playback. dcTraceStop | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Trace Test Sets test mode for Trace 1. In this mode, a predefined trace is played for Trace 1, which can be helpful for testing the camera's tracing capability. Before enabling this function, make sure to store a preset in preset bank 1. It is recommended that the preset represents the home position, but with a zoom level set to approximately the middle of the range. dcTraceTest | Control: 0:Normal1:Basic PTZ 2:Quicker, Concurrent PT+Z 3:Pan/Tilt Only 4:Zoom Only 5:Ramped PT Feedback: Normal (Same) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Trace Wait When a trace is recording, this trigger will incorporate a wait step. If a trace is in playback mode, it will prompt the continuation of playback each time a user wait is detected. The function will return 'true' if a user wait is presently on hold, awaiting further action to proceed. dcTraceWait | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: Binary | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Quality | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Record | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Record No description CAM_RECORD | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
System | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Audio State No description CAM_AUDIOSTATE | - | Control: -Feedback: 0:Unknown2:32 kHz 4:44 kHz 6:48 kHz 8:88 kHz 16:96 kHz 18:176 kHz 20:192 kHz | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Flip No description CAM_AUTOFLIP | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto ICR Mode No description CAM_AUTOICR_MODE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto ICR Threshold No description CAM_AUTOICR_THRESHOLD | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
USB Status No description CAM_AUTO_USB_STATUS | - | Control: -Feedback: 0:USB cable plug out1:USB cable plug in | - | Control: -Feedback: 0:USB cable plug out1:USB cable plug in | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UVC Status No description CAM_AUTO_UVC_STATUS | - | Control: -Feedback: 0:UVC stream off1:UVC stream on | - | Control: -Feedback: 0:UVC stream off1:UVC stream on | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RTMP No description CAM_AVER_RTMP | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Video Mode No description CAM_AVER_VIDEOMODE | - | Control: 0:IP+Stream1:USB Only 2:NDI Only 3:Streaming Only (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Camera Reset No description CAM_CAMERA_RESET | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Colorbar No description CAM_COLORBAR | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Continuous Focus Pos. Reply Mode No description CAM_CONTINUOUS_FOCUSPOS_REPLYMODE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Continuous Zoom Pos Reply Mode No description CAM_CONTINUOUS_ZOOMPOS_REPLYMODE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Curve No description CAM_CURVE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Defog No description CAM_DEFOG | Control: 32:Auto34:true 48:false (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 10:10 11:11 12:12 13:13 14:14 15:15 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 33:Low34:Mid 35:High 48:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Defog Level No description CAM_DEFOG_LEVEL | - | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:3]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Defog Mode No description CAM_DEFOG_MODE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Demo Mode No description CAM_DEMO_MODE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Display Info No description CAM_DISPLAYINFO | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Firmware ID No description CAM_FIRMWARE_ID | - | Control: -Feedback: Integer [0:255] | - | Control: -Feedback: Integer [0:255] | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flicker Cancel No description CAM_FLICKERCANCEL | - | Control: 0:Off1:50 Hz 2:60 Hz (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:50 Hz 2:60 Hz (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off1:50 Hz 2:60 Hz (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off1:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:50 Hz 2:60 Hz (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:50Hz 2:60Hz (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:50 Hz 2:60 Hz (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:50 Hz 2:60 Hz (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flicker Cancel No description CAM_FLICKERCANCEL2 | - | Control: 0:Off1:50 Hz 2:60 Hz (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off1:50Hz 2:60Hz (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:50Hz 2:60Hz (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:50Hz 2:60Hz (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flicker Cancel 60Hz No description CAM_FLICKERCANCELFREQ60HZ | - | Control: 0:Off1:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:50 Hz1:60 Hz (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Freeze No description CAM_FREEZE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off 3:On When Preset 3:Off When Preset (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HDMI Format No description CAM_HDMI_FORMAT | - | Control: 1:YUV4202:YUV422 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 1:YUV4202:YUV422 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:RGB2:YUV422 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HDMI Output Range No description CAM_HDMI_OUTPUT_RANGE | - | Control: 1:16-2352:1-254 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 1:16-2352:1-254 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 1:16-2352:1-254 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HPhase No description CAM_HPHASE | - | Control: Integer [0:959]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:959]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ICR Mode No description CAM_ICR_MODE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ID Write No description CAM_IDWRITE | - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Model Version No description CAM_INFO_MODEL | - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same)Helper | - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rom Version No description CAM_INFO_ROMVERSION | - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same)Helper | - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Socket Number No description CAM_INFO_SOCKETNUMBER | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same)Helper | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Vendor ID No description CAM_INFO_VENDOR | - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same)Helper | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Camera Init Start No description CAM_INITIALIZE_CAMERA | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lens Init Start No description CAM_INITIALIZE_LENS | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IR Correction No description CAM_IRCORRECTION | - | Control: 0:Standard1:IR Light (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Standard1:IR Light (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:Standard1:IR Light (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Standard1:IR Light (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IR Receive No description CAM_IRRECEIVE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IR Address No description CAM_IR_ADDRESS | - | Control: Integer [1:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [1:4]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lens Initialization Start No description CAM_LENS_INIT | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mirror Image No description CAM_LRREVERSE | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MD On/Off No description CAM_MD_ONOFF | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Menu No description CAM_MENUDISPLAY | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Menu Enter No description CAM_MENUENTER | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Menu Back No description CAM_MENU_BACK | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Menu Ok No description CAM_MENU_OK | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Motionless Preset No description CAM_MOTIONLESS_PRESET | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mute Mute the audio output CAM_MUTE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mute Toggle No description CAM_MUTE_TOGGLE | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ND Filter No description CAM_NDFILTER | - | Control: 0:Off1:1/4 2:1/16 3:1/64 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:ND Off1:ND 1/4 2:ND 1/16 3:ND 1/64 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:ND Off1:ND 1/4 2:ND 1/16 3:ND 1/64 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:ND Off1:ND 1/4 2:ND 1/16 3:ND 1/64 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pan Reverse No description CAM_PANREVERSE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pan Direction No description CAM_PAN_DIRECTION | - | Control: 2:Reverse3:Normal (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Power No description CAM_POWER | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: -Feedback: 3:Off2:On | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Delayed Feedback | Control: 2:On3:Off (Standby) (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Delayed Feedback | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (Standby) (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Preset Freeze No description CAM_PRESET_FREEZE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Privacy Mode No description CAM_PRIVACY_MODE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
OSD Prompt No description CAM_PROMPT | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PanTilt Speed No description CAM_PT_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [5:24]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [5:24]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PT Standby Mode No description CAM_PT_STANDBY_MODE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reboot No description CAM_REBOOT | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Recording Trigger a Recording (Use with SKAARHOJ:HoldDown) CAM_RECORDING | - | Control: 0:Release1:Press (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reset Settings No description CAM_RESET_SETTINGS | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Resolution No description CAM_RESOLUTION | - | Control: -Feedback: 0:1080p 251:1080p 50 2:1080p 30 3:1080p 60 4:??? 5:1080p 24 6:1080p 29.97 7:1080p 59.94 8:1080p 23.98 | Control: 0:1080P601:1080P50 2:1080I60 3:1080I50 4:1080P30 5:1080P25 6:720P60 7:720P50 8:720P30 9:720P25 14:1080P5994 15:1080I5994 16:1080P2997 17:1080P24 18:1080P2398 19:720P5994 20:720P2997 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:1080i/601:1080p/30 2:720p/60 3:720p/30 7:1080p/60 8:1080i/50 9:1080p/25 10:720p/50 11:720p/25 15:1080p/50 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:1080p601:1080p50 2:1080i60 3:1080i50 4:720p60 5:720p50 6:1080p30 7:1080p25 8:720p30 9:720p25 10:1080p59.94 11:1080i59.94 12:720p59.94 13:1080p29.97 14:720p29.97 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:1080i59.942:1080i60 4:1080i50 6:1080p29.97 7:1080p30 8:1080p25 9:720p59.94 10:720p60 12:720p50 19:1080p59.94 20:1080p50 21:1080p60 29:2160p29.97 30:2160p25 31:2160p30 34:2160p59.94 35:2160p50 36:2160p60 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 1:1080i59.942:1080i60 4:1080i50 6:1080p29.97 7:1080p30 8:1080p25 9:720p59.94 10:720p60 12:720p50 19:1080p59.94 20:1080p50 21:1080p60 29:2160p29.97 30:2160p25 31:2160p30 34:2160p59.94 35:2160p50 36:2160p60 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:1080P601:1080P50 2:1080I60 3:1080I50 4:1080P30 5:1080P25 6:720P60 7:720P50 8:720P30 9:720P25 14:1080P5994 15:1080I5994 16:1080P2997 17:1080P24 18:1080P2398 19:720P5994 20:720P2997 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 5:QFHD 4K 29.97p6:QFHD 4K 25p 8:FHD 1080 59.94p 9:FHD 1080 50p 11:FHD 1080 29.97p 12:FHD 1080 25p 14:HD 720 59.94p 15:HD 720 50p 17:HD 720 29.97p 18:HD 720 25p (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 7:FHD 1080P - 60p8:FHD 1080P - 50p 9:FHD 1080P - 30p 10:FHD 1080P - 25p 12:HD 720P - 60p 14:HD 720P - 50p 20:FHD 1080i - 60i 22:FHD 1080i - 50i (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 5:QFHD 4K - 29.97p6:QFHD 4K - 25p 8:FHD 1080p - 59.94p 9:FHD 1080p - 50p 11:FHD 1080p - 29.97p 12:FHD 1080p - 25p 14:HD 720p - 59.94p 15:HD 720p - 50p 17:HD 720p - 29.97p 18:HD 720p - 25p (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:4K/59.94p3:4K/50p 5:4K/29.97p 6:4K/25p 8:1080p/59.94p 9:1080p/50p 11:1080p/29.97p 12:1080p/25p 14:720p/59.94p 15:720p/50p 17:720p/29.97p 18:720p/25p 21:1080i/59.94p 22:1080i/50p (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 5:QFHD 4K 29.97p6:QFHD 4K 25p 8:FHD 1080 59.94p 9:FHD 1080 50p 11:FHD 1080 29.97p 12:FHD 1080 25p 14:HD 720 59.94p 15:HD 720 50p 17:HD 720 29.97p 18:HD 720 25p (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:1080p601:1080p50 2:1080i60 3:1080i50 4:720p60 5:720p50 6:1080p30 7:1080p25 8:720p30 9:720p25 10:1080p59.94 11:1080i59.94 12:720p59.94 13:1080p29.97 14:720p29.97 (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:4K/59.94p3:4K/50p 5:4K/29.97p 6:4K/25p 8:1080p/59.94p 9:1080p/50p 11:1080p/29.97p 12:1080p/25p 14:720p/59.94p 15:720p/50p 17:720p/29.97p 18:720p/25p 21:1080i/59.94p 22:1080i/50p (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: -Feedback: 0:1920x1080p601:1920x1080i60 2:1920x1080p30 3:1280x720p60 4:1280x720p30 5:1920x1080p59 6:1920x1080i59 7:1280x720p59 8:1920x1080p50 9:1920x1080i50 10:1920x1080p25 11:1280x720p50 12:1280x720p25 13:1920x1080p29 14:1280x720p29 32:720x576i50 33:720x480i59 34:720x480i60 35:1920x1080p23 36:1920x1080p24 37:1920x1035i29 38:1920x1035i30 39:1920x1080i23 40:1920x1080i24 41:1920x1080i25 48:1280x720p23 49:1280x720p24 50:1920x1080p50B 51:1920x1080p59B 52:1920x1080p60B 53:Detect Error 54:Unknown | - | Control: 0:1920×1080/59.94P2:1920×1080/29.97P 3:1920×1080/59.94I 4:1280×720/59.94P 8:1920×1080/50P 10:1920×1080/25P 11:1920×1080/50I 12:1280×720/50P 24:640×480/59.94P 34:3840×2160/29.97P (BRC-X1000 only) 38:3840×2160/25P (BRC-X1000 only) 40:1920×1080/23.98P*1 42:3840×2160/23.98P (BRC-X1000 only) (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:1920×1080/59.94P2:1920×1080/29.97P 3:1920×1080/59.94I 4:1280×720/59.94P 8:1920×1080/50P 10:1920×1080/25P 11:1920×1080/50I 12:1280×720/50P 24:640×480/59.94P 34:3840×2160/29.97P (BRC-X1000 only) 38:3840×2160/25P (BRC-X1000 only) 40:1920×1080/23.98P*1 42:3840×2160/23.98P (BRC-X1000 only) (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RS485 Control No description CAM_RS485_CTL | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Save Settings Save Current Setting CAM_SETTINGS_SAVE | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -EXPERIMENTAL | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Speed By Zoom No description CAM_SPEED_BY_ZOOM | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Steadyshot No description CAM_STEADYSHOT | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pan Reverse No description CAM_TILTREVERSE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Video Mode Sets the video mode used for shutter values etc. CAM_VIDEOMODE | - | Control: 1:NTSC (60/30)2:PAL (50/25) (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 1:NTSC (60/30)2:PAL (50/25) (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 1:NTSC (60/30)2:PAL (50/25) (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 1:NTSC (60/30)2:PAL (50/25) (has dynamic options) Feedback: -EXPERIMENTAL | Control: 1:NTSC (60/30)2:PAL (50/25) (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 1:NTSC (60/30)2:PAL (50/25) (has dynamic options) Feedback: -EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 1:NTSC (60/30)2:PAL (50/25) (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 1:NTSC 602:NTSC 30 3:PAL 50 4:PAL 25 (has dynamic options) Feedback: -EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 1:NTSC 602:NTSC 30 3:PAL 50 4:PAL 25 (has dynamic options) Feedback: -EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 1:NTSC (60/30)2:PAL (50/25) (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:60/30 Mode1:50/25 Mode 2:24 Mode (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zoom Display No description CAM_ZOOM_DISPLAY | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zoom Speed Limit No description CAM_ZOOM_SPEED_LIMIT | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zoom Speed No description CAM_ZOOM_SPEED_SETTING | - | Control: Integer [5:24]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
System/Menu | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Menu Mode No description CAM_MENU | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Menu Back No description CAM_MENUBACK | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Menu Down No description CAM_MENU_DOWN | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Menu Left No description CAM_MENU_LEFT | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Menu Right No description CAM_MENU_RIGHT | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Menu Up No description CAM_MENU_UP | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
System/Tally | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Tally No description CAM_TALLY | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:Off1:Red 2:Green 3:Yellow (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:Green 2:Red 4:Blue (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off5:Red High (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 35:Prog50:Prev 51:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 1:Preview2:Program 3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 35:Red50:Green 51:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 35:Prog50:Prev 51:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 35:Prog50:Prev 51:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 35:Prog50:Prev 51:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off1:Red 2:Green 4:Blue (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:Preview12:Program 22:PGM+PRV 23:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off5:Red High (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off5:Red High (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off5:Red High (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:Red 2:Green 3:Red + Green 4:Blue 5:Red + Blue 6:Green + Blue 7:Red + Green + Blue (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:Green2:Red 4:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off1:Green 2:Red 4:Blue (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tally COLOR No description CAM_TALLY_COLOR | - | Control: 0:Green1:Red (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Green Tally No description CAM_TALLY_GREEN | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tally Lamp No description CAM_TALLY_LAMP | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tally Lamp Brightness No description CAM_TALLY_LAMP_BRIGHTNESS | - | Control: Integer [0:100]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:100]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tally Mode No description CAM_TALLY_MODE | - | Control: 0:Off4:On (Low) 5:On (High) (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off4:On (Low) 5:On (High) (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 1:1s Flash2:Lighting (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:RGOff4:RLowGOff 5:RHighGOff 6:ROffGHigh 7:RGHigh (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off4:Red Low 5:Red High (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off4:Red Low 5:Red High (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off4:Red Low 5:Red High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Off4:Red Low 5:Red High 6:Green Low 7:Red+Green High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:RGOff4:RLowGOff 5:RHighGOff 6:ROffGHigh 7:RGHigh (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off4:Red Low 5:Red High 6:Green Low 7:Red+Green High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Off4:Low 5:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off4:Low 5:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Off4:Low 5:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Red Tally No description CAM_TALLY_RED | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
System/Tally/OneShot | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Tally Disable This parameter will disable Tally, it also clears the color so to get tally again you need both a color and the enable parameter. CAM_TALLY_DISABLE | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tally Enable Enable Tally using this parameter, You will only see anything if you also set the color using these parameters - Tally Program or Tally Preview. CAM_TALLY_ENABLE | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tally Priview Sets the Tally to Green. To actually see this on the camera, you first need enable Tally using the parameter - Tally Enable. CAM_TALLY_PRIVIEW | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tally Program Sets the Tally to Red. To actually see this on the camera, you first need enable Tally using the parameter - Tally Enable. CAM_TALLY_PROGRAM | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
System/Tracking | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Auto Zoom No description CAM_AUTOZOOM | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Tracking BodySize No description CAM_AUTO_TRACKING_BODYSIZE | - | Control: -Feedback: 1:Full Body2:Upper Body | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Tracking Mode No description CAM_AUTO_TRACKING_MODE | - | Control: -Feedback: 1:Presenter2:Zone 3:Hybrid | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Tracking Status No description CAM_AUTO_TRACKING_STATUS | - | Control: -Feedback: 0:Off1:On | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Auto Tracking Auto Tracking lets you choose between automatic and manual tracking mode. CAM_AVER_AUTOTRACK | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Effective Tracking Area No description CAM_AVER_EFFECTIVETTRACKINGAREA | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tracking Mode Tracking Mode lets you choose between Wide Area, Stage and Segment tracking settings. CAM_TRACKINGMODE | - | Control: 1:Wide Area2:Stage 3:Segment (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:Wide Area2:Stage 3:Segment (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Test | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Dimensions and Options No description CAM_TEST_DIMENSIONS_AND_OPTLIST | - | Control: 0:Zero1:One 2:Two 3:Three (has dynamic options) Feedback: -Dimensions: That sweet dimension: (4)----- | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dimensions and Speed No description CAM_TEST_DIMENSIONS_AND_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [-255:255]Feedback: -Dimensions: That sweet dimension: (4)----- | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Trace | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Play No description CAM_TRACE_PLAY | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace Number: (127)----- | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Prepare No description CAM_TRACE_PREPARE | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace Number: (127)----- | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Record No description CAM_TRACE_RECORD | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace Number: (127)----- | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tracking | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Framing CTRL No description CAM_FRAMING_CTRL | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Framing Sensitivity No description CAM_FRAMING_SENSITIVITY | - | Control: 0:Low1:Mid 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 0:Low1:Mid 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 0:Low1:Mid 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Framing Tracking Type No description CAM_FRAMING_TRACKING_TYPE | - | Control: 10:Tracking11:Framing (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 10:Tracking11:Framing (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 10:Tracking11:Framing (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tracking Body No description CAM_TRACKING_BODY | - | Control: 0:Full Body1:Upper Body (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 0:Full Body1:Upper Body (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 0:Full Body1:Upper Body (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tracking Body No description CAM_TRACKING_BODY_FRAME | - | Control: 0:Center1:Left 2:Right (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 0:Center1:Left 2:Right (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 0:Center1:Left 2:Right (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tracking CTRL No description CAM_TRACKING_CTRL | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tracking Lost Reaction No description CAM_TRACKING_LOST_REACTION | - | Control: 0:Home1:Stay (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 0:Home1:Stay (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 0:Home1:Stay (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tracking Lost Timeout No description CAM_TRACKING_LOST_TIMEOUT | - | Control: 0:3 sec1:5 sec 2:10 sec (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 0:3 sec1:5 sec 2:10 sec (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 0:3 sec1:5 sec 2:10 sec (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tracking Mode No description CAM_TRACKING_MODE | - | Control: 0:Everywhere1:Stage 2:Partition (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 0:Everywhere1:Stage 2:Partition (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 0:Everywhere1:Stage 2:Partition (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tracking Sensitivity No description CAM_TRACKING_TARGET_SENSITIVITY | - | Control: 0:Low1:Mid 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 0:Low1:Mid 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | Control: 0:Low1:Mid 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)EXPERIMENTAL | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Video | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
White Balance | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
AWB Sensitivity No description CAM_AWBSENSIBILITY | - | Control: 0:Low1:Mid 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Low1:Mid 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Low1:Mid 2:High (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:High1:Mid 2:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:High1:Mid 2:Low (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Blue Gain No description CAM_BGAIN | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-128:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:255] | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:255] | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:255] | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:128]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-128:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:128]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:128]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:128]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:128]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:255]SimpleParam | Control: Integer [-128:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:128]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-128:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-128:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-990:990]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-128:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:128]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Blue Tuning No description CAM_BLUE_TUNING | - | Control: Integer [-10:10]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-10:10]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-10:10]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-10:10]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Color Temperature No description CAM_COLORTEMP | - | Control: Integer [2800:6500]KFeedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [1800:10000]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:2500K1:2600K 2:2700K 3:2800K 4:2900K 5:3000K 6:3100K 7:3200K 8:3300K 9:3400K 10:3500K 11:3600K 12:3700K 13:3800K 14:3900K 15:4000K 16:4100K 17:4200K 18:4300K 19:4400K 20:4500K 21:4600K 22:4700K 23:4800K 24:4900K 25:5000K 26:5100K 27:5200K 28:5300K 29:5400K 30:5500K 31:5600K 32:5700K 33:5800K 34:5900K 35:6000K 36:6100K 37:6200K 38:6300K 39:6400K 40:6500K 41:6600K 42:6700K 43:6800K 44:6900K 45:7000K 46:7100K 47:7200K 48:7300K 49:7400K 50:7500K 51:7600K 52:7700K 53:7800K 54:7900K 55:8000K (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [1800:10000]KFeedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Green Tuning No description CAM_GREEN_TUNING | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Offset No description CAM_MATRIX_OFFSET | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Speed No description CAM_MATRIX_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [1:15]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [1:5]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Red Tuning No description CAM_RED_TUNING | - | Control: Integer [-10:10]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-10:10]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-10:10]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-10:10]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Red Gain No description CAM_RGAIN | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-128:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:255] | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:255] | - | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:255] | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:128]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-128:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:128]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:128]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:128]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:128]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: Integer [0:255]SimpleParam | Control: Integer [-128:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:128]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-128:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-128:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-990:990]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-128:127]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:128]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: Normal (Same) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Red Gain Reset No description CAM_RGAIN_RESET | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
White Balance Mode No description CAM_WBMODE | Control: 0:Auto1:3000K 2:5000K 3:Push 4:ATW 5:Manual 8:8000K (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:One Push 4:Auto Track WB 5:Manual 9:Fl? (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:ATW 5:Manual 8:Sodium Lamp 9:Flourescent (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 5:Manual 6:AutoTrackWB (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual 8:Sodium Lamp 9:Flourescent (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:One Push 4:Auto Track WB 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTracking 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:ATW 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto3:OnePush 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:AWB1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:ATW 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:ATW 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto3:OnePush 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:AWB1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:ATW 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:AWB1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:AWB1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:ATW 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:3000K 2:4000K 3:One Push 4:5000K 5:Manual 6:6500K 7:3500K 8:4500K 9:5500K 10:6000K 11:7000K 12:2400K 13:2500K 14:2600K 15:2700K 16:2800K 17:2900K 18:3100K 19:3200K 20:3300K 21:3400K 22:3600K 23:3700K 24:3800K 25:3900K 26:4100K 27:4200K 28:4300K 29:4400K 30:4600K 31:4700K 33:4800K 34:4900K 35:5100K 36:5200K 37:5300K 38:5400K 39:5600K 40:5700K 41:5800K 42:5900K 43:6100K 44:6200K 45:6300K 46:6400K 47:6600K 48:6700K 49:6800K 50:6900K 51:7100K (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:ATW 5:Manual 6:Outdoor-Auto 7:SLV-Auto 8:SLV 9:SLV-Outdoor-Auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:ATW 5:Manual 6:Kelvin (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:ATW 5:Manual 6:Outdoor-Auto 7:SLV-Auto 8:SLV 9:SLV-Outdoor-Auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:One Push 4:ATW 5:User 6:Outdoor Auto 7:SLV Auto 8:SLV 9:SLV Outdoor Auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:ATW 5:Manual 6:Outdoor-Auto 7:SLV-Auto 8:SLV 9:SLV-Outdoor-Auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:ATW 5:Manual 6:Kelvin (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 5:Manual 238:Color Temp (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:ATW 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:One Push 4:Auto Track WB 5:Manual 6:Outdoor Auto 7:SVL Auto 8:SVL 9:SVL Outdr Auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:User 6:Outdrauto 7:SLVAuto 8:Sodium 9:OtdrSVLAu (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:User 6:Outdoor Auto 7:SLV Auto 8:SVL 9:SVLO Auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:Indoor3200K2:Outdoor5600K 3:OnePush 4:Auto 5:Manual 8:Lamp2500K (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:3000K 2:4000K 3:OnePush 4:5000K 5:Manual 6:6500K 7:3500K 8:4500K 9:5500K 10:6000K 11:7000K 12:2400K 13:2500K 14:2600K 15:2700K 16:2800K 17:2900K 18:3100K 19:3200K 20:3300K 21:3400K 22:3600K 23:3700K 24:3800K 25:3900K 26:4100K 27:4200K 28:4300K 29:4400K 30:4600K 31:4700K 33:4800K 34:4900K 35:5100K 36:5200K 37:5300K 38:5400K 39:5600K 40:5700K 41:5800K 42:5900K 43:6100K 44:6200K 45:6300K 46:6400K 47:6600K 48:6700K 49:6800K 50:6900K 51:7100K (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:Indoor3200K2:Outdoor5600K 3:OnePush 4:Auto 5:Manual 8:Lamp2500K (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual 6:Color Temp. 8:Sodiumlamp (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual 6:Temperature (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual 6:Color Temp. 8:Sodiumlamp (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual 6:Temperature (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual 6:Color Temp. 8:Sodiumlamp (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:AWB1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:ATW 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | Control: 0:FAW1:3200K 2:5600K 3:AWB 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual 6:SodiumLamp 7:3000K 8:4300K 9:5000K 10:6500K 11:8000K 12:WideAuto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual 6:SodiumLamp (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual 12:SodiumLamp (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:One Push 4:Auto Track WB 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual 12:SodiumLamp (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual 12:SodiumLamp (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual 6:SodiumLamp 7:3000K 8:4300K 9:5000K 10:6500K 11:8000K 12:WideAuto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual 12:SodiumLamp (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual 6:Outdoor Auto 6:SLamp Auto 8:SodiumLamp 9:SodiumLampOutdoor (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:3000K 2:4000K 3:OnePush 4:5000K 5:Manual 6:6500K 7:3500K 8:4500K 9:5500K 10:6000K 11:7000K (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual 6:SodiumLamp 7:3000K 8:4300K 9:5000K 10:6500K 11:8000K 12:WideAuto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual 8:Sodium Lamp 9:Fluorescent (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual 6:SodiumLamp (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)Helper | Control: 0:NormalAuto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePushWB 4:AutoTracingWhiteBalance 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 5:Manual 32:VAR (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 5:Manual 32:Color Temp (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:ATW 5:Manual 8:Sodiumlamp 9:Fluorescent (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual 12:SodiumLamp (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual 6:Outdoor Auto 6:SLamp Auto 8:SodiumLamp 9:SodiumLampOutdoor (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:One Push 4:Auto Track WB 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:One Push 4:Auto Track WB 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto11:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:One Push 4:Auto2 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 4:ATW5:Memory 10:Preset (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:One Push 4:Auto Track WB 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto11:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:Auto2 5:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto 11:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:One Push 4:Auto 2 5:Manual 8:Sodium Lamp (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 0:Auto1:Indoor 2:Outdoor 3:OnePush 4:AutoTrackWB 5:Manual 6:Temperature (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
White Balance Offset No description CAM_WBOFFSET | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
One Push Trigger No description CAM_WBONEPUSH | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WB Preset Kelvin No description CAM_WBPRESET | - | Control: Integer [2000:15000]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
White Balance Speed No description CAM_WBSPEED | - | Control: Integer [1:5]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:Normal3:Fast (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [1:5]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [1:5]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:1-Slow2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5-Fast (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [1:5]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 1:1-Slow2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5-Fast (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:12:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WB Temperature No description CAM_WBTEMP | - | Control: Integer [2000:15000]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [2000:15000]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WB Temperature Offset No description CAM_WBTEMP_OFFSET | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WB Tint No description CAM_WBTINT | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WB Tint Offset No description CAM_WBTINT_OFFSET | - | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
White Balance/Blue Gain | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Blue Gain Down No description CAM_BGAIN_DOWN | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Blue Gain Reset No description CAM_BGAIN_RESET | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Blue Gain Up No description CAM_BGAIN_UP | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
White Balance/Red Gain | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Red Gain Down No description CAM_RGAIN_DOWN | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Red Gain Up No description CAM_RGAIN_UP | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zoom | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Clear Image Zoom No description CAM_CLEARIMAGEZOOM | - | Control: 3:Off4:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 3:Off4:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Digital Zoom No description CAM_DIGITALZOOM | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 3:Off4:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off 4:SRZ (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [1:12]Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 3:Off4:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [1:12]Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: 3:Off4:On (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Digital Zoom On/Off No description CAM_DZOOM | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Digital Zoom 1x/max switchover No description CAM_DZOOM_1X_MAX | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Digital Zoom Position No description CAM_DZOOM_DIRECT | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
D.Zoom Limit No description CAM_DZOOM_LIMIT | - | Control: Integer [1:13]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Digital Zoom Mode No description CAM_DZOOM_MODE | - | Control: 0:Combined1:Seperate (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Combined1:Seperate (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Combined1:Seperate (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 0:Combined1:Seperate (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 1:Seperate(has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 1:Seperate(has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 1:Seperate(has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Combined1:Seperate (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Combined1:Seperate (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - | Control: 0:Combined1:Seperate (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Digital Zoom Position No description CAM_DZOOM_POS | - | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Digital Zoom Stop No description CAM_DZOOM_STOP | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Digital Zoom Tele No description CAM_DZOOM_TELE | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Digital Zoom Wide No description CAM_DZOOM_WIDE | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tele Convert Mode When this is selected, you can shoot using 2x magnification. (Only works when camera is set to 1920x1080 resolution) CAM_TELECONVERTMODE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Clear Image Zoom No description CAM_ZOOMMODE | - | Control: 2:Digital3:Optical 4:Clear Image Zoom (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zoom Position No description CAM_ZOOM_DIRECT | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:25000]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:28448]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:25000]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:28449]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:28448]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [0:28449]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:28449]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:31424]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:12000]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [100:400]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:24576]Feedback: Normal (Same) | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: Integer [0:16384]Feedback: Normal (Same) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zoom Memory Mode No description CAM_ZOOM_MEMORY_MODE | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zoom Speed No description CAM_ZOOM_SPEED | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zoom Stop No description CAM_ZOOM_STOP | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zoom Stop Separate No description CAM_ZOOM_STOP_SEPARATE | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tele No description CAM_ZOOM_TELE | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zoom Tele Step No description CAM_ZOOM_TELE_STEP | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wide No description CAM_ZOOM_WIDE | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zoom Wide Step No description CAM_ZOOM_WIDE_STEP | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: - | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | Control: Integer [0:7]Feedback: - | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
config | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Connected Connection status of device connection | Control: -Feedback: Binary | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Custom Command Type here row visca command for perform it. It should has format as an example: 8x 0A 01 46 01 00 FF custom_command | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -MetaValues: Command (Type String): Command format exmaple: 8x 0A 01 46 01 00 FF EXPERIMENTAL | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Device Test Test-function to identify your device, it will control the PTZ controls before attempting to return to home. device_test | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Helper | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IP Address IP address of connected camera ip_address | Control: -Feedback: StringHelper | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reset Sequence Number Resets the sequence number (only valid if controller is connected to camera over VISCAoverIP reset_sequence | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Helper | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Response Delay (Milliseconds) Smoothened response delay for current connection response_delay | Control: -Feedback: Floating [Precision: UndefinedFloatPrecision, 0.000000;120000.000000]Helper | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
no-path | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parameter | AIDA GEN3G200 | AIDA HD-NDI-200 | AIDA PTZ-NDI-X18-B | AIDA PTZ-X12-IP | AIDA PTZ-X20-IP | AIDA PTZ3-X20L | AIDA UHD100 | AIDA UHD6GX12L | AJA RovoCam | Angekis Saber | AVER DL10 | AVER DL30 | AVER PTC115 | AVER PTC310 | AVER PTC310HWV2 | AVER PTC310UV2 | AVER PTC320UNV2 | AVER PTC330UV2 | AVER PTC500 | AVER PTZ310 | AVER PTZ310UNV2 | AVER PTZ330 | AVKANS | Avonic CM4x | Avonic CM60 | Avonic CM7x | Avonic CM93 | BirdDog A200 | BirdDog A300 | BirdDog P100 | BirdDog P110 | BirdDog P120 | BirdDog P200 | BirdDog P240 | BirdDog P400 | BirdDog P4K | BirdDog PF120 | BirdDog X1 | BirdDog X1 Ultra | BirdDog X5 Ultra | Bolin 7 Series (VCC-7) | Bolin BC-9 Series | Bolin BC7 | Bolin SD530 | Data Video PTR 10 | DataVideo BC200 | DataVideo BC80 | DATAVIDEO PTC140 (s) | DATAVIDEO PTC145 | DataVideo PTC150 | DataVideo PTC200 | DATAVIDEO PTC280 | DATAVIDEO PTC285 | DATAVIDEO PTC305 | DataVideo PTR 15 | eMotimo ST4 | Everet EVC312 | Everet EVC320 | Everet EVN210 | Everet EVN220 | Everet EVP212 | Everet EVP212N | Everet EVP220 | Everet EVP220N | Everet EVP230 | Everet EVP230N | Everet EVP312 | Everet EVP320 | Everet EVP412 | Everet EVP412N | Everet EVP435 | Everet EVP435N | Everet EVPRO1 | Everet EVPRO2 | Everet EVX220 | Everet EVX230 | Generic Visca | iSmartVideo AMC-NG320P | JVC KY-PZ100 | JVC KY-PZ400 | Lumens VC-A50P | Lumens VC-A61P | Lumens VC-R30 | Marshall CV344 | Marshall CV346 | Marshall CV348 | Marshall CV350 | Marshall CV350-10XB | Marshall CV355-30x | Marshall CV366 | Marshall CV368 | Marshall CV380-CS | Marshall CV420-30x | Marshall CV420-CS | Marshall CV503 | Marshall CV503-WP | Marshall CV504 | Marshall CV504-WP | Marshall CV506 | Marshall CV506-H12 | Marshall CV508 | Marshall CV566 | Marshall CV568 | Marshall CV620 | Marshall CV630 | Marshall CV730 | MiniZeus | Minnray PTZ | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ1 | NewTek NDI-HX-PTZ3 | NewTek PTZ-UHD-NDI | OBSBOT Tail 2 | OBSBOT Tail Air | OBSBOT Tiny 2 | OptoVER K-M | OptoVER K-NM | OptoVER P-A | OptoVER P-NA | OptoVER P-U | Presenter Tek | PTZOptics Cameras | PTZOptics Move 4K | PTZOptics Move SE | PTZOptics ZCAM G1 | PTZOptics ZCAM G2 | Ross PivotCam | Ross PTZ 12G | Rush Works PTX3 | Salray Works N-Bot | SKY EYE-30HZ-S | Sony BRC-H780 | Sony BRC-H800 | Sony BRC-H900 | Sony BRC-X1000 | Sony BRC-X400 | Sony BRC-X401 | Sony BRC-Z700 | Sony ILME-FR7 | Sony SRG-300 | Sony SRG-X400 | Sony SRG-XB25 | Telycam SE 4K | Telycam Vision + | |
Bright 2 No description CAM_BRIGHT2 | - | Control: Integer [0:14]Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WDR No description CAM_WDR_JVC | - | Control: 0:Off1:Weak 2:Natural 3:Strong (has dynamic options) Feedback: - | - |