Core for vMix (version 24+)
ParameterCount: 157
Model:Parameter | vMix 24 (1) Generic Model for version 24 of vMix Supports Discovery Development Status: released (153 params) | vMix 25 (2) Generic Model for version 25 of vMix Supports Discovery Development Status: released (154 params) | vMix 26 (3) Generic Model for version 26 of vMix Supports Discovery Development Status: released (157 params) | vMix Camera (10) Camera model for vMix Supports Discovery Development Status: released (46 params) | |
Audio/Buses | |||||
Audio Buses mute Mute (turn on/off) Audio for your selected Audio Bus audioBusesMute | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Bus: (8)1: Master 2: Bus A 3: Bus B 4: Bus C 5: Bus D 6: Bus E 7: Bus F 8: Bus G ----- | - | |||
Audio Buses Plugin Turn on/off Audio Plugin for your selected Audio Bus audioBusesPlugin | Control: BinaryFeedback: -Dimensions: Bus: (8)1: Master 2: Bus A 3: Bus B 4: Bus C 5: Bus D 6: Bus E 7: Bus F 8: Bus G ----- Plugin: (10) ----- | - | |||
Audio Buses Solo Turn on/off solo for your selected Audio Bus audioBusesSolo | Control: BinaryFeedback: -Dimensions: Bus: (7)1: Bus A 2: Bus B 3: Bus C 4: Bus D 5: Bus E 6: Bus F 7: Bus G ----- | - | |||
Audio/Buses/Levels | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Audio Buses Level Mono dB This parameter replies averaged audio level for both left and right as one value. It has no control. Ideal for VU meter or display readout. audioBusesLevelMono | Control: -Feedback: Floating [Precision: OneDecimal, -90.000000;0.000000]dBDimensions: Bus: (8)1: Master 2: Bus A 3: Bus B 4: Bus C 5: Bus D 6: Bus E 7: Bus F 8: Bus G ----- | - | |||
Audio Buses Peak Level Mono dB This parameter replies averaged audio Peak level for both left and right as one value. It has no control. Ideal for VU meter or display readout. audioBusesLevelMonoDbPeak | Control: -Feedback: Floating [Precision: OneDecimal, -90.000000;0.000000]dBDimensions: Bus: (8)1: Master 2: Bus A 3: Bus B 4: Bus C 5: Bus D 6: Bus E 7: Bus F 8: Bus G ----- | - | |||
Audio Buses Level Mono in % This parameter replies averaged audio level for both left and right as one value. It has no control. Ideal for VU meter or display readout. audioBusesLevelMonoPct | Control: -Feedback: Integer [0:100]%Dimensions: Bus: (8)1: Master 2: Bus A 3: Bus B 4: Bus C 5: Bus D 6: Bus E 7: Bus F 8: Bus G ----- | - | |||
Audio Buses Peak Level Mono in % This parameter replies averaged audio Peak level for both left and right as one value. It has no control. Ideal for VU meter or display readout. audioBusesLevelMonoPctPeak | Control: -Feedback: Integer [0:100]%Dimensions: Bus: (8)1: Master 2: Bus A 3: Bus B 4: Bus C 5: Bus D 6: Bus E 7: Bus F 8: Bus G ----- | - | |||
Audio/Buses/Volume | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Audio Buses Volume dB This parameter Controls and replies position of the fader. Ideal for display readout. For Control is Audio Volume vMix Range better audioBusesVolumeDB | Control: Floating [-160.0:0.0]dBFeedback: Delayed FeedbackDimensions: Bus: (9)1: Master 2: Headphones 3: Bus A 4: Bus B 5: Bus C 6: Bus D 7: Bus E 8: Bus F 9: Bus G ----- | - | |||
Audio Buses Volume Pct This parameter Controls and replies position of the fader. Ideal for display readout. For Control is Audio Volume vMix Range better audioBusesVolumePct | Control: Integer [0:100]%Feedback: Delayed FeedbackDimensions: Bus: (9)1: Master 2: Headphones 3: Bus A 4: Bus B 5: Bus C 6: Bus D 7: Bus E 8: Bus F 9: Bus G ----- | - | |||
Audio Buses Volume vMix Range This parameter Controls and replies position of the fader. Ideal for use on a fader, Values in range 0-100 like vMix in linear fader, to control a Bus. audioBusesVolumeVMixRange | Control: Integer [0:100]Feedback: Delayed FeedbackDimensions: Bus: (9)1: Master 2: Headphones 3: Bus A 4: Bus B 5: Bus C 6: Bus D 7: Bus E 8: Bus F 9: Bus G ----- | - | |||
Audio/Inputs | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Audio Volume Fade Perform a change in audio to the vMix Value you like, with the duration you have specified. AudioVolumeFade | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- MetaValues: vMix Value (Type Integer): Duration in MS (Type Integer): | - | |||
Audio Auto Set Audio Auto audioAuto | Control: BinaryFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | - | |||
Audio Balance Control Audio Balance for your selected input audioBalance | Control: Floating [-1.00:1.00]Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | - | |||
Audio Exist Show if input has Audio channel audioExist | Control: -Feedback: BinaryDimensions: Input: (301)0: Input 0 1: Input 1 2: Input 2 3: Input 3 4: Input 4 5: Input 5 6: Input 6 7: Input 7 8: Input 8 9: Input 9 10: Input 10 11: Input 11 12: Input 12 13: Input 13 14: Input 14 15: Input 15 16: Input 16 17: Input 17 18: Input 18 19: Input 19 20: Input 20 21: Input 21 22: Input 22 23: Input 23 24: Input 24 25: Input 25 26: Input 26 27: Input 27 28: Input 28 29: Input 29 30: Input 30 31: Input 31 32: Input 32 33: Input 33 34: Input 34 35: Input 35 36: Input 36 37: Input 37 38: Input 38 39: Input 39 40: Input 40 41: Input 41 42: Input 42 43: Input 43 44: Input 44 45: Input 45 46: Input 46 47: Input 47 48: Input 48 49: Input 49 50: Input 50 51: Input 51 52: Input 52 53: Input 53 54: Input 54 55: Input 55 56: Input 56 57: Input 57 58: Input 58 59: Input 59 60: Input 60 61: Input 61 62: Input 62 63: Input 63 64: Input 64 65: Input 65 66: Input 66 67: Input 67 68: Input 68 69: Input 69 70: Input 70 71: Input 71 72: Input 72 73: Input 73 74: Input 74 75: Input 75 76: Input 76 77: Input 77 78: Input 78 79: Input 79 80: Input 80 81: Input 81 82: Input 82 83: Input 83 84: Input 84 85: Input 85 86: Input 86 87: Input 87 88: Input 88 89: Input 89 90: Input 90 91: Input 91 92: Input 92 93: Input 93 94: Input 94 95: Input 95 96: Input 96 97: Input 97 98: Input 98 99: Input 99 100: Input 100 101: Input 101 102: Input 102 103: Input 103 104: Input 104 105: Input 105 106: Input 106 107: Input 107 108: Input 108 109: Input 109 110: Input 110 111: Input 111 112: Input 112 113: Input 113 114: Input 114 115: Input 115 116: Input 116 117: Input 117 118: Input 118 119: Input 119 120: Input 120 121: Input 121 122: Input 122 123: Input 123 124: Input 124 125: Input 125 126: Input 126 127: Input 127 128: Input 128 129: Input 129 130: Input 130 131: Input 131 132: Input 132 133: Input 133 134: Input 134 135: Input 135 136: Input 136 137: Input 137 138: Input 138 139: Input 139 140: Input 140 141: Input 141 142: Input 142 143: Input 143 144: Input 144 145: Input 145 146: Input 146 147: Input 147 148: Input 148 149: Input 149 150: Input 150 151: Input 151 152: Input 152 153: Input 153 154: Input 154 155: Input 155 156: Input 156 157: Input 157 158: Input 158 159: Input 159 160: Input 160 161: Input 161 162: Input 162 163: Input 163 164: Input 164 165: Input 165 166: Input 166 167: Input 167 168: Input 168 169: Input 169 170: Input 170 171: Input 171 172: Input 172 173: Input 173 174: Input 174 175: Input 175 176: Input 176 177: Input 177 178: Input 178 179: Input 179 180: Input 180 181: Input 181 182: Input 182 183: Input 183 184: Input 184 185: Input 185 186: Input 186 187: Input 187 188: Input 188 189: Input 189 190: Input 190 191: Input 191 192: Input 192 193: Input 193 194: Input 194 195: Input 195 196: Input 196 197: Input 197 198: Input 198 199: Input 199 200: Input 200 201: Input 201 202: Input 202 203: Input 203 204: Input 204 205: Input 205 206: Input 206 207: Input 207 208: Input 208 209: Input 209 210: Input 210 211: Input 211 212: Input 212 213: Input 213 214: Input 214 215: Input 215 216: Input 216 217: Input 217 218: Input 218 219: Input 219 220: Input 220 221: Input 221 222: Input 222 223: Input 223 224: Input 224 225: Input 225 226: Input 226 227: Input 227 228: Input 228 229: Input 229 230: Input 230 231: Input 231 232: Input 232 233: Input 233 234: Input 234 235: Input 235 236: Input 236 237: Input 237 238: Input 238 239: Input 239 240: Input 240 241: Input 241 242: Input 242 243: Input 243 244: Input 244 245: Input 245 246: Input 246 247: Input 247 248: Input 248 249: Input 249 250: Input 250 251: Input 251 252: Input 252 253: Input 253 254: Input 254 255: Input 255 256: Input 256 257: Input 257 258: Input 258 259: Input 259 260: Input 260 261: Input 261 262: Input 262 263: Input 263 264: Input 264 265: Input 265 266: Input 266 267: Input 267 268: Input 268 269: Input 269 270: Input 270 271: Input 271 272: Input 272 273: Input 273 274: Input 274 275: Input 275 276: Input 276 277: Input 277 278: Input 278 279: Input 279 280: Input 280 281: Input 281 282: Input 282 283: Input 283 284: Input 284 285: Input 285 286: Input 286 287: Input 287 288: Input 288 289: Input 289 290: Input 290 291: Input 291 292: Input 292 293: Input 293 294: Input 294 295: Input 295 296: Input 296 297: Input 297 298: Input 298 299: Input 299 300: Input 300 ----- | - | |||
Audio Gain Stereo Control Audio Gain for your selected input audioGainStereo | Control: Integer [0:24]dBFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | - | |||
Audio Inputs mute Mute (turn on/off) Audio for your selected Input audioMute | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | - | |||
Audio Output Bus Map what Audio Output Bus the source is going into audioOutputBus | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Input: (300)----- Bus: (8) 1: Master 2: Bus A 3: Bus B 4: Bus C 5: Bus D 6: Bus E 7: Bus F 8: Bus G ----- | - | |||
Audio Inputs Plugin Turn on/off Audio Plugin for your selected Input audioPlugin | Control: BinaryFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- Plugin: (10) ----- | - | |||
Audio Inputs Solo Turn on/off Solo for your selected Input audioSolo | Control: BinaryFeedback: Delayed FeedbackDimensions: Input: (300)----- | - | |||
Audio/Inputs/Levels | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Audio level dB SeparateMono This parameter replies audio level for separate Mono input. It has no control. Ideal for VU meter or display readout. audioLevelSeparateMonoDb | Control: -Feedback: Floating [Precision: OneDecimal, -90.000000;0.000000]dBDimensions: Input: (300)----- Channel: (2) ----- | - | |||
Audio level dB SeparateMono Peak This parameter replies audio Peak level for separate Mono input. It has no control. Ideal for VU meter or display readout. audioLevelSeparateMonoDbPeak | Control: -Feedback: Floating [Precision: OneDecimal, -90.000000;0.000000]dBDimensions: Input: (300)----- Channel: (2) ----- | - | |||
Audio level % SeparateMono This parameter replies audio level for separate Mono input. It has no control. Ideal for VU meter or display readout. audioLevelSeparateMonoPct | Control: -Feedback: Integer [0:100]%Dimensions: Input: (300)----- Channel: (2) ----- | - | |||
Audio level % SeparateMono Peak This parameter replies audio Peak level for separate Mono input. It has no control. Ideal for VU meter or display readout. audioLevelSeparateMonoPctPeak | Control: -Feedback: Integer [0:100]%Dimensions: Input: (300)----- Channel: (2) ----- | - | |||
Audio Level Stereo dB This parameter replies averaged audio level for both left and right as one value. It has no control. Ideal for VU meter or display readout. audioLevelStereoDb | Control: -Feedback: Floating [Precision: OneDecimal, -90.000000;0.000000]dBDimensions: Input: (300)----- | - | |||
Audio Level Peak Stereo dB This parameter replies averaged audio Peak level for both left and right as one value. It has no control. Ideal for VU meter or display readout. audioLevelStereoDbPeak | Control: -Feedback: Floating [Precision: OneDecimal, -90.000000;0.000000]dBDimensions: Input: (300)----- | - | |||
Audio Level Stereo % This parameter replies averaged audio level for both left and right as one value. It has no control. Ideal for VU meter or display readout. audioLevelStereoPct | Control: -Feedback: Integer [0:100]%Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | - | |||
Audio Level Peak Stereo % This parameter replies averaged audio Peak level for both left and right as one value. It has no control. Ideal for VU meter or display readout. audioLevelStereoPctPeak | Control: -Feedback: Integer [0:100]%Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | - | |||
Audio/Inputs/Volume | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Audio Volume dB Stereo This parameter Controls and replies position of the fader. Ideal for display readout. For Control is Audio Volume vMix Range better audioVolumeDbStereo | Control: Floating [-160.0:0.0]dBFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | - | |||
Audio Volume % SeparateMono This parameter Controls and replies position of the fader for separate Mono input. Ideal for display readout. For Control is Audio Volume vMix Range better audioVolumePctSeparateMono | Control: Integer [0:100]%Feedback: Delayed FeedbackDimensions: Input: (300)----- Channel: (2) ----- | - | |||
Audio Volume % Stereo This parameter Controls and replies position of the fader. Ideal for display readout. For Control is Audio Volume vMix Range better audioVolumePctStereo | Control: Integer [0:100]%Feedback: Delayed FeedbackDimensions: Input: (300)----- | - | |||
Audio Volume vMix Range SeparateMono This parameter Controls and replies position of the fader for separate Mono input. Ideal for use on a fader, Values in range 0-100 like vMix in linear fader, to control a Stereo input. audioVolumeVMixRangeSeparateMono | Control: Integer [0:100]%Feedback: Delayed FeedbackDimensions: Input: (300)----- Channel: (2) ----- | - | |||
Audio Volume vMix Range Stereo This parameter Controls and replies position of the fader. Ideal for use on a fader, Values in range 0-100 like vMix in linear fader, to control a Stereo input. audioVolumeVMixRangeStereo | Control: Integer [0:100]%Feedback: Delayed FeedbackDimensions: Input: (300)----- | - | |||
Audio Volume dB SeparateMono This parameter Controls and replies position of the fader for separate Mono input. Ideal for display readout. For Control is Audio Volume vMix Range better audioVolumedBSeparateMono | Control: Floating [-160.0:0.0]dBFeedback: Delayed FeedbackDimensions: Input: (300)----- Channel: (2) ----- | - | |||
Color Correction | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Color Correction: Alpha Set Color Correction for Alpha colorCorrectionAlpha | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: - | |||
Basic Auto Correct Execute Basic Auto Correct colorCorrectionAuto | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | |||
Color Correction: Gain Set Color Correction for Gain colorCorrectionGain | Control: Floating [0.00:2.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- Color type: (4) 1: Red 2: Green 3: Blue 4: RGB ----- | Control: Floating [0.00:2.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Color type: (4)1: Red 2: Green 3: Blue 4: RGB ----- | |||
Color Correction: Gamma Set Color Correction for Gamma colorCorrectionGamma | Control: Floating [-1.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- Color type: (4) 1: Red 2: Green 3: Blue 4: RGB ----- | Control: Floating [-1.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Color type: (4)1: Red 2: Green 3: Blue 4: RGB ----- | |||
Color Correction: Hue Set Color Correction for Hue colorCorrectionHue | Control: Floating [-1.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: Floating [-1.00:1.00]Feedback: - | |||
Color Correction: Lift Set Color Correction for Lift colorCorrectionLift | Control: Floating [-1.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- Color type: (4) 1: Red 2: Green 3: Blue 4: RGB ----- | Control: Floating [-1.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Color type: (4)1: Red 2: Green 3: Blue 4: RGB ----- | |||
Color Correction: Reset Set Reset Color Correction colorCorrectionReset | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | |||
Color Correction: Saturation Set Color Correction for Saturation colorCorrectionSat | Control: Floating [-1.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: Floating [-1.00:1.00]Feedback: - | |||
External | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
External Turn On/Off External external | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||
Input/Settings | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Auto Play Perform Auto Play actions (checkbox Automatic play with transition) autoPlay | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Action: (2)1: On 2: Off ----- MetaValues: Input number (Type Integer): | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Action: (2)1: On 2: Off ----- | |||
Loop Set Loop for input inputLoop | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same) | |||
Input Number By Name This parameter returns the first input number found by the name inputNumberByName | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: Integer [0:300]Dimensions: Result: (5)----- MetaValues: Input name (Type String): EXPERIMENTAL | - | |||
Input Pause Perform Input Pause for an input inputPause | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: StringDimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: String | |||
Input Play Perform Play for an input inputPlay | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: StringDimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: String | |||
Input Play & Pause Switch Play & Pause for an input inputPlayPause | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: StringDimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: String | |||
Preview Show Hide Set Preview Show Hide inputPreviewShowHide | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -MetaValues: Input number (Type Integer): | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | |||
Input Type Get type of input inputType | Control: -Feedback: StringDimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: -Feedback: String | |||
Move input Swap input number with target number moveInput | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -MetaValues: Input number (Type Integer): Target input (Type Integer): | - | |||
Set Pan X Get/Set Pan X setPanX | Control: Floating [-2.000:2.000]Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: Floating [-2.00:2.00]Feedback: Normal (Same) | |||
Set Pan Y Set Pan Y setPanY | Control: Floating [-2.000:2.000]Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: Floating [-2.00:2.00]Feedback: Normal (Same) | |||
Set zoom Set zoom for input where 1 is 100 % setZoom | Control: Floating [0.000:5.000]Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: Floating [0.00:5.00]Feedback: Normal (Same) | |||
Input/Settings/Navigation | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Next Item Set Next Item nextItem | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -MetaValues: Input number (Type Integer): | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | |||
Next Picture Set Next Picture nextPicture | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -MetaValues: Input number (Type Integer): | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | |||
Previous Item Set Previous Item previousItem | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -MetaValues: Input number (Type Integer): | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | |||
Previous Picture Set Previous Picture previousPicture | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -MetaValues: Input number (Type Integer): | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | |||
Select Index Select Index selectIndex | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- MetaValues: Index number (Type Integer): | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -MetaValues: Index number (Type Integer): | |||
Input/XPT | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Cut Direct Cut Preview to Active cutDirect | Control: Integer [0:300]Feedback: - | - | |||
Active Input (Program) Set/Get active input with Mix inputActiveMix | Control: Integer [0:300]Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Mix: (4)----- | Control: Integer [0:300]Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Mix: (16)----- | - | ||
Exists Returns whether input exists inputExists | Control: -Feedback: BinaryDimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: -Feedback: Binary | |||
Name Full Full name of input inputName | Control: -Feedback: StringDimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: -Feedback: String | |||
Preview Input Set/Get preview input with Mix inputPreviewMix | Control: Integer [1:300]Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Mix: (4)----- | Control: Integer [1:300]Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Mix: (16)----- | - | ||
Name Short Short Name of input inputShortName | Control: StringFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | - | |||
MultiView | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
MultiView Overlay Set MultiView Overlay Source multiViewOverlay | Control: BinaryFeedback: -Dimensions: MultiView: (300)----- Layer: (10) ----- | - | |||
MultiView Source Set MultiView Source multiViewSource | Control: Integer [0:300]Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: MultiView: (300)----- Layer: (10) ----- | - | |||
Outputs | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Set Output Set output (Value: -3=Output; -2=Preview; -1=MultiView; 0=Replay; 1-300=Inputs1-300) setOutput | Control: Integer [-3:300]Feedback: -Dimensions: Output: (5)1: Output 2 2: Output 3 3: Output 4 4: Output Fullscreen 5: Output Fullscreen 2 ----- | - | |||
Overlay/Input | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Overlay Input Set/Get Overlay Input overlayInput | Control: Integer [0:300]Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Overlay: (4)----- | - | |||
Overlay Input Classic Set Overlay Input Classic overlayInputClassic | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: Integer [0:300]Dimensions: Overlay: (4)----- MetaValues: Input (Type Integer): | - | |||
Preview Overlay Input Set Preview Overlay using the selected Input previewOverlayInput | Control: Integer [0:300]Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Preview Overlay: (4)----- | - | |||
Overlay/Mode | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Overlay Input Last Set Overlay Input Last overlayInputLast | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Overlay: (4)----- | - | ||
Overlay Off Set Overlay to off overlayOff | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Overlay: (4)----- | - | |||
Overlay Out Set Overlay to out overlayOut | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Overlay: (4)----- | - | |||
Zoom Set Overlay to Zoom overlayZoom | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Overlay: (4)----- | - | |||
PTZ | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
PTZ Home Set PTZ Focus Home ptzHome | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | |||
PTZ/Focus | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Focus Far Set PTZ Focus Far ptzFocusFar | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: - | |||
Focus Near Set PTZ Focus Near ptzFocusNear | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: - | |||
Focus Stop Set PTZ Focus Stop ptzFocusStop | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | |||
PTZ/Move | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Move Down Move Down PTZ ptzMoveDown | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: - | |||
Move Down Left Move Down Left PTZ ptzMoveDownLeft | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: - | |||
Move Down Right Move Down Right PTZ ptzMoveDownRight | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: - | |||
Move Left Move Left PTZ ptzMoveLeft | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | - | |||
Move Right Move Right PTZ ptzMoveRight | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: - | |||
Move Stop Move Stop PTZ ptzMoveStop | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | |||
Move Up Move Up PTZ ptzMoveUp | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: - | |||
Move Up Left Move Up Left PTZ ptzMoveUpLeft | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: - | |||
Move Up Right Move Up Right PTZ ptzMoveUpRight | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: - | |||
PTZ Pan Perform PTZ Pan ptzPan | Control: Floating [-1.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: Floating [-1.00:1.00]Feedback: - | |||
PTZ Tilt Perform PTZ Tilt ptzTilt | Control: Floating [-1.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: Floating [-1.00:1.00]Feedback: - | |||
PTZ/Zoom | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
PTZ Zoom Perform PTZ Zoom ptzZoom | Control: Floating [-1.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: Floating [-1.00:1.00]Feedback: - | |||
Zoom In Zoom In PTZ ptzZoomIn | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: - | |||
Zoom Out Zoom Out PTZ ptzZoomOut | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: Floating [0.00:1.00]Feedback: - | |||
Zoom Stop Zoom Stop PTZ ptzZoomStop | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | |||
PlayList | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
PlayList Turn On/Off PlayList playList | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||
PlayList Navigate Set Next Entry playListNavigate | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Entry: (2)1: Next Entry 2: Previous Entry ----- | - | |||
Select PlayList Open PlayList with Name matching Value selectPlayList | Control: StringFeedback: - | - | |||
Record | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
MultiCorder Turn On/Off MultiCorder multiCorder | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||
Record Turn On/Off Recording record | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||
Replay | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Event Camera Select what camera will be shown when the selected event is played back eventCamera | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Camera: (8)----- | - | |||
Recall Event Recall the event you select the trigger for (First, Last, Previous, Next -Event) recallEvent | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Mode: (4)1: First Event 2: Last Event 3: Previous Event 4: Next Event ----- | - | |||
Replay Camera Set Replay Camera number replayCamera | Control: Integer [1:8]Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Channel: (3)1: Channel A 2: Channel B 3: Current ----- | - | |||
Replay Copy Event Copy selected event to the Bank you select with this action replayCopyEvent | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Bank: (20)----- | - | |||
Replay Direction Set Replay Direction replayDirection | Control: 0:Forward1:Backward Feedback: -Dimensions: Channel: (2)1: Channel A 2: Channel B ----- | - | |||
Replay Duration Set Replay Duration replayDuration | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -MetaValues: Duration (Type Integer): | - | |||
Replay Event Position Move the selected Event up/down in the list replayEventPosition | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Position: (2)1: Up 2: Down ----- | - | |||
Replay EventsBank Set/Get Replay EventsBank replayEventsBank | Control: Integer [1:20]Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Channel: (3)1: Channel A 2: Channel B 3: Current ----- | - | |||
Replay Fast Control Replay Fast Control (1-30x Value = Forward; -30 - -1 Backward, 0 - stop) replayFastControl | Control: Integer [-30:30]Feedback: - | - | |||
Replay Jog Set Replay Jog replayJog | Control: Integer [-500:500]Feedback: -Dimensions: Scale: (3)1: In 2: Out 3: Jump ----- Channel: (3) 1: Channel A 2: Channel B 3: Current ----- | - | |||
Replay Jump To Now Set Replay Jump To Now replayJumpToNow | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||
Replay Live Toggle Replay Live replayLive | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | |||
Replay Mark In Out Live Future Set Replay Mark In Out Live Future. It is a number of seconds into the future to use when creating a new event. replayMarkInOutLiveFuture | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -MetaValues: Seconds (Type Integer): | - | ||
Replay MarkPoint Set Replay MarkPoint replayMarkPoint | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Options: (3)1: In 2: Out 3: Cancel ----- | - | |||
Replay Move Event Move (Cut) selected event to the Bank you select with this action replayMoveEvent | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Bank: (20)----- | - | |||
Replay Playback Execute Playback commands for your Replay replayPlayback | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Command: (8)1: Play 2: Pause 3: Next 4: Previous 5: Play Last Event 6: Play Selected Event 7: Play All Events 8: Stop All Events ----- Channel: (3) 1: Channel A 2: Channel B 3: Current ----- | - | |||
Replay Record Set Replay Record replayRecord | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||
Replay Set Channel A To B Timecode Set A Timecode to B Timecode replaySetChannelAToBTimecode | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | ||
Replay Set Channel B To A Timecode Set B Timecode to A Timecode replaySetChannelBToATimecode | - | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - | ||
Replay Shuttle Set Replay Shuttle replayShuttle | Control: Integer [-500:500]Feedback: -Dimensions: Scale: (3)1: In 2: Out 3: Jump ----- Channel: (3) 1: Channel A 2: Channel B 3: Current ----- | - | |||
Replay Speed Set Replay Speed replaySpeed | Control: Integer [0:100]%Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Channel: (3)1: Channel A 2: Channel B 3: Current ----- | - | |||
Select Replay Channel Get/Set Replay Channel selectReplayChannel | Control: 0:AB1:A 2:B Feedback: Normal (Same) | - | |||
Update Mark Perfor update Mark Replay updateReplay | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Mode: (2)1: In 2: Out ----- | - | |||
Shortcuts | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Shortcut Action Perform Shortcut action linked with shortcut key shortcutAction | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Shortcut: (149)1: Cancel 2: Back 3: Tab 4: LineFeed 5: Clear 6: Enter 7: ShiftKey 8: ControlKey 9: Menu 10: Pause 11: CapsLock 12: Escape 13: Space 14: PageUp 15: PageDown 16: End 17: Home 18: Left 19: Up 20: Right 21: Down 22: Select 23: Print 24: PrintScreen 25: Insert 26: Delete 27: Help 28: D0 29: D1 30: D2 31: D3 32: D4 33: D5 34: D6 35: D7 36: D8 37: D9 38: A 39: B 40: C 41: D 42: E 43: F 44: G 45: H 46: I 47: J 48: K 49: L 50: M 51: N 52: O 53: P 54: Q 55: R 56: S 57: T 58: U 59: V 60: W 61: X 62: Y 63: Z 64: NumPad0 65: NumPad1 66: NumPad2 67: NumPad3 68: NumPad4 69: NumPad5 70: NumPad6 71: NumPad7 72: NumPad8 73: NumPad9 74: Miltiply 75: Add 76: Separator 77: Subtract 78: Decimal 79: Divide 80: F1 81: F2 82: F3 83: F4 84: F5 85: F6 86: F7 87: F8 88: F9 89: F10 90: F11 91: F12 92: F13 93: F14 94: F15 95: F16 96: F17 97: F18 98: F19 99: F20 100: F21 101: F22 102: F23 103: F24 104: NumLock 105: Scroll 106: LShiftKey 107: RShiftKey 108: LControlKey 109: RControlKey 110: LMenu 111: RMenu 112: BrowserBack 113: BrowserForward 114: BrowserRefresh 115: BrowserStop 116: BrowserSeach 117: BrowserFavorities 118: BrowserHome 119: BrowserHome 120: VolumeMute 121: VolumeDown 122: VolumeUp 123: MediaNextTrack 124: MediaPreviousTrack 125: MediaStop 126: MediaPlayPause 127: LaunchMail 128: SelectMedia 129: LaunchApplication1 130: LaunchApplication2 131: OemSemicolon 132: OemPlus 133: Oemcomma 134: OemMinus 135: OemPeriod 136: OemQuestion 137: OemTilde 138: OemOpenBrackets 139: OemPipe 140: OemCloseBrackets 141: OemQuotes 142: OemBackslash 143: Play 144: Zoom 145: OemClear 146: KeyCode 147: Shift 148: Control 149: Alt ----- | - | |||
Shortcut Description Get Shortcut Description from IP:8088 shortcut panel shortcutCommandDescription | Control: -Feedback: StringDimensions: Shortcut: (149)1: Cancel 2: Back 3: Tab 4: LineFeed 5: Clear 6: Enter 7: ShiftKey 8: ControlKey 9: Menu 10: Pause 11: CapsLock 12: Escape 13: Space 14: PageUp 15: PageDown 16: End 17: Home 18: Left 19: Up 20: Right 21: Down 22: Select 23: Print 24: PrintScreen 25: Insert 26: Delete 27: Help 28: D0 29: D1 30: D2 31: D3 32: D4 33: D5 34: D6 35: D7 36: D8 37: D9 38: A 39: B 40: C 41: D 42: E 43: F 44: G 45: H 46: I 47: J 48: K 49: L 50: M 51: N 52: O 53: P 54: Q 55: R 56: S 57: T 58: U 59: V 60: W 61: X 62: Y 63: Z 64: NumPad0 65: NumPad1 66: NumPad2 67: NumPad3 68: NumPad4 69: NumPad5 70: NumPad6 71: NumPad7 72: NumPad8 73: NumPad9 74: Miltiply 75: Add 76: Separator 77: Subtract 78: Decimal 79: Divide 80: F1 81: F2 82: F3 83: F4 84: F5 85: F6 86: F7 87: F8 88: F9 89: F10 90: F11 91: F12 92: F13 93: F14 94: F15 95: F16 96: F17 97: F18 98: F19 99: F20 100: F21 101: F22 102: F23 103: F24 104: NumLock 105: Scroll 106: LShiftKey 107: RShiftKey 108: LControlKey 109: RControlKey 110: LMenu 111: RMenu 112: BrowserBack 113: BrowserForward 114: BrowserRefresh 115: BrowserStop 116: BrowserSeach 117: BrowserFavorities 118: BrowserHome 119: BrowserHome 120: VolumeMute 121: VolumeDown 122: VolumeUp 123: MediaNextTrack 124: MediaPreviousTrack 125: MediaStop 126: MediaPlayPause 127: LaunchMail 128: SelectMedia 129: LaunchApplication1 130: LaunchApplication2 131: OemSemicolon 132: OemPlus 133: Oemcomma 134: OemMinus 135: OemPeriod 136: OemQuestion 137: OemTilde 138: OemOpenBrackets 139: OemPipe 140: OemCloseBrackets 141: OemQuotes 142: OemBackslash 143: Play 144: Zoom 145: OemClear 146: KeyCode 147: Shift 148: Control 149: Alt ----- Lane: (2) ----- | - | |||
Shortcut Exist Show if the shortcut exists and enabled shortcutExist | Control: -Feedback: BinaryDimensions: Shortcut: (149)1: Cancel 2: Back 3: Tab 4: LineFeed 5: Clear 6: Enter 7: ShiftKey 8: ControlKey 9: Menu 10: Pause 11: CapsLock 12: Escape 13: Space 14: PageUp 15: PageDown 16: End 17: Home 18: Left 19: Up 20: Right 21: Down 22: Select 23: Print 24: PrintScreen 25: Insert 26: Delete 27: Help 28: D0 29: D1 30: D2 31: D3 32: D4 33: D5 34: D6 35: D7 36: D8 37: D9 38: A 39: B 40: C 41: D 42: E 43: F 44: G 45: H 46: I 47: J 48: K 49: L 50: M 51: N 52: O 53: P 54: Q 55: R 56: S 57: T 58: U 59: V 60: W 61: X 62: Y 63: Z 64: NumPad0 65: NumPad1 66: NumPad2 67: NumPad3 68: NumPad4 69: NumPad5 70: NumPad6 71: NumPad7 72: NumPad8 73: NumPad9 74: Miltiply 75: Add 76: Separator 77: Subtract 78: Decimal 79: Divide 80: F1 81: F2 82: F3 83: F4 84: F5 85: F6 86: F7 87: F8 88: F9 89: F10 90: F11 91: F12 92: F13 93: F14 94: F15 95: F16 96: F17 97: F18 98: F19 99: F20 100: F21 101: F22 102: F23 103: F24 104: NumLock 105: Scroll 106: LShiftKey 107: RShiftKey 108: LControlKey 109: RControlKey 110: LMenu 111: RMenu 112: BrowserBack 113: BrowserForward 114: BrowserRefresh 115: BrowserStop 116: BrowserSeach 117: BrowserFavorities 118: BrowserHome 119: BrowserHome 120: VolumeMute 121: VolumeDown 122: VolumeUp 123: MediaNextTrack 124: MediaPreviousTrack 125: MediaStop 126: MediaPlayPause 127: LaunchMail 128: SelectMedia 129: LaunchApplication1 130: LaunchApplication2 131: OemSemicolon 132: OemPlus 133: Oemcomma 134: OemMinus 135: OemPeriod 136: OemQuestion 137: OemTilde 138: OemOpenBrackets 139: OemPipe 140: OemCloseBrackets 141: OemQuotes 142: OemBackslash 143: Play 144: Zoom 145: OemClear 146: KeyCode 147: Shift 148: Control 149: Alt ----- | - | |||
Shortcut labels Get Shortcut labels from IP:8088 shortcut panel shortcutLabels | Control: -Feedback: StringDimensions: Shortcut: (149)1: Cancel 2: Back 3: Tab 4: LineFeed 5: Clear 6: Enter 7: ShiftKey 8: ControlKey 9: Menu 10: Pause 11: CapsLock 12: Escape 13: Space 14: PageUp 15: PageDown 16: End 17: Home 18: Left 19: Up 20: Right 21: Down 22: Select 23: Print 24: PrintScreen 25: Insert 26: Delete 27: Help 28: D0 29: D1 30: D2 31: D3 32: D4 33: D5 34: D6 35: D7 36: D8 37: D9 38: A 39: B 40: C 41: D 42: E 43: F 44: G 45: H 46: I 47: J 48: K 49: L 50: M 51: N 52: O 53: P 54: Q 55: R 56: S 57: T 58: U 59: V 60: W 61: X 62: Y 63: Z 64: NumPad0 65: NumPad1 66: NumPad2 67: NumPad3 68: NumPad4 69: NumPad5 70: NumPad6 71: NumPad7 72: NumPad8 73: NumPad9 74: Miltiply 75: Add 76: Separator 77: Subtract 78: Decimal 79: Divide 80: F1 81: F2 82: F3 83: F4 84: F5 85: F6 86: F7 87: F8 88: F9 89: F10 90: F11 91: F12 92: F13 93: F14 94: F15 95: F16 96: F17 97: F18 98: F19 99: F20 100: F21 101: F22 102: F23 103: F24 104: NumLock 105: Scroll 106: LShiftKey 107: RShiftKey 108: LControlKey 109: RControlKey 110: LMenu 111: RMenu 112: BrowserBack 113: BrowserForward 114: BrowserRefresh 115: BrowserStop 116: BrowserSeach 117: BrowserFavorities 118: BrowserHome 119: BrowserHome 120: VolumeMute 121: VolumeDown 122: VolumeUp 123: MediaNextTrack 124: MediaPreviousTrack 125: MediaStop 126: MediaPlayPause 127: LaunchMail 128: SelectMedia 129: LaunchApplication1 130: LaunchApplication2 131: OemSemicolon 132: OemPlus 133: Oemcomma 134: OemMinus 135: OemPeriod 136: OemQuestion 137: OemTilde 138: OemOpenBrackets 139: OemPipe 140: OemCloseBrackets 141: OemQuotes 142: OemBackslash 143: Play 144: Zoom 145: OemClear 146: KeyCode 147: Shift 148: Control 149: Alt ----- Label: (4) 1: Color 2: Title 3: Descrition 1 4: Descrition 2 ----- | - | |||
Shortcut Thumbnail Get Shortcut Thumbnail from IP:8080 shortcut panel shortcutThumbnail | Control: -Feedback: Unknown value typeDimensions: Thumbnail: (149)1: Cancel 2: Back 3: Tab 4: LineFeed 5: Clear 6: Enter 7: ShiftKey 8: ControlKey 9: Menu 10: Pause 11: CapsLock 12: Escape 13: Space 14: PageUp 15: PageDown 16: End 17: Home 18: Left 19: Up 20: Right 21: Down 22: Select 23: Print 24: PrintScreen 25: Insert 26: Delete 27: Help 28: D0 29: D1 30: D2 31: D3 32: D4 33: D5 34: D6 35: D7 36: D8 37: D9 38: A 39: B 40: C 41: D 42: E 43: F 44: G 45: H 46: I 47: J 48: K 49: L 50: M 51: N 52: O 53: P 54: Q 55: R 56: S 57: T 58: U 59: V 60: W 61: X 62: Y 63: Z 64: NumPad0 65: NumPad1 66: NumPad2 67: NumPad3 68: NumPad4 69: NumPad5 70: NumPad6 71: NumPad7 72: NumPad8 73: NumPad9 74: Miltiply 75: Add 76: Separator 77: Subtract 78: Decimal 79: Divide 80: F1 81: F2 82: F3 83: F4 84: F5 85: F6 86: F7 87: F8 88: F9 89: F10 90: F11 91: F12 92: F13 93: F14 94: F15 95: F16 96: F17 97: F18 98: F19 99: F20 100: F21 101: F22 102: F23 103: F24 104: NumLock 105: Scroll 106: LShiftKey 107: RShiftKey 108: LControlKey 109: RControlKey 110: LMenu 111: RMenu 112: BrowserBack 113: BrowserForward 114: BrowserRefresh 115: BrowserStop 116: BrowserSeach 117: BrowserFavorities 118: BrowserHome 119: BrowserHome 120: VolumeMute 121: VolumeDown 122: VolumeUp 123: MediaNextTrack 124: MediaPreviousTrack 125: MediaStop 126: MediaPlayPause 127: LaunchMail 128: SelectMedia 129: LaunchApplication1 130: LaunchApplication2 131: OemSemicolon 132: OemPlus 133: Oemcomma 134: OemMinus 135: OemPeriod 136: OemQuestion 137: OemTilde 138: OemOpenBrackets 139: OemPipe 140: OemCloseBrackets 141: OemQuotes 142: OemBackslash 143: Play 144: Zoom 145: OemClear 146: KeyCode 147: Shift 148: Control 149: Alt ----- | - | |||
Write Duration To Log Write current recording duration to log file with optional tag text Value. writeDurationToLog | Control: Unknown value typeFeedback: - | - | |||
Stream | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Stream Turn On/Off Streaming stream | Control: BinaryFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Streams: (3)----- | - | |||
Tally | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Global Green Tally True if input is on Preview globalInputGreenTally | Control: -Feedback: BinaryDimensions: Input: (300)----- | - | |||
Global Red Tally True if input is on Active globalInputRedTally | Control: -Feedback: BinaryDimensions: Input: (300)----- | - | |||
Green Tally True if input is on Preview inputGreenTally | Control: -Feedback: BinaryDimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: -Feedback: Binary | |||
Red Tally True if input is on Active inputRedTally | Control: -Feedback: BinaryDimensions: Input: (300)----- | Control: -Feedback: Binary | |||
Title | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Title Begin Animation Title Begin Animation titleBeginAnimation | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- Animation: (15) 1: TransitionIn 2: TransitionOut 3: Page1 4: Page2 5: Page3 6: Page4 7: Page5 8: Page6 9: Page7 10: Page8 11: Page9 12: Page10 13: Continuous 14: Data Change In 15: Data Change Out ----- | - | |||
Title Name Get Title Name for input titleName | Control: -Feedback: StringDimensions: Input: (300)----- Line: (6) ----- | - | |||
Preset Preset action titlePreset | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- Action Type: (2) 1: Previous Preset 2: Next Preset ----- | - | |||
Render Render control actions titleRender | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- Action Type: (2) 1: Pause Render 2: Resume Render ----- | - | |||
Select Title Preset Select Title Preset titleSelectTitlePreset | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- MetaValues: Preset index (Type Integer): | - | |||
Title/Countdown | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Adjust Countdown Adjust Countdown titleAdjustCountdown | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- MetaValues: Duration seconds (Type Integer): Layer Index (Type Integer): | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- MetaValues: Layer Index (Type Integer): Duration seconds (Type Integer): | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- MetaValues: Duration seconds (Type Integer): Layer Index (Type Integer): | - | |
Change Countdown Change Countdown titleChangeCountdown | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- MetaValues: 4. Layer Index (Type Integer): 1. Hours (Type Integer): 2. Minutes (Type Integer): 3. Seconds (Type Integer): | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- MetaValues: 1. Hours (Type Integer): 2. Minutes (Type Integer): 3. Seconds (Type Integer): 4. Layer Index (Type Integer): | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- MetaValues: 3. Seconds (Type Integer): 4. Layer Index (Type Integer): 1. Hours (Type Integer): 2. Minutes (Type Integer): | - | |
Pause Countdown Pause Countdown titlePauseCountdown | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- MetaValues: Layer Index (Type Integer): | - | |||
Set Countdown Set Countdown titleSetCountdown | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- MetaValues: 1. Hours (Type Integer): 2. Minutes (Type Integer): 3. Seconds (Type Integer): 4. Layer Index (Type Integer): | - | |||
Start Countdown Start Countdown titleStartCountdown | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- MetaValues: Layer Index (Type Integer): | - | |||
Stop Countdown Stop Countdown titleStopCountdown | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (300)----- MetaValues: Layer Index (Type Integer): | - | |||
Transition | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Cut Cut Preview to Active cut | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Mix: (4)----- | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Mix: (16)----- | - | ||
Fade (Auto) Fade Preview to Active fade | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Mix: (4)----- MetaValues: Duration in MS (Type Integer): | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Mix: (16)----- MetaValues: Duration in MS (Type Integer): | - | ||
Fade To Black Fade Active to black ftb | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: Binary | - | |||
Stinger to input Perform a stinger transition to the selected input stingerToInput | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Input: (301)----- Stinger to Input: (4) ----- | - | |||
Transition Perform the Transition you need transition | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: -Dimensions: Transition Number: (9)1: Transition 1 2: Transition 2 3: Transition 3 4: Transition 4 5: Quick Play 6: Stinger 1 7: Stinger 2 8: Stinger 3 9: Stinger 4 ----- | - | |||
Transition Duration Set Transition Duration transitionDuration | Control: Integer [50:10000]msFeedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Transition Style: (4)----- | - | |||
Transition Position Transition Position for manual fader transitionPosition | Control: Integer [0:255]Feedback: - | - | |||
Transition Style Set Transition Style transitionStyle | Control: 0:Fade1:Zoom 2:Wipe 3:Slide 4:Fly 5:Cross Zoom 6:Fly Rotate 7:Cube 8:CubeZoom 9:Vertical Wipe 10:Vertical Slide 11:Merge 12:Wipe Reverse 13:Slide Reverse 14:Vertical Wipe Reverse 15:Vertical Slide Reverse 16:Stinger 1 17:Stinger 2 18:Stinger 3 19:Stinger 4 Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Transition Style: (4)----- | - | |||
Transition Style Name Get Transition Style Name transitionStyleName | Control: -Feedback: StringDimensions: Transition Style Name: (4)----- | - | |||
Video Call | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Video Call Audio Source Set/Get Video Call Audio Source. Available for video call input type videoCallAudioSource | Control: 0:Master1:Headphones 2:Bus A 3:Bus B 4:Bus C 5:Bus D 6:Bus E 7:Bus F 8:Bus G Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | - | |||
Video Call Video Source Get/Set Video Call Video Source. Avail for video call input videoCallVideoSource | Control: 0:None1:Output 1 2:Output 2 3:Output 3 4:Output 4 Feedback: Normal (Same)Dimensions: Input: (300)----- | - | |||
config | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Connected Connection status of device connection | Control: -Feedback: Binary | ||||
tests | |||||
Parameter | vMix 24 | vMix 25 | vMix 26 | vMix Camera | |
Test The test is going thru 10 first active input and getting back for the initial device_test | Control: One-Shot TriggerFeedback: - | - |