Core for VISCA protocol
ParameterCount: 89
Model:Parameter | Sony ILME-FR7 (2811) Sony ILME-FR7 Supports Discovery Development Status: beta (89 params) |
Audio | |
CH1 Control No description CAM_AUDIO_CH1 | Control: 0:Manual1:Auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
CH1 Level No description CAM_AUDIO_CH1_LEVEL | Control: Integer [0:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
CH2 Control No description CAM_AUDIO_CH2 | Control: 0:Manual1:Auto (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
CH2 Level No description CAM_AUDIO_CH2_LEVEL | Control: Integer [0:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Master Level No description CAM_AUDIO_MASTER_LEVEL | Control: Integer [0:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Detail | |
Parameter | Sony ILME-FR7 |
Detail Level No description CAM_DETAIL_LEVEL | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Detail Mode No description CAM_DETAIL_MODE | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Exposure | |
Parameter | Sony ILME-FR7 |
AE Level Down No description CAM_AELEVEL_DOWN | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - |
AE Level Up No description CAM_AELEVEL_UP | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - |
Gain Limit Mode No description CAM_AGC_MODE | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Auto Shutter No description CAM_AUTOSHUTTER | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Iris Auto No description CAM_IRIS_AUTO | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Iris Down No description CAM_IRIS_DOWN | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - |
Iris Up No description CAM_IRIS_UP | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - |
Focus | |
Parameter | Sony ILME-FR7 |
Focus Mode No description CAM_FOCUSMODE | Control: 2:Auto3:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same)SimpleParam |
Focus Position No description CAM_FOCUS_DIRECT | Control: Integer [0:65535]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Focus OnePush Trigger Trigger a OnePush Focus (Use with SKAARHOJ:HoldDown) CAM_FOCUS_ONEPUSH | Control: 0:Release1:Press (has dynamic options) Feedback: - |
Focus Speed No description CAM_FOCUS_SPEED | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - |
Focus Incremental Focus Incremental for camera (Far/Near) This param is perfect for adding focus control to an encoder or focus wheel focusIncremental | Control: Incremental controlFeedback: -SimpleParam |
Focus Max Speed Max focus speed for camera. This param controlles the max speed of the incremental and speed control for focus (Gets applied as a scale 1=1%, 100=100%, or as a speed 1=slowest, Max=fastest) focusMaxSpeed | Control: Integer [1:7]Feedback: -SimpleParam |
Gamma | |
Parameter | Sony ILME-FR7 |
Master Black No description CAM_GAMMA_BLACK | Control: Integer [-990:990]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Blue Black No description CAM_GAMMA_BLACK_BLUE | Control: Integer [-990:990]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Red Black No description CAM_GAMMA_BLACK_RED | Control: Integer [-990:990]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Knee | |
Parameter | Sony ILME-FR7 |
Knee Mode No description CAM_KNEEMODE | Control: 0:Auto4:Manual (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Knee Point No description CAM_KNEEPOINT | Control: Integer [75:109]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Knee Setting No description CAM_KNEESETTING | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Knee Slope No description CAM_KNEESLOPE | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
ND Filter | |
Parameter | Sony ILME-FR7 |
ND Filter Auto No description CAM_NDFILTER_AUTO | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
ND Filter Clear No description CAM_NDFILTER_CLEAR | Control: 2:Filtered3:Clear (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
ND Filter Mode No description CAM_NDFILTER_MODE | Control: 0:Preset1:Variable (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
ND Filter Preset No description CAM_NDFILTER_PRESET | Control: 0:Clear1:Preset 1 2:Preset 2 3:Preset 3 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
ND Filter Variable No description CAM_NDFILTER_VARIABLE | Control: 0:1/41:1/5 2:1/6 3:1/7 4:1/8 5:1/10 6:1/11 7:1/13 8:1/16 9:1/19 10:1/23 11:1/27 12:1/32 13:1/38 14:1/45 15:1/54 16:1/64 17:1/76 18:1/91 19:1/108 20:1/128 (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
PTZ | |
Parameter | Sony ILME-FR7 |
Home No description CAM_PANTILT_HOME | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - |
Reset No description CAM_PANTILT_RESET | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - |
PTZ/Position | |
Parameter | Sony ILME-FR7 |
Absolute Pan Position No description CAM_ABSPANPOS | Control: Integer [-40103:40103]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Absolute Tilt Position No description CAM_ABSTILTPOS | Control: Integer [-7077:46000]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
PTZ/Settings | |
Parameter | Sony ILME-FR7 |
Ramp Curve No description CAM_PTRAMPCURVE | Control: Integer [1:9]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
PanTilt Slow Mode No description CAM_PTSLOWMODE | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Speed Step No description CAM_PTSPEEDSTEP | Control: 0:Normal1:Extend (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
PTZ/Speed | |
Parameter | Sony ILME-FR7 |
Absolute Pan Speed No description CAM_ABSPAN_SPEED | Control: Integer [1:32]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Absolute Tilt Speed No description CAM_ABSTILT_SPEED | Control: Integer [0:32]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Zoom Speed (Fine) No description CAM_ZOOMSPEED | Control: Integer [-32766:32766]Feedback: - |
Pan Speed No description panspeed | Control: Integer [-18:18]Feedback: - |
Tilt Speed No description tiltspeed | Control: Integer [-18:18]Feedback: - |
Zoom Speed (Std) No description zoomspeed | Control: Integer [-7:7]Feedback: - |
Picture | |
Parameter | Sony ILME-FR7 |
Backlight Compensation No description CAM_BACKLIGHT | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Spotlight Compensation No description CAM_SPOTLIGHT | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Presets | |
Parameter | Sony ILME-FR7 |
Recall Preset Recall the preset if any is saved, Preset NR 1 is Preset NR 0 on the Camera preset_recall | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset: (127)----- |
Reset Preset Reset a preset, Preset NR 1 is Preset NR 0 on the Camera preset_reset | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset: (127)----- |
Store Preset Save a preset, Preset NR 1 is Preset NR 0 on the Camera preset_store | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Preset: (127)----- |
Presets/Trace (DC) | |
Parameter | Sony ILME-FR7 |
Current Trace Displays the identifier of the currently selected or active trace. It helps users to identify which trace is being operated on. dcTraceCurrent | Control: -Feedback: Integer [0:100] |
Trace Delete Deletes a selected trace, freeing up space and removing it from the list of available traces for playback. dcTraceDelete | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- |
Trace Elapsed Time Displays the elapsed time since the start of the current trace operation, providing insight into the operation's duration. dcTraceElapsedTime | Control: -Feedback: String |
Trace End The parameter returns 'true' when the end of the trace playback is reached. It reverts to 'false' when the loop restarts, or after one second in case of no looping. dcTraceEndOfTrace | Control: -Feedback: Binary |
Trace Exists Checks if a specific trace exists within the current device configuration. It returns a binary result indicating the presence of the trace. dcTraceExists | Control: -Feedback: BinaryDimensions: Trace: (127)----- |
Trace Loop Enables looping where the trace is continuously played back dcTraceLoop | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- |
Trace Loop Delay For looping, it defines the number of seconds to wait after a trace playback before it's armed again and before starting playback again. If ping-pong is enabled, it also defines the waiting time before playing back the trace in reverse. dcTraceLoopDelay | Control: Integer [0:120]Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- |
Trace Ping Pong Enables ping-pong where the trace is played back in reverse after reaching its end. dcTracePingPong | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- |
Trace Playback Triggers the playback of a predefined trace. Traces are sequences of speed commands for pan, tilt and zoom stored for later playback. If the current state is stopped, triggering this parameter will arm the trace, and if the state is armed, it will start playback. dcTracePlay | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- |
Trace Record Starts the recording of a new trace when the current state is either stopped or empty. It allows for capturing a sequence of pan, tilt and zoom operations for later playback. dcTraceRecord | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- |
Trace Remaining Time Indicates the remaining time for the current trace operation (either recording or playback). It's useful for understanding how much longer an operation will last. dcTraceRemainingTime | Control: -Feedback: String |
Trace Status Returns the current status of a specific trace. It indicates whether the trace is empty, stopped, armed, playing, or recording. This is useful for monitoring and managing trace lifecycle. dcTraceStatus | Control: -Feedback: 0:Empty1:Stopped 2:Armed 3:Playing 4:Recording Dimensions: Trace: (127)----- |
Trace Status Label Provides a human-readable representation of the current trace status. It is beneficial for user interfaces that display the trace status. dcTraceStatusLabel | Control: -Feedback: StringDimensions: Trace: (127)----- |
Trace Step Shows the current step in a multi-step trace operation, providing a count in the form of 'x/y', where 'x' is the current step, and 'y' is the total number of steps dcTraceStep | Control: -Feedback: String |
Trace Stop Halts any ongoing trace operation, whether it's recording or playback. dcTraceStop | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - |
Trace Test Sets test mode for Trace 1. In this mode, a predefined trace is played for Trace 1, which can be helpful for testing the camera's tracing capability. Before enabling this function, make sure to store a preset in preset bank 1. It is recommended that the preset represents the home position, but with a zoom level set to approximately the middle of the range. dcTraceTest | Control: 0:Normal1:Basic PTZ 2:Quicker, Concurrent PT+Z 3:Pan/Tilt Only 4:Zoom Only 5:Ramped PT Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Trace Wait When a trace is recording, this trigger will incorporate a wait step. If a trace is in playback mode, it will prompt the continuation of playback each time a user wait is detected. The function will return 'true' if a user wait is presently on hold, awaiting further action to proceed. dcTraceWait | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: Binary |
System | |
Parameter | Sony ILME-FR7 |
Colorbar No description CAM_COLORBAR | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Menu No description CAM_MENUDISPLAY | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Power No description CAM_POWER | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Recording Trigger a Recording (Use with SKAARHOJ:HoldDown) CAM_RECORDING | Control: 0:Release1:Press (has dynamic options) Feedback: - |
System/Tally | |
Parameter | Sony ILME-FR7 |
Tally No description CAM_TALLY | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Tally Green No description CAM_TALLY_GREEN | Control: 2:On3:Off (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
White Balance | |
Parameter | Sony ILME-FR7 |
Blue Gain No description CAM_BGAIN | Control: Integer [-990:990]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Red Gain No description CAM_RGAIN | Control: Integer [-990:990]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
White Balance Mode No description CAM_WBMODE | Control: 4:ATW5:Memory 10:Preset (has dynamic options) Feedback: Normal (Same) |
One Push Trigger No description CAM_WBONEPUSH | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - |
WB Preset Kelvin No description CAM_WBPRESET | Control: Integer [2000:15000]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
WB Temperature No description CAM_WBTEMP | Control: Integer [2000:15000]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
WB Temperature Offset No description CAM_WBTEMP_OFFSET | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
WB Tint No description CAM_WBTINT | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
WB Tint Offset No description CAM_WBTINT_OFFSET | Control: Integer [-99:99]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
Zoom | |
Parameter | Sony ILME-FR7 |
Zoom Position No description CAM_ZOOM_DIRECT | Control: Integer [0:24576]Feedback: Normal (Same) |
config | |
Parameter | Sony ILME-FR7 |
Connected Connection status of device connection | Control: -Feedback: Binary |
Custom Command Type here row visca command for perform it. It should has format as an example: 8x 0A 01 46 01 00 FF custom_command | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -MetaValues: Command (Type String): Command format exmaple: 8x 0A 01 46 01 00 FF EXPERIMENTAL |
Device Test Test-function to identify your device, it will control the PTZ controls before attempting to return to home. device_test | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Helper |
IP Address IP address of connected camera ip_address | Control: -Feedback: StringHelper |
Reset Sequence Number Resets the sequence number (only valid if controller is connected to camera over VISCAoverIP reset_sequence | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Helper |
Response Delay (Milliseconds) Smoothened response delay for current connection response_delay | Control: -Feedback: Floating [Precision: UndefinedFloatPrecision, 0.000000;120000.000000]Helper |